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Resource StructureMap/FHIR Server from package hl7.fhir.it.cda2fhir#current (1360 ms)

Package hl7.fhir.it.cda2fhir
Type StructureMap
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source http://hl7.it/fhir/cda2fhir/https://build.fhir.org/ig/hl7-it/cda2fhir/StructureMap-cda2fhirHeader.html
Url http://hl7.it/fhir/cda2fhir/StructureMap/cda2fhirHeader
Version 0.1.0
Status draft
Date 2024-09-15T08:16:12+00:00
Name cda2fhirHeader
Experimental False
Realm it
Authority hl7

Resources that use this resource

No resources found

Resources that this resource uses

No resources found


Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source

map "http://hl7.it/fhir/cda2fhir/StructureMap/cda2fhirHeader" = "cda2fhirHeader"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/ClinicalDocument" alias ClinicalDocument as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/AssignedAuthor" alias AssignedAuthor as queried
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/AssignedEntity" alias AssignedEntity as queried
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/AssociatedEntity" alias AssociatedEntity as queried
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/CustodianOrganization" alias CustodianOrganization as queried
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/Section" alias Section as queried
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/PatientRole" alias PatientRole as queried
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle" alias Bundle as target
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Composition" alias Composition as produced
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient" alias Patient as produced
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Encounter" alias Encounter as produced
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Person" alias Patient as produced
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Practitioner" alias Practitioner as produced
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Specimen" alias Specimen as produced
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Organization" alias Organization as produced
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/HealthCareFacility" alias HealthCareFacility as queried

imports "http://hl7.it/fhir/cda2fhir/StructureMap/cda2fhirDataTypes"

group CdaToBundle(source cda : ClinicalDocument, target bundle : Bundle) {
  cda ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e.resource = create('Composition') as composition,  composition.id = uuid() as uuid1,  e.fullUrl = append('https://example/Composition/', uuid1),  request.url = 'Composition',  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as requestPAT,  requestPAT.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Patient') as patient,  patient.id = uuid() as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Patient/', uuid2),  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e3.resource = create('Encounter') as encounter,  encounter.id = uuid() as uuid3,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Encounter/', uuid3),  request.url = 'Encounter',  bundle.entry as e4,  e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e4.resource = create('DocumentReference') as DocumentReference,  DocumentReference.id = uuid() as uuid4,  e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/DocumentReference/', uuid3),  request.url = 'DocumentReference' then {
    cda then ClinicalDocumentToBundle(cda, patient, composition, encounter, bundle, DocumentReference) "cdatobundle";
    cda.recordTarget as recordTarget then {
      recordTarget.patientRole as patient then {
        patient.id as id -> patient.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext "value";
          // r -> requestPAT.url = append('Patient?identifier=',ext) "UUID";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
        } "record";
      } "recPat";
    } "patient";
  } "ClinicalDocumentToBody";

group ClinicalDocumentToBundle(source cda : ClinicalDocument, target patient : Patient, target composition : Composition, target encounter : Encounter, target bundle : Bundle, target DocumentReference : DocumentReference) {
  cda -> bundle.id = uuid() "id";
  cda.id -> bundle.identifier "identifier";
  cda -> bundle.type = 'transaction' "type";
  cda -> bundle.timestamp = (timestamp.now()) "date";
  cda then ClinicalDocumentComposition(cda, composition, patient, encounter, bundle, DocumentReference) "composition";

group ClinicalDocumentComposition(source src : ClinicalDocument, target tgt : Composition, target patientResource : Patient, target encounter : Encounter, target bundle : Bundle, target DocumentReference : DocumentReference) {
  src.languageCode -> tgt.language;
  src -> DocumentReference.status = 'current' "status";
  src -> DocumentReference.content = create('BackboneElement') as content then {
    src ->  content.attachment = create('Attachment') as attachment,  attachment.title = 'string' "comp";
  } "content";
  src -> DocumentReference.context = create('BackboneElement') as context then {
    src ->  context.related = create('Reference') as referenceComp,  referenceComp.reference = ('https://example/Composition/' + %tgt.id) "comp";
  } "context";
  src.id where src.setId.exists().not() -> tgt.identifier "identifier";
  src.setId -> tgt.identifier "identifier";
  src -> tgt.status = 'final' "status";
  src.code -> tgt.type;
  src.title as t -> tgt.title = (t.dataString);
  src where src.title.exists().not() then {
    src.code as code then {
      code.displayName as display -> tgt.title = cast(display, 'string');
    } "display";
  } "title";
  src.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -> tgt.date = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value);
  src.versionNumber as versionNumber where (value > 1) -> tgt.extension as ext2 then ChExtEprVersionNumber(versionNumber, ext2);
  src.confidentialityCode -> tgt.confidentiality;
  src.recordTarget as recordTarget then {
    recordTarget.patientRole as patient ->  tgt.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + %patientResource.id) then ClinicalDocumentPatientRole(patient, patientResource, bundle) "subject";
    recordTarget.patientRole as patient ->  DocumentReference.subject = create('Reference') as reference1,  reference1.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + %patientResource.id);
  } "patientRole";
  src.author as srcAuthor then {
    srcAuthor.time as time -> tgt.date;
    srcAuthor.assignedAuthor as assignedAuthor then {
      // Codice Fiscale
      assignedAuthor.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
        assignedAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e1.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole,  practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  tgt.author = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) then {
          // assignedAuthor.code as codice -> practitionerRole.code as code2 then CECodeableConcept(codice,code2);
          assignedAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
            srcAuthor.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
            assignedAuthor -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
              assignedAuthor -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                assignedAuthor -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                assignedAuthor -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/author' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
            assignedAuthor.code -> practitionerRole.code;
            assignedAuthor.id as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
              // then {
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext ->  practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id) "aut";
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            assignedAuthor.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
              id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "2";
            assignedAuthor.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
              id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "diverso";
            assignedAuthor.addr -> practitioner.address;
            assignedAuthor.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
            assignedAuthor.assignedPerson as person then {
              person.name -> practitioner.name;
              person.birthTime as birthTime then {
                birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
              } "birth";
            } "name";
            assignedAuthor ->  DocumentReference.author = create('Reference') as referenceAuth,  referenceAuth.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id) "refAuth";
          } "ASSAUth";
          assignedAuthor.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e3.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
            representedOrganization.id as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext ->  organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3) "aut";
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
              representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/author/representedOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
            representedOrganization.name as v -> organization.name = (v.other);
            representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
            representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
            representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e4,  e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e4.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
              OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
                OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/author/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              OrgPartOf.id as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext ->  organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id) "aut";
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
              OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') ->  organization1.active = create('boolean'),  organization1.active = 'true';
              OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e10bis,  e10bis.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e10bis.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
                wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                  wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                    wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                    wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/author/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                  } "coding";
                } "meta";
                wholeOrgan.id as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                  id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                  id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                    wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                  } "ext";
                  id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                  id.root as r then {
                    id.extension as ext ->  organization2.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e10bis.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id) "aut";
                  } "r";
                } "identifier";
                wholeOrgan.name as v -> organization2.name = (v.other);
                wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
                wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
            } "OrgPartOf";
        } "ParcatitionerROL";
      } "OIDCF";
      // Partita IVA
      assignedAuthor.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
        assignedAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e6bis3,  e6bis3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e6bis3.resource = create('Device') as device,  device.id = uuid() as uuid6bis3,  e6bis3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Device/', uuid6bis3),  request.url = 'Device',  tgt.author = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Device/' + %device.id) then {
          assignedAuthor ->  bundle.entry as e251,  e251.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e251.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
            assignedAuthor -> organization.meta as meta then {
              assignedAuthor -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                assignedAuthor -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                assignedAuthor -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/AuthorPartitaIVA' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
            assignedAuthor.id as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                assignedAuthor -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext ->  organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e251.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2),  device.owner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
          } "OrgPartitaIVA";
        } "Device";
      } "oidPartitaIVA";
      // ID nullFlavor
      assignedAuthor.id as id where nullFlavor.exists() then {
        assignedAuthor.assignedAuthoringDevice as assignedAuthoringDevice ->  bundle.entry as e6bis,  e6bis.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e6bis.resource = create('Device') as device,  device.id = uuid() as uuid6bis,  e6bis.fullUrl = append('https://example/Device/', uuid6bis),  request.url = 'Device',  tgt.author = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Device' + %device.id) then {
          // assignedAuthoringDevice.templateId -> device.identifier;
          assignedAuthoringDevice.code -> device.type;
          assignedAuthoringDevice.manufacturerModelName as manufacturerModelName then {
            manufacturerModelName as m -> device.manufacturer = (m.displayName) "displayRule";
          } "manufacturer";
          assignedAuthoringDevice.softwareName as softwareName -> device.deviceName as deviceName then {
            softwareName -> deviceName.type = 'other' "typeName";
            softwareName as s -> deviceName.name = (s.displayName) "name";
          } "deviceName";
        } "Device";
      } "NullFlavor";
    src.dataEnterer as dataEnt ->  bundle.entry as e6,  e6.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e6.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole,  practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1,  e6.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  tgt.author = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) then {
      dataEnt.time as time -> tgt.date;
      dataEnt.assignedEntity as assignedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e7,  e7.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e7.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        assignedEntity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          assignedEntity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            assignedEntity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            assignedEntity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/dataEnterer' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta";
        assignedEntity.code as codice -> practitionerRole.code as code2 then CECodeableConcept(codice, code2);
        assignedEntity.id as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext ->  practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e7.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id) "dataenterer";
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        assignedEntity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "2";
        assignedEntity.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "diverso";
        assignedEntity.addr -> practitioner.address;
        assignedEntity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        assignedEntity.assignedPerson as person then {
          person.name -> practitioner.name;
          person.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
          } "birth";
        assignedEntity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e8,  e8.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e8.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
          representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
            representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/dataEnterer/representedOrganization' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
          representedOrganization.id as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext ->  organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e8.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3) "dataenterer";
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          representedOrganization.name as v -> organization.name = (v.other);
          representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
          representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
          representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e9,  e9.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e9.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
            OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
              OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/dataEnterer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
            OrgPartOf.id as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext ->  organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e9.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id) "dataenterer";
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
            OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') ->  organization1.active = create('boolean'),  organization1.active = 'true';
            OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e10,  e10.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e10.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
              wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/dataEnterer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              wholeOrgan.id as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext ->  organization2.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e10.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id) "dataenterer";
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              wholeOrgan.name as v -> organization2.name = (v.other);
              wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
              wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
        } "RepresentedOrganization";
      } "AssignedEntity";
    } "DataEnter";
  } "srcAuthor";
  src.informant as informant then {
    informant.assignedEntity as assignedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e11,  e11.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e11.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole,  practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1,  e11.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole' then {
      informant -> tgt.attester as attester then {
        informant -> attester.mode = 'professional' "mode";
        informant ->  attester.party = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) "reference";
        assignedEntity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        assignedEntity as entity ->  bundle.entry as e12,  e12.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e12.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
          entity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
            entity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              entity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              entity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informant' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
          entity.id as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext ->  practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e12.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id) "dataenterer";
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          assignedEntity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "2";
          assignedEntity.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "diverso";
          entity.addr -> practitioner.address;
          entity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
          entity.assignedPerson as person then {
            person.name -> practitioner.name;
            person.birthTime as birthTime then {
              birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);
            } "birth";
          } "person";
          entity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e13,  e13.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e13.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
            representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
              representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informant/representedOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
            representedOrganization.id as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext ->  organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e13.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            representedOrganization.name as v -> organization.name = (v.other);
            representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
            representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
            representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf -> organization.partOf as partOf then {
              representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as organizationPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e14,  e14.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e14.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
                organizationPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
                  organizationPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                    organizationPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                    organizationPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informant/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                  } "coding";
                } "meta";
                organizationPartOf.id as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
                  id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                  id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                    organizationPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                  } "ext";
                  id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                  id.root as r then {
                    id.extension as ext ->  organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e14.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id);
                  } "r";
                } "identifier";
                organizationPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
                organizationPartOf.statusCode as status where (code = 'active') ->  organization1.active = create('boolean'),  organization1.active = 'true';
                organizationPartOf.wholeOrganization -> organization1.partOf as partOf1 then {
                  organizationPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e15,  e15.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e15.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
                    wholeOrganization -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                      wholeOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                        wholeOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                        wholeOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informant/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                      } "coding";
                    } "meta";
                    wholeOrganization.id as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                      id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                      id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                        wholeOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                      } "ext";
                      id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                      id.root as r then {
                        id.extension as ext ->  organization2.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e15.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id);
                      } "r";
                    } "identifier";
                    wholeOrganization.name as v -> organization2.name = (v.other);
                    wholeOrganization.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
                    wholeOrganization.addr -> organization2.address;
                } "asOrganizationPartOf";
              } "partOf";
            } "qualification";
          } "organization";
        } "assignedEntity";
      } "attester";
    } "informant";
  } "inform";
  src.informant as informant then {
    informant.relatedEntity as related ->  bundle.entry as e16,  e16.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e16.resource = create('RelatedPerson') as relatedPerson,  relatedPerson.id = uuid() as uuid1,  e16.fullUrl = append('https://example/RelatedPerson/', uuid1),  request.url = 'RelatedPerson' then {
      informant -> tgt.attester as attester then {
        informant -> attester.mode = 'professional' "mode";
        informant ->  attester.party = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/RelatedPerson/' + %relatedPerson.id) "reference";
        related.relatedPerson as Person then {
          related.code -> relatedPerson.relationship;
          related.telecom -> relatedPerson.telecom;
          related.addr -> relatedPerson.address;
          Person.name -> relatedPerson.name;
          related.birthTime as date then {
            date.value as value -> relatedPerson.birthDate = truncate(value, 10) "valueD";
          } "birthinformant";
          related ->  relatedPerson.patient = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + %patientResource.id) "reference";
        } "relatedPerson1";
      } "relatedPerson";
    } "informant";
  } "inform2";
  src.custodian as custodian then {
    custodian.assignedCustodian as assignedCustodian ->  bundle.entry as e17,  e17.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e17.resource = create('Organization') as Organization then {
      assignedCustodian -> Organization.meta as meta then {
        assignedCustodian -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
          assignedCustodian -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
          assignedCustodian -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/custodian' "code";
        } "coding";
      } "meta";
      assignedCustodian.representedCustodianOrganization as representedCustodianOrganization then {
        representedCustodianOrganization.id as id -> Organization.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            representedCustodianOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext ->  Organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid,  e17.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid);
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        assignedCustodian ->  DocumentReference.custodian = create('Reference') as referenceCU,  referenceCU.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %Organization.id) "RefCustodian";
        representedCustodianOrganization ->  tgt.custodian = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %Organization.id) then CustodianOrganization(representedCustodianOrganization, Organization) "custodian1";
    } "organization";
  src.informationRecipient as informationRecipient then {
    informationRecipient.intendedRecipient as intendedRecipient then {
      intendedRecipient.informationRecipient as informationRecipient2 then {
        informationRecipient -> tgt.attester as attester then {
          informationRecipient2 -> attester.mode = 'professional' "mode";
          informationRecipient2 ->  bundle.entry as e19,  e19.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e19.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
            informationRecipient2 -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
              informationRecipient2 -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                informationRecipient2 -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                informationRecipient2 -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informationRecipient' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
            intendedRecipient.id as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext ->  practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e19.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  attester.party = create('Reference') as reference1,  reference1.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id);
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            intendedRecipient.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
              id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "2";
            intendedRecipient.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
              id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "diverso";
            intendedRecipient.addr -> practitioner.address;
            intendedRecipient.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
            informationRecipient2.name -> practitioner.name;
            informationRecipient2.birthTime as bt then {
              bt.value as v -> practitioner.birthDate = (v.date);
            } "date";
          } "PersonRecipient";
        } "intendedRecipienPract";
      } "attesterOrg";
      intendedRecipient.receivedOrganization as receivedOrganization then {
        informationRecipient -> tgt.attester as attester then {
          receivedOrganization -> attester.mode = 'official' "mode";
          receivedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e20,  e20.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e20.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
            receivedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
              receivedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                receivedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                receivedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informationRecipient/receivedOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
            receivedOrganization.id as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                receivedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext ->  organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e20.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  attester.party = create('Reference') as reference2,  reference2.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            receivedOrganization.name as v -> organization.name = (v.other);
            receivedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
            receivedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
            receivedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as asOrganizationPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e21,  e21.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e21.resource = create('Organization') as organization2,  organization2.id = uuid() as uuid4,  e21.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as referenceor,  referenceor.reference = ('https://example/Organization' + %organization2.id) then {
              asOrganizationPartOf -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                asOrganizationPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  asOrganizationPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  asOrganizationPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informationRecipient/receivedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              asOrganizationPartOf.id as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  asOrganizationPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext ->  organization2.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e21.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as referenceor,  referenceor.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id);
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              asOrganizationPartOf.code -> organization2.type;
              asOrganizationPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') ->  organization2.active = create('boolean'),  organization2.active = 'true';
              asOrganizationPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrganization3 ->  bundle.entry as e22,  e22.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e22.resource = create('Organization') as organization3 then {
                wholeOrganization3 -> organization3.meta as meta then {
                  wholeOrganization3 -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                    wholeOrganization3 -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                    wholeOrganization3 -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informationRecipient/receivedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                  } "coding";
                } "meta";
                wholeOrganization3.id as id -> organization3.identifier as identifier then {
                  id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                  id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                    wholeOrganization3 -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                  } "ext";
                  id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                  id.root as r then {
                    id.extension as ext ->  organization3.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e22.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization2.partOf = create('Reference') as referenceor,  referenceor.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization3.id);
                  } "r";
                } "identifier";
                wholeOrganization3.name as v -> organization3.name = (v.other);
                wholeOrganization3.telecom -> organization3.telecom;
                wholeOrganization3.addr -> organization3.address;
          } "receivedOrganization";
        } "intendedRecipienOrg";
      } "attesterOrg";
    } "intendedRecipent";
  } "informationRecipent";
  // START Legal Authenticator
  src.legalAuthenticator as legalAuth then {
    legalAuth -> tgt.attester as attester then {
      legalAuth.assignedEntity as entity then {
        // Codice Fiscale
        entity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') ->  bundle.entry as e23,  e23.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e23.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole,  practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid,  e23.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole' then {
          legalAuth -> attester.mode = 'legal' "mode";
          legalAuth.time -> attester.time;
          legalAuth ->  attester.party = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) then {
            entity ->  bundle.entry as e24,  e24.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e24.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
              entity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
                entity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  entity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  entity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/legalAuthenticator' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              entity.id as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext ->  practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid1,  e24.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid1),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id);
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              entity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
                id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "2";
              entity.addr -> practitioner.address;
              entity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
              entity.assignedPerson as person then {
                person.name -> practitioner.name;
                person.birthTime as birthTime then {
                  birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimelegal";
                } "birth";
              } "person";
            } "practitioner";
            entity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
            entity.representedOrganization as rapresentedOrg ->  bundle.entry as e25,  e25.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e25.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
              rapresentedOrg -> organization.meta as meta then {
                rapresentedOrg -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  rapresentedOrg -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  rapresentedOrg -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/legalAuthenticator/representedOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              rapresentedOrg.id as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  rapresentedOrg -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext ->  organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e25.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              rapresentedOrg.name as v -> organization.name = (v.other);
              rapresentedOrg.telecom -> organization.telecom;
              rapresentedOrg.addr -> organization.address;
              rapresentedOrg.asOrganizationPartOf as asOrgPartOf then {
                asOrgPartOf as asOrgPartOf1 ->  bundle.entry as e26,  e26.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e26.resource = create('Organization') as asorganization then {
                  asOrgPartOf1 -> asorganization.meta as meta then {
                    asOrgPartOf1 -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                      asOrgPartOf1 -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                      asOrgPartOf1 -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/legalAuthenticator/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                    } "coding";
                  } "meta";
                  asOrgPartOf1.id as id -> asorganization.identifier as identifier then {
                    id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                    id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                      asOrgPartOf1 -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                    } "ext";
                    id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                    id.root as r then {
                      id.extension as ext ->  asorganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e26.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %asorganization.id);
                    } "r";
                  } "identifier";
                  asOrgPartOf1.code -> asorganization.type;
                  asOrgPartOf1.statusCode as status where (code = 'active') ->  asorganization.active = create('boolean'),  asorganization.active = true;
                  asOrgPartOf1.wholeOrganization as wholeOrg then {
                    wholeOrg as wholeOrg1 ->  bundle.entry as e27,  e27.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e27.resource = create('Organization') as wholeorganization,  wholeorganization.id = uuid() as uuid4,  e27.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  asorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %wholeorganization.id) then {
                      wholeOrg1 -> wholeorganization.meta as meta then {
                        wholeOrg1 -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                          wholeOrg1 -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                          wholeOrg1 -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/legalAuthenticator/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                        } "coding";
                      } "meta";
                      wholeOrg1.id as id -> wholeorganization.identifier as identifier then {
                        id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                        id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                          wholeOrg1 -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                        } "ext";
                        id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                        id.root as r then {
                          id.extension as ext ->  wholeorganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e27.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  asorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %wholeorganization.id);
                        } "r";
                      } "identifier";
                      wholeOrg1.name as v -> wholeorganization.name = (v.other);
                      wholeOrg1.telecom -> wholeorganization.telecom;
                      wholeOrg1.addr -> wholeorganization.address;
                    } "wholeOrg1";
                  } "wholeOrg";
                } "asOrgPO";
              } "asOrgID";
            } "LAOrganiz";
          } "PractitionerLegal";
        } "PractitionerROLlegal";
        // Partita IVA
        entity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') ->  bundle.entry as e251,  e251.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e251.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
          entity -> attester.mode = 'official' "mode";
          entity -> organization.meta as meta then {
            entity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              entity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              entity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/legalAuthenticatorPartitaIVA' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
          entity.id as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              entity -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext ->  organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e251.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2),  attester.party = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
        } "OrgPartitaIVA";
      } "entity";
    } "legalAuth";
  } "LegalAuthenticator";
  // START Authenticator
  src.authenticator as Auth ->  bundle.entry as e28,  e28.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e28.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole,  practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1,  e28.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole' then {
    Auth -> tgt.attester as attester then {
      Auth.time -> attester.time;
      Auth -> attester.mode = 'professional' "mode";
      Auth.assignedEntity as entity ->  attester.party = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) then {
        entity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        entity ->  bundle.entry as e29,  e29.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e29.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner,  practitioner.id = uuid() as uuid2,  e29.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner' + %practitioner.id) then {
          entity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
            entity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              entity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              entity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/authenticator' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
          entity.id as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext ->  practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e29.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id);
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          entity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "2";
          entity.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
            id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "diverso";
          entity.addr -> practitioner.address "address";
          entity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
          entity.assignedPerson as person then {
            person.name -> practitioner.name "personName";
            person.birthTime as birthTime then {
              birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimeauth";
            } "birth";
          } "person";
        } "practitioner";
        entity.representedOrganization as reporganization ->  bundle.entry as e30,  e30.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e30.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
          reporganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
            reporganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              reporganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              reporganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/authenticator/representedOrganization' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
          reporganization.id as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              reporganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext ->  organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e30.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          reporganization.name as v -> organization.name = (v.other);
          reporganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
          reporganization.addr -> organization.address;
          reporganization.asOrganizationPartOf as organizationpartof ->  bundle.entry as e31,  e31.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e31.resource = create('Organization') as asOrganizationpartof then {
            organizationpartof -> asOrganizationpartof.meta as meta then {
              organizationpartof -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                organizationpartof -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                organizationpartof -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/authenticator/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
            organizationpartof.id as id -> asOrganizationpartof.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                organizationpartof -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext ->  asOrganizationpartof.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e31.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %asOrganizationpartof.id);
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            organizationpartof.code -> asOrganizationpartof.type;
            organizationpartof.statusCode as status where (code = 'active') ->  asOrganizationpartof.active = create('boolean'),  asOsrganizationpartof.active = 'true';
            organizationpartof.wholeOrganization as wholeorg ->  bundle.entry as e32,  e32.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e32.resource = create('Organization') as wholeOrganization,  wholeOrganization.id = uuid() as uuid5,  e32.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  asOrganizationpartof.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %wholeOrganization.id) then {
              wholeorg -> wholeOrganization.meta as meta then {
                wholeorg -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  wholeorg -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  wholeorg -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/authenticator/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              wholeorg.id as id -> wholeOrganization.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  wholeorg -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext ->  wholeOrganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e32.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  asOrganizationpartof.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %wholeOrganization.id);
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              wholeorg.name as v -> wholeOrganization.name = (v.other);
              wholeorg.telecom -> wholeOrganization.telecom;
              wholeorg.addr -> wholeOrganization.address;
            } "wholeorg";
          } "organizationpartof";
        } "reporganization";
      } "entity";
    } "attester";
  } "Auth";
  src.participant as participant where (typeCode != 'IND') then {
    participant.associatedEntity as associetedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e313,  e313.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e313.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole,  practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1,  e313.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  encounter.participant = create('BackboneElement') as participant1 then {
      // participant.time as time->participant1.period as period ,period.start=(time.value);
      participant -> participant1.period = create('Period') as period then {
        participant.time as time -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(time, start);
      } "period";
      participant as p -> participant1.type as type then {
        p -> type.coding as coding then {
          p -> coding.code = (p.typeCode) "codice";
          p -> coding.system = 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ParticipationType' "system";
        } "codeType";
      } "type";
      participant ->  participant1.individual = create('Reference') as referencepart,  referencepart.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) "par";
      participant.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
      associetedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e33,  e33.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e33.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        associetedEntity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          associetedEntity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            associetedEntity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            associetedEntity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta";
        associetedEntity.id as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext ->  practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e33.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id);
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        associetedEntity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "2";
        associetedEntity.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "diverso";
        associetedEntity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        associetedEntity.addr -> practitioner.address;
        associetedEntity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        associetedEntity.associatedPerson as associatedperson then {
          associatedperson.name -> practitioner.name;
          associatedperson.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimelegal";
          } "birth";
        } "name";
        associetedEntity.scopingOrganization as scopingOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e34,  e34.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e34.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
          scopingOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
            scopingOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              scopingOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              scopingOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
          scopingOrganization.id as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              scopingOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext ->  organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e34.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          scopingOrganization.name as v -> organization.name = (v.other);
          scopingOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
          scopingOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
          scopingOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e35,  e35.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e35.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
            OrgPartOf.id as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
              OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
                OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext ->  organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e35.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id);
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
            OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') ->  organization1.active = create('boolean'),  organization1.active = true;
            OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e36,  e36.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e36.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
              wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              wholeOrgan.id as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext ->  organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e36.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id);
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              wholeOrgan.name as v -> organization2.name = (v.other);
              wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
              wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
            } "wholeOrgan";
          } "OrgPartOf";
      } "associetedEntity";
    } "Participant1";
  src.participant as participant where (typeCode = 'IND') then {
    participant.associatedEntity as associetedEntity where (classCode = 'PROV') ->  bundle.entry as e313,  e313.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e313.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole,  practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1,  e313.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  encounter.participant = create('BackboneElement') as participant2 then {
      // participant.time as time->participant2.period as period, period.start=(time.value);
      participant -> participant2.period = create('Period') as period then {
        participant.time as time -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(time, start);
      } "period";
      participant as p -> participant2.type as type then {
        p -> type.coding as coding then {
          p -> coding.code = (p.typeCode) "codice";
          p -> coding.system = 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ParticipationType' "system";
        } "codeType";
      } "type";
      participant ->  participant2.individual = create('Reference') as referencepart,  referencepart.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) "par";
      participant.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
      associetedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e33,  e33.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e33.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        associetedEntity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          associetedEntity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            associetedEntity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            associetedEntity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta";
        associetedEntity.id as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext ->  practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e33.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id);
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        associetedEntity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "2";
        associetedEntity.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "diverso";
        associetedEntity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        associetedEntity.addr -> practitioner.address;
        associetedEntity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        associetedEntity.associatedPerson as associatedperson then {
          associatedperson.name -> practitioner.name;
          associatedperson.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimelegal";
          } "birth";
        } "name";
        associetedEntity.scopingOrganization as scopingOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e34,  e34.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e34.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
          scopingOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
            scopingOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              scopingOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              scopingOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
          scopingOrganization.id as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              scopingOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext ->  organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e34.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          scopingOrganization.name as v -> organization.name = (v.other);
          scopingOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
          scopingOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
          scopingOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e35,  e35.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e35.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
            OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
              OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
            OrgPartOf.id as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext ->  organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e35.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id);
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
            OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') ->  organization1.active = create('boolean'),  organization1.active = true;
            OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e36,  e36.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e36.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
              wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              wholeOrgan.id as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext ->  organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e36.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id);
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              wholeOrgan.name as v -> organization2.name = (v.other);
              wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
              wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
            } "wholeOrgan";
          } "OrgPartOf";
      } "associetedEntity";
    } "Participant2";
    participant.associatedEntity as associetedEntity where (classCode = 'NOK') or (classCode = 'ECON') or (classCode = 'CAREGIVER') then {
      associetedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e3131,  e3131.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e3131.resource = create('RelatedPerson') as RelatedPerson,  RelatedPerson.id = uuid() as uuid1,  e3131.fullUrl = append('https://example/RelatedPerson/', uuid1),  request.url = 'RelatedPerson' then {
        associetedEntity -> patientResource.link as link then {
          associetedEntity -> link.type = 'refer' "type";
          associetedEntity ->  link.other = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/RelatedPerson/' + %RelatedPerson.id) "reference";
          associetedEntity.id -> RelatedPerson.identifier;
          associetedEntity ->  RelatedPerson.patient = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + %patientResource.id) "reference";
          associetedEntity.code -> RelatedPerson.relationship;
          associetedEntity.telecom -> RelatedPerson.telecom;
          associetedEntity.associatedPerson as associatedperson then {
            associatedperson.name -> RelatedPerson.name;
        } "link";
      } "participant3";
    } "WHERE";
    participant.associatedEntity as associetedentity where (classCode = 'GUAR') then {
      associetedentity.scopingOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e37,  e37.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e37.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
        representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
          representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta";
        associetedentity.code -> organization.type;
        associetedentity.scopingOrganization as scopingOrganization then {
          associetedentity.id as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
            participant.time as time then {
              time.high as high -> identifier.period as period then {
                high -> period.end = (high.value) "periodend";
              } "period";
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              associetedentity -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext ->  organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid1,  e37.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid1),  patientResource.generalPractitioner = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid1);
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          scopingOrganization.name as v -> organization.name = (v.other);
          scopingOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
          scopingOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
          scopingOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e38,  e38.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e38.resource = create('Organization') as organizationPOF then {
            OrgPartOf -> organizationPOF.meta as meta then {
              OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
            OrgPartOf.id as id -> organizationPOF.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext ->  organizationPOF.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e38.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organizationPOF.id);
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            OrgPartOf.code -> organizationPOF.type;
            OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') ->  organizationPOF.active = create('boolean'),  organizationPOF.active = 'true';
            OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e39,  e39.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e39.resource = create('Organization') as organizationW then {
              wholeOrgan -> organizationW.meta as meta then {
                wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              wholeOrgan.id as id -> organizationW.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext ->  organizationW.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e39.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  organizationPOF.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organizationW.id);
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              wholeOrgan.name as v -> organizationW.name = (v.other);
              wholeOrgan.telecom -> organizationW.telecom;
              wholeOrgan.addr -> organizationW.address;
            } "wholeOrgan";
          } "OrgPartOf";
      } "associetedEntity";
    } "repOrg";
  src.inFulfillmentOf as inFulfillmentOf then {
    inFulfillmentOf.order as order ->  bundle.entry as e40,  e40.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e40.resource = create('ServiceRequest') as serviceRequest,  serviceRequest.id = uuid() as uuid1,  e40.fullUrl = append('https://example/ServiceRequest/', uuid1),  request.url = 'ServiceRequest',  encounter.basedOn = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/ServiceRequest/' + %serviceRequest.id) then {
      order.id -> serviceRequest.identifier;
      order -> serviceRequest.status = 'active' "status";
      order -> serviceRequest.intent = 'order' "intent";
      order ->  serviceRequest.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + %patientResource.id) "reference";
      order ->  serviceRequest.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + %encounter.id) "reference";
      order.code -> serviceRequest.code;
      order.priorityCode as priorityCode then {
        priorityCode.code as v -> serviceRequest.priority = translate(v, '#priority', 'code') "priority";
  src.documentationOf as docOf then {
    docOf.serviceEvent as serviceEvent -> tgt.event as event then {
      serviceEvent.code -> event.code "eventCode";
      serviceEvent.effectiveTime as effectiveTime then {
        effectiveTime -> event.period = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(effectiveTime, period) "period";
      } "eventDT";
      serviceEvent.effectiveTime as effectivetime1 -> event.period = create('Period') as period then {
        effectivetime1 -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(effectivetime1, start) "val";
      } "efft";
      serviceEvent.performer as performer ->  bundle.entry as e41,  e41.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e41.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole,  practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1,  e41.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole' then {
        performer ->  event.detail = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) then {
          performer.assignedEntity as assignedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e42,  e42.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e42.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
            assignedEntity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
              assignedEntity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                assignedEntity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                assignedEntity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
            performer.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
            assignedEntity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
            assignedEntity.id as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext ->  practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e42.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id);
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            assignedEntity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
              id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "2";
            assignedEntity.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
              id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "diverso";
            assignedEntity.addr -> practitioner.address;
            assignedEntity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
            assignedEntity.assignedPerson as person then {
              person.name -> practitioner.name;
              person.birthTime as birthTime then {
                birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimelegal";
              } "birth";
            } "name";
            assignedEntity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e8,  e8.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e8.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
              representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
                representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/representedOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              representedOrganization.id as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext ->  organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e8.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3);
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              representedOrganization.name as v -> organization.name = (v.other);
              representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
              representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
              representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e9,  e9.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e9.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
                OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
                  OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                    OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                    OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                  } "coding";
                } "meta";
                OrgPartOf.id as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
                  id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                  id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                    OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                  } "ext";
                  id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                  id.root as r then {
                    id.extension as ext ->  organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e9.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id);
                  } "r";
                } "identifier";
                OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
                OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') ->  organization1.active = create('boolean'),  organization1.active = 'true';
                OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e10,  e10.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e10.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
                  wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                    wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                      wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                      wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                    } "coding";
                  } "meta";
                  wholeOrgan.id as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                    id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                    id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                      wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                    } "ext";
                    id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                    id.root as r then {
                      id.extension as ext ->  organization2.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e10.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id);
                    } "r";
                  } "identifier";
                  wholeOrgan.name as v -> organization2.name = (v.other);
                  wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
                  wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
            } "RepresentedOrganization";
          } "AssignedEntity";
        } "performer";
      } "docOf";
  src where src.componentOf.exists().not() ->  tgt.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + %encounter.id) then ClinicalDocumentEncounter(src, bundle, encounter, patientResource) "encounterExist";
  src.componentOf as comp then {
    comp where comp.encompassingEncounter.exists().not() ->  tgt.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + %encounter.id) then ClinicalDocumentEncounter(srcEnc, bundle, encounter, patientResource) "enc";
    comp.encompassingEncounter as srcEnc ->  tgt.encounter = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + %encounter.id) then ClinicalDocumentEncounter(srcEnc, bundle, encounter, patientResource);
  } "encompassingEncounter";

group ClinicalDocumentRelatesTo(source src : parentDocument, target tgt : composition) {
  src.id -> tgt.identifier;
  src.code -> tgt.type;
  src.setId -> tgt.identifier;
  src.versionNumber as vNumber -> tgt.extension as ext then ChExtEprVersionNumber(vNumber, ext) "versionNumberEXT";

group EXTbirthplace(source src : AD, target ext : Extension) {
  src -> ext.url = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/patient-birthPlace' "url";
  src -> ext.value = create('Address') as value then ADAddress(src, value) "value";

group ClinicalDocumentPatientRole(source src : PatientRole, target tgt : Patient, target bundle : Bundle) {
  src.addr -> tgt.address;
  src.telecom -> tgt.telecom;
  src.patient as patient then {
    patient.name -> tgt.name;
    patient.administrativeGenderCode as gender then {
      gender.code as v -> tgt.gender = translate(v, '#cm-v3-administrative-gender', 'code') "gender";
    } "gender";
    patient.birthTime as birthTime then {
      birthTime.value as date -> tgt.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimelegal";
    } "birth";
    patient.deceasedInd as deceased where (value = 'false') ->  tgt.deceased = create('boolean'),  tgt.deceased = false "deceasedBL";
    patient.deceasedInd as deceased where (value = 'true') then {
      patient.deceasedTime as Time -> tgt.deceased = create('dateTime') as deceasedTime then TSDateTime(Time, deceasedTime);
    patient.deceasedTime as Timet where Timet.empty() ->  tgt.deceased = create('boolean'),  tgt.deceased = true "deceasedBL";
    patient.maritalStatusCode -> tgt.maritalStatus "maritalStatus";
    patient.guardian as guardian then {
      guardian.guardianPerson as person ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e.resource = create('RelatedPerson') as relatedPerson,  relatedPerson.id = uuid() as uuid1,  e.fullUrl = append('https://example/RelatedPerson/', uuid1),  request.url = 'RelatedPerson' then {
        person.name -> relatedPerson.name;
        person.birthTime as birthTime then {
          birthTime.value as date -> relatedPerson.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimelegal";
        } "birth";
        person ->  relatedPerson.patient = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + %tgt.id) "reference";
        person -> tgt.link as link then {
          person -> link.type = 'refer' "type";
          person ->  link.other = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/RelatedPerson/' + %relatedPerson.id) "reference";
          guardian.addr -> relatedPerson.address;
          guardian.telecom -> relatedPerson.telecom;
          guardian.id -> relatedPerson.identifier;
          guardian.code -> relatedPerson.relationship;
        } "person";
      guardian.guardianOrganization as guardianorg ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e1.resource = create('Organization') as organizationcontact then {
        guardianorg -> organizationcontact.meta as meta then {
          guardianorg -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            guardianorg -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            guardianorg -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/guardian/guardianOrganization' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta";
        guardianorg -> tgt.contact as contact then {
          guardianorg ->  contact.organization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organizationcontact.id) "OrganizationContact";
          guardianorg.id as id -> organizationcontact.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              guardianorg -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext ->  organizationcontact.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2);
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          guardianorg.name as v -> organizationcontact.name = (v.other);
          guardianorg.telecom -> organizationcontact.telecom;
          guardianorg.addr -> organizationcontact.address;
          guardianorg.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Organization') as organizationpartOf then {
            OrgPartOf -> organizationpartOf.meta as meta then {
              OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/guardian/guardianOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
            OrgPartOf ->  organizationcontact.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organizationpartOf.id) "asorganization";
            OrgPartOf.id as id -> organizationpartOf.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext ->  organizationpartOf.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3);
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            OrgPartOf.code -> organizationpartOf.type;
            OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> organizationpartOf.active = 'true';
            OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeORG ->  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e3.resource = create('Organization') as WholeOrganization then {
              wholeORG -> WholeOrganization.meta as meta then {
                wholeORG -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  wholeORG -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  wholeORG -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/guardian/guardianOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              wholeORG ->  organizationpartOf.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %WholeOrganization.id) "asOrganization";
              wholeORG.id as id -> WholeOrganization.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  wholeORG -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext ->  WholeOrganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4);
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              wholeORG.name as v -> WholeOrganization.name = (v.other);
              wholeORG.telecom -> WholeOrganization.telecom;
              wholeORG.addr -> WholeOrganization.address;
            } "WholeOrganization";
          } "OrganizationPartOf";
        } "contact";
      } "guardianorganization";
    patient.birthplace as birthplace then {
      birthplace.place as place then {
        place.addr as address -> tgt.extension as ext1 then EXTbirthplace(address, ext1) "birthplace";
    src.providerOrganization as org ->  bundle.entry as e4,  e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e4.resource = create('Organization') as providerorganization then {
      org -> providerorganization.meta as meta then {
        org -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
          org -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
          org -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/providerOrganization' "code";
        } "coding";
      } "meta";
      org.id as id -> providerorganization.identifier as identifier then {
        id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
        id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
          org -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "ext";
        id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
        id.root as r then {
          id.extension as ext ->  providerorganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  tgt.managingOrganization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %providerorganization.id) "reference";
        } "r";
      } "identifier";
      org.name as v -> providerorganization.name = (v.other);
      org.telecom -> providerorganization.telecom;
      org.addr -> providerorganization.address;
      org.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOfProvider ->  bundle.entry as e5,  e5.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e5.resource = create('Organization') as organizationpartOfprovider then {
        OrgPartOfProvider -> organizationpartOfprovider.meta as meta then {
          OrgPartOfProvider -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            OrgPartOfProvider -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            OrgPartOfProvider -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/providerOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta";
        OrgPartOfProvider.id as id -> organizationpartOfprovider.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            OrgPartOfProvider -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext ->  organizationpartOfprovider.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid6,  e5.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid6),  providerorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organizationpartOfprovider.id) "asorganization";
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        OrgPartOfProvider.code -> organizationpartOfprovider.type;
        OrgPartOfProvider.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -> organizationpartOfprovider.active = 'true';
        OrgPartOfProvider.wholeOrganization as wholeORGproveder ->  bundle.entry as e6,  e6.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e6.resource = create('Organization') as WholeOrganizationprovider then {
          wholeORGproveder -> WholeOrganizationprovider.meta as meta then {
            wholeORGproveder -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              wholeORGproveder -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              wholeORGproveder -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/providerOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
          wholeORGproveder ->  organizationpartOfprovider.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %WholeOrganizationprovider.id) "asOrganization";
          wholeORGproveder.id as id -> WholeOrganizationprovider.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              wholeORGproveder -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext ->  WholeOrganizationprovider.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid7,  e6.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid7);
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          wholeORGproveder.name as v -> WholeOrganizationprovider.name = (v.other);
          wholeORGproveder.telecom -> WholeOrganizationprovider.telecom;
          wholeORGproveder.addr -> WholeOrganizationprovider.address;
        } "wholeOrganizationprovider";
      } "OrganizationPartOfprovider";
    } "organization";

group CustodianOrganization(source src : CustodianOrganization, target tgt : Organization) {
  src.name as v -> tgt.name = (v.other);
  src.telecom -> tgt.telecom;
  src.addr -> tgt.address;

group ClinicalDocumentEncounter(source src : EncompassingEncounter, target bundle : Bundle, target encounter : Encounter, target patient : Patient) {
  src.id -> encounter.identifier;
  src.code as code1 -> encounter.class = create('Coding') as coding then {
    code1.code as code -> coding.code = cast(code, 'string');
    code1.codeSystem as system -> coding.system = translate(system, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri');
    code1.displayName as display -> coding.display = cast(display, 'string');
  } "class";
  src where src.code.exists().not() -> encounter.class = create('Coding') as coding then {
    src -> coding.code = 'AMB' "code";
    src -> coding.system = 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActCode' "codeS";
    src -> coding.display = 'ambulatory' "display";
  } "NonCodeclass";
  src ->  encounter.subject = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + %patient.id) "reference";
  src -> encounter.status = 'finished' "status";
  // effectiveTime=period
  src where effectiveTime.low.exists() or effectiveTime.high.exists() then {
    src.effectiveTime as eff -> encounter.period = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(eff, period);
  } "where";
  // effectiveTime = time-stamp
  src where effectiveTime.low.exists().not() or effectiveTime.high.exists().not() then {
    src.effectiveTime as effectivetime1 -> encounter.period = create('Period') as period then {
      effectivetime1 -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(effectivetime1, start) "val";
    } "efft";
  } "where";
  // src.effectiveTime as effectivetime1 -> encounter.period as period, period.start=(effectivetime1.value);
  src.dischargeDispositionCode as dischargeDispositionCode then {
    dischargeDispositionCode -> encounter.hospitalization as hospitalization then {
      dischargeDispositionCode -> hospitalization.dischargeDisposition "disDisp";
    } "disposition";
  } "discharge";
  src.responsibleParty as responsibleParty -> encounter.participant as participant then {
    responsibleParty.assignedEntity as entity ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole,  practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1,  e.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  participant.individual = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) then {
      entity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
      entity ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e1.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        entity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          entity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            entity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            entity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/responsibleParty' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta";
        entity.id as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext ->  practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id);
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        entity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "2";
        entity.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "diverso";
        entity.addr -> practitioner.address;
        entity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        entity.assignedPerson as person then {
          person.name -> practitioner.name;
          person.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimeENC";
          } "birth";
        } "name";
      } "practitioner";
      entity.representedOrganization as raporg ->  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Organization') as rapresentedorganization then {
        raporg -> rapresentedorganization.meta as meta then {
          raporg -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            raporg -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            raporg -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/responsibleParty/representedOrganization' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta";
        // raporg.id -> rapresentedorganization.identifier;
        raporg.id as id -> rapresentedorganization.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            raporg -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext ->  rapresentedorganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %rapresentedorganization.id);
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        raporg.name as v -> rapresentedorganization.name = (v.other);
        raporg.telecom -> rapresentedorganization.telecom;
        raporg.addr -> rapresentedorganization.address;
        raporg.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e3.resource = create('Organization') as organization1,  organization1.id = uuid() as uuid4,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  rapresentedorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id) then {
          // OrgPartOf.id -> organization1.identifier;
          OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
            OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/responsibleParty/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
          OrgPartOf.id as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext ->  organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  rapresentedorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id);
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
          OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') ->  organization1.active = create('boolean'),  organization1.active = true;
          OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e4,  e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e4.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
            // wholeOrgan.id -> organization2.identifier;
            wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
              wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/responsibleParty/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
              } "coding";
            } "meta";
            wholeOrgan.id as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext ->  organization2.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id);
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            wholeOrgan.name as v -> organization2.name = (v.other);
            wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
            wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
          } "wholeOrgan";
        } "OrgPartOf";
      } "organization";
    } "entity";
  } "particpant";
  src.encounterParticipant as participant then {
    participant.assignedEntity as assignedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e313,  e313.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'POST',  e313.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole,  practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1,  e313.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1),  request.url = 'PractitionerRole',  encounter.participant = create('BackboneElement') as participant1 then {
      // participant.time as time->participant1.period as period ,period.start=(time.value);
      participant -> participant1.period = create('Period') as period then {
        participant.time as time -> period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(time, start);
      } "period";
      participant as p -> participant1.type as type then {
        p -> type.coding as coding then {
          p -> coding.code = (p.typeCode) "codice";
          p -> coding.system = 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ParticipationType' "system";
        } "codeType";
      } "type";
      participant ->  participant1.individual = create('Reference') as referencepart,  referencepart.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) "par";
      participant.functionCode -> practitionerRole.code;
      assignedEntity ->  bundle.entry as e33,  e33.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e33.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {
        assignedEntity -> practitioner.meta as meta then {
          assignedEntity -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            assignedEntity -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            assignedEntity -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/encounterParticipant' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta";
        assignedEntity.id as id -> practitioner.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext;
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext ->  practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e33.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2),  practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id);
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        assignedEntity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "2";
        assignedEntity.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {
          id.extension as ext -> request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "diverso";
        assignedEntity.code -> practitionerRole.code;
        assignedEntity.addr -> practitioner.address;
        assignedEntity.telecom -> practitioner.telecom;
        assignedEntity.associatedPerson as assignedPerson then {
          assignedPerson.name -> practitioner.name;
          assignedPerson.birthTime as birthTime then {
            birthTime.value as date -> practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) "birthTimelegal";
          } "birth";
        } "name";
        assignedEntity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e34,  e34.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e34.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {
          representedOrganization -> organization.meta as meta then {
            representedOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              representedOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              representedOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/encounterParticipant/scopingOrganization' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
          representedOrganization.id as id -> organization.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              representedOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext ->  organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3,  e34.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3),  practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          representedOrganization.name as v -> organization.name = (v.other);
          representedOrganization.telecom -> organization.telecom;
          representedOrganization.addr -> organization.address;
          representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e35,  e35.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e35.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {
            OrgPartOf.id as id -> organization1.identifier as identifier then {
              OrgPartOf -> organization1.meta as meta then {
                OrgPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  OrgPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/encounterParticipant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
              id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                OrgPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
              } "ext";
              id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
              id.root as r then {
                id.extension as ext ->  organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4,  e35.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4),  organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id);
              } "r";
            } "identifier";
            OrgPartOf.code -> organization1.type;
            OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') ->  organization1.active = create('boolean'),  organization1.active = true;
            OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan ->  bundle.entry as e36,  e36.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e36.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
              wholeOrgan -> organization2.meta as meta then {
                wholeOrgan -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  wholeOrgan -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/encounterParticipant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              wholeOrgan.id as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  wholeOrgan -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext ->  organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5,  e36.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5),  organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id);
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              wholeOrgan.name as v -> organization2.name = (v.other);
              wholeOrgan.telecom -> organization2.telecom;
              wholeOrgan.addr -> organization2.address;
            } "wholeOrgan";
          } "OrgPartOf";
      } "assignedEntity";
    } "Participant";
  src.location as Location then {
    Location.healthCareFacility as HCF ->  bundle.entry as e5,  e5.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e5.resource = create('Location') as loc then {
      HCF -> loc.meta as meta then {
        HCF -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
          HCF -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
          HCF -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/location/healthCareFacility' "code";
        } "coding";
      } "meta";
      HCF -> encounter.location as locations then {
        HCF.id as id -> loc.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            HCF -> request.url = append('Location?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext ->  loc.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid6,  e5.fullUrl = append('https://example/Location/', uuid6),  locations.location = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Location/' + %loc.id) "locc";
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        HCF.code -> loc.type;
        HCF.location as srcLocation then {
          srcLocation.name as v -> loc.name = (v.other);
          srcLocation.addr -> loc.address;
        } "location2";
        HCF.serviceProviderOrganization as servProvOrg ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e.resource = create('Organization') as serviceProviderOrganization then {
          servProvOrg -> serviceProviderOrganization.meta as meta then {
            servProvOrg -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
              servProvOrg -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
              servProvOrg -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/location/healthCareFacility/serviceProviderOrganization' "code";
            } "coding";
          } "meta";
          servProvOrg.id as id -> serviceProviderOrganization.identifier as identifier then {
            id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
            id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
              servProvOrg -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
            } "ext";
            id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
            id.root as r then {
              id.extension as ext ->  serviceProviderOrganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid,  e.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid),  loc.managingOrganization = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %serviceProviderOrganization.id);
            } "r";
          } "identifier";
          servProvOrg.name as v -> serviceProviderOrganization.name = (v.other);
          servProvOrg.telecom -> serviceProviderOrganization.telecom;
          servProvOrg.addr -> serviceProviderOrganization.address;
          servProvOrg.asOrganizationPartOf as asOrgPartOf then {
            asOrgPartOf as asOrgPartOf1 ->  bundle.entry as e1,  e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e1.resource = create('Organization') as asorganization then {
              asOrgPartOf1 -> asorganization.meta as meta then {
                asOrgPartOf1 -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                  asOrgPartOf1 -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                  asOrgPartOf1 -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/location/healthCareFacility/serviceProviderOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                } "coding";
              } "meta";
              asOrgPartOf1.id as id -> asorganization.identifier as identifier then {
                id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                  asOrgPartOf1 -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                } "ext";
                id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                id.root as r then {
                  id.extension as ext ->  asorganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid1,  e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid1),  serviceProviderOrganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %asorganization.id);
                } "r";
              } "identifier";
              asOrgPartOf1.code -> asorganization.type;
              asOrgPartOf1.statusCode as status where (code = 'active') ->  asorganization.active = create('boolean'),  asorganization.active = 'true';
              asOrgPartOf1.wholeOrganization as wholeOrg then {
                wholeOrg as wholeOrg1 ->  bundle.entry as e2,  e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e2.resource = create('Organization') as wholeorganization then {
                  wholeOrg1 -> wholeorganization.meta as meta then {
                    wholeOrg1 -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
                      wholeOrg1 -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
                      wholeOrg1 -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/location/healthCareFacility/serviceProviderOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
                    } "coding";
                  } "meta";
                  wholeOrg1.id as id -> asorganization.identifier as identifier then {
                    id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
                    id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
                      wholeOrg1 -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
                    } "ext";
                    id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
                    id.root as r then {
                      id.extension as ext ->  wholeorganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2),  asorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %wholeorganization.id);
                    } "r";
                  } "identifier";
                  wholeOrg1.name as v -> wholeorganization.name = (v.other);
                  wholeOrg1.telecom -> wholeorganization.telecom;
                  wholeOrg1.addr -> wholeorganization.address;
                } "wholeOrg1";
              } "wholeOrg";
            } "OrganizationPartOfprovider";
          } "asOrg1";
        } "SPO";
      } "hcf";
    } "location1";

group ClinicalDocumentationOf(source src : representedOrganization, target tgt : organization, target bundle : Bundle) {
  src.name -> tgt.name;
  src.telecom -> tgt.telecom;
  src.addr -> tgt.address;
  src.asOrganizationPartOf as asOrganizationPartOf then {
    asOrganizationPartOf ->  bundle.entry as e,  e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {
      asOrganizationPartOf -> organization2.meta as meta then {
        asOrganizationPartOf -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
          asOrganizationPartOf -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
          asOrganizationPartOf -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
        } "coding";
      } "meta";
      asOrganizationPartOf.id as id -> organization2.identifier as identifier then {
        id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
        id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
          asOrganizationPartOf -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
        } "ext";
        id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
        id.root as r then {
          id.extension as ext ->  organization2.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid,  e.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid),  tgt.partOf = create('Reference') as reference,  reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id);
        } "r";
      } "identifier";
      asOrganizationPartOf.code -> organization2.type;
      asOrganizationPartOf.statusCode where (value = 'active') -> organization2.active = 'true';
      asOrganizationPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrganization ->  bundle.entry as e3,  e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request,  request.method = 'PUT',  e3.resource = create('Organization') as organization3 then {
        wholeOrganization -> organization3.meta as meta then {
          wholeOrganization -> meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {
            wholeOrganization -> coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' "system";
            wholeOrganization -> coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' "code";
          } "coding";
        } "meta";
        wholeOrganization.id as id -> organization3.identifier as identifier then {
          id.root as r -> identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') "root1";
          id.extension as ext -> identifier.value = ext then {
            wholeOrganization -> request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) "UUID";
          } "ext";
          id.assigningAuthorityName as s ->  identifier.assigner as a,  a.display = s;
          id.root as r then {
            id.extension as ext ->  organization3.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid1,  e.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid1),  organization2.partOf = create('Reference') as referenceOrg,  referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid1);
          } "r";
        } "identifier";
        wholeOrganization.id -> organization3.identifier;
        wholeOrganization.name -> organization3.name;
        wholeOrganization.telecom -> organization3.telecom;
        wholeOrganization.addr -> organization3.address;
    } "organizationPartOf";
  } "creation";

group ChExtEprVersionNumber(source src : INT, target ext : Extension) {
  src -> ext.url = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/composition-clinicaldocument-versionNumber' "url";
  src.value as v -> ext.value = cast(v, 'string');

group ClinicalDocumentOrganization(source src : CustodianOrganization, target tgt : Organization) {
  src.id -> tgt.identifier;
  src.name as v -> tgt.name = (v.other);
  src.telecom -> tgt.telecom;
  src.addr -> tgt.address;


  "resourceType" : "StructureMap",
  "id" : "cda2fhirHeader",
  "text" : {
    "status" : "generated",
    "div" : "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">\n <pre>map &quot;http://hl7.it/fhir/cda2fhir/StructureMap/cda2fhirHeader&quot; = &quot;cda2fhirHeader&quot;\n\nuses &quot;http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/ClinicalDocument&quot; alias ClinicalDocument as source\nuses &quot;http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/AssignedAuthor&quot; alias AssignedAuthor as queried\nuses &quot;http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/AssignedEntity&quot; alias AssignedEntity as queried\nuses &quot;http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/AssociatedEntity&quot; alias AssociatedEntity as queried\nuses &quot;http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/CustodianOrganization&quot; alias CustodianOrganization as queried\nuses &quot;http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/Section&quot; alias Section as queried\nuses &quot;http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/PatientRole&quot; alias PatientRole as queried\nuses &quot;http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle&quot; alias Bundle as target\nuses &quot;http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Composition&quot; alias Composition as produced\nuses &quot;http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient&quot; alias Patient as produced\nuses &quot;http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Encounter&quot; alias Encounter as produced\nuses &quot;http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Person&quot; alias Patient as produced\nuses &quot;http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Practitioner&quot; alias Practitioner as produced\nuses &quot;http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Specimen&quot; alias Specimen as produced\nuses &quot;http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Organization&quot; alias Organization as produced\nuses &quot;http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/HealthCareFacility&quot; alias HealthCareFacility as queried\n\nimports &quot;http://hl7.it/fhir/cda2fhir/StructureMap/cda2fhirDataTypes&quot;\n\ngroup CdaToBundle(source cda : ClinicalDocument, target bundle : Bundle) {\n cda -&gt; bundle.entry as e, e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e.resource = create('Composition') as composition, composition.id = uuid() as uuid1, e.fullUrl = append('https://example/Composition/', uuid1), request.url = 'Composition', bundle.entry as e2, e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as requestPAT, requestPAT.method = 'PUT', e2.resource = create('Patient') as patient, patient.id = uuid() as uuid2, e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Patient/', uuid2), bundle.entry as e3, e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e3.resource = create('Encounter') as encounter, encounter.id = uuid() as uuid3, e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Encounter/', uuid3), request.url = 'Encounter', bundle.entry as e4, e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e4.resource = create('DocumentReference') as DocumentReference, DocumentReference.id = uuid() as uuid4, e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/DocumentReference/', uuid3), request.url = 'DocumentReference' then {\n cda then ClinicalDocumentToBundle(cda, patient, composition, encounter, bundle, DocumentReference) &quot;cdatobundle&quot;;\n cda.recordTarget as recordTarget then {\n recordTarget.patientRole as patient then {\n patient.id as id -&gt; patient.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext &quot;value&quot;;\n // r -&gt; requestPAT.url = append('Patient?identifier=',ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n } &quot;record&quot;;\n } &quot;recPat&quot;;\n } &quot;patient&quot;;\n } &quot;ClinicalDocumentToBody&quot;;\n}\n\ngroup ClinicalDocumentToBundle(source cda : ClinicalDocument, target patient : Patient, target composition : Composition, target encounter : Encounter, target bundle : Bundle, target DocumentReference : DocumentReference) {\n cda -&gt; bundle.id = uuid() &quot;id&quot;;\n cda.id -&gt; bundle.identifier &quot;identifier&quot;;\n cda -&gt; bundle.type = 'transaction' &quot;type&quot;;\n cda -&gt; bundle.timestamp = (timestamp.now()) &quot;date&quot;;\n cda then ClinicalDocumentComposition(cda, composition, patient, encounter, bundle, DocumentReference) &quot;composition&quot;;\n}\n\ngroup ClinicalDocumentComposition(source src : ClinicalDocument, target tgt : Composition, target patientResource : Patient, target encounter : Encounter, target bundle : Bundle, target DocumentReference : DocumentReference) {\n src.languageCode -&gt; tgt.language;\n src -&gt; DocumentReference.status = 'current' &quot;status&quot;;\n src -&gt; DocumentReference.content = create('BackboneElement') as content then {\n src -&gt; content.attachment = create('Attachment') as attachment, attachment.title = 'string' &quot;comp&quot;;\n } &quot;content&quot;;\n src -&gt; DocumentReference.context = create('BackboneElement') as context then {\n src -&gt; context.related = create('Reference') as referenceComp, referenceComp.reference = ('https://example/Composition/' + %tgt.id) &quot;comp&quot;;\n } &quot;context&quot;;\n src.id where src.setId.exists().not() -&gt; tgt.identifier &quot;identifier&quot;;\n src.setId -&gt; tgt.identifier &quot;identifier&quot;;\n src -&gt; tgt.status = 'final' &quot;status&quot;;\n src.code -&gt; tgt.type;\n src.title as t -&gt; tgt.title = (t.dataString);\n src where src.title.exists().not() then {\n src.code as code then {\n code.displayName as display -&gt; tgt.title = cast(display, 'string');\n } &quot;display&quot;;\n } &quot;title&quot;;\n src.effectiveTime as effectiveTime -&gt; tgt.date = create('dateTime') as value then TSDateTime(effectiveTime, value);\n src.versionNumber as versionNumber where (value &gt; 1) -&gt; tgt.extension as ext2 then ChExtEprVersionNumber(versionNumber, ext2);\n src.confidentialityCode -&gt; tgt.confidentiality;\n src.recordTarget as recordTarget then {\n recordTarget.patientRole as patient -&gt; tgt.subject = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + %patientResource.id) then ClinicalDocumentPatientRole(patient, patientResource, bundle) &quot;subject&quot;;\n recordTarget.patientRole as patient -&gt; DocumentReference.subject = create('Reference') as reference1, reference1.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + %patientResource.id);\n } &quot;patientRole&quot;;\n // START AUTHOR\n src.author as srcAuthor then {\n srcAuthor.time as time -&gt; tgt.date;\n srcAuthor.assignedAuthor as assignedAuthor then {\n // Codice Fiscale\n assignedAuthor.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n assignedAuthor -&gt; bundle.entry as e1, e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e1.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1, e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1), request.url = 'PractitionerRole', tgt.author = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) then {\n // assignedAuthor.code as codice -&gt; practitionerRole.code as code2 then CECodeableConcept(codice,code2);\n assignedAuthor -&gt; bundle.entry as e2, e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e2.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {\n srcAuthor.functionCode -&gt; practitionerRole.code;\n assignedAuthor -&gt; practitioner.meta as meta then {\n assignedAuthor -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n assignedAuthor -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n assignedAuthor -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/author' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n assignedAuthor.code -&gt; practitionerRole.code;\n assignedAuthor.id as id -&gt; practitioner.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext;\n // then {\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2, e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2), practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id) &quot;aut&quot;;\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n assignedAuthor.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;2&quot;;\n assignedAuthor.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;diverso&quot;;\n assignedAuthor.addr -&gt; practitioner.address;\n assignedAuthor.telecom -&gt; practitioner.telecom;\n assignedAuthor.assignedPerson as person then {\n person.name -&gt; practitioner.name;\n person.birthTime as birthTime then {\n birthTime.value as date -&gt; practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);\n } &quot;birth&quot;;\n } &quot;name&quot;;\n assignedAuthor -&gt; DocumentReference.author = create('Reference') as referenceAuth, referenceAuth.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id) &quot;refAuth&quot;;\n } &quot;ASSAUth&quot;;\n assignedAuthor.representedOrganization as representedOrganization -&gt; bundle.entry as e3, e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e3.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {\n representedOrganization.id as id -&gt; organization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3, e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3), practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg, referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3) &quot;aut&quot;;\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n representedOrganization -&gt; organization.meta as meta then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n representedOrganization -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/author/representedOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n representedOrganization.name as v -&gt; organization.name = (v.other);\n representedOrganization.telecom -&gt; organization.telecom;\n representedOrganization.addr -&gt; organization.address;\n representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf -&gt; bundle.entry as e4, e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e4.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; organization1.meta as meta then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/author/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n OrgPartOf.id as id -&gt; organization1.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4, e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4), organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id) &quot;aut&quot;;\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n OrgPartOf.code -&gt; organization1.type;\n OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -&gt; organization1.active = create('boolean'), organization1.active = 'true';\n OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan -&gt; bundle.entry as e10bis, e10bis.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e10bis.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; organization2.meta as meta then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n wholeOrgan -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/author/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n wholeOrgan.id as id -&gt; organization2.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization2.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5, e10bis.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5), organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id) &quot;aut&quot;;\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n wholeOrgan.name as v -&gt; organization2.name = (v.other);\n wholeOrgan.telecom -&gt; organization2.telecom;\n wholeOrgan.addr -&gt; organization2.address;\n };\n } &quot;OrgPartOf&quot;;\n };\n } &quot;ParcatitionerROL&quot;;\n } &quot;OIDCF&quot;;\n // Partita IVA\n assignedAuthor.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n assignedAuthor -&gt; bundle.entry as e6bis3, e6bis3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e6bis3.resource = create('Device') as device, device.id = uuid() as uuid6bis3, e6bis3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Device/', uuid6bis3), request.url = 'Device', tgt.author = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Device/' + %device.id) then {\n assignedAuthor -&gt; bundle.entry as e251, e251.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e251.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {\n assignedAuthor -&gt; organization.meta as meta then {\n assignedAuthor -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n assignedAuthor -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n assignedAuthor -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/AuthorPartitaIVA' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n assignedAuthor.id as id -&gt; organization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n assignedAuthor -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2, e251.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2), device.owner = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n } &quot;OrgPartitaIVA&quot;;\n } &quot;Device&quot;;\n } &quot;oidPartitaIVA&quot;;\n // ID nullFlavor\n assignedAuthor.id as id where nullFlavor.exists() then {\n assignedAuthor.assignedAuthoringDevice as assignedAuthoringDevice -&gt; bundle.entry as e6bis, e6bis.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e6bis.resource = create('Device') as device, device.id = uuid() as uuid6bis, e6bis.fullUrl = append('https://example/Device/', uuid6bis), request.url = 'Device', tgt.author = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Device' + %device.id) then {\n // assignedAuthoringDevice.templateId -&gt; device.identifier;\n assignedAuthoringDevice.code -&gt; device.type;\n assignedAuthoringDevice.manufacturerModelName as manufacturerModelName then {\n manufacturerModelName as m -&gt; device.manufacturer = (m.displayName) &quot;displayRule&quot;;\n } &quot;manufacturer&quot;;\n assignedAuthoringDevice.softwareName as softwareName -&gt; device.deviceName as deviceName then {\n softwareName -&gt; deviceName.type = 'other' &quot;typeName&quot;;\n softwareName as s -&gt; deviceName.name = (s.displayName) &quot;name&quot;;\n } &quot;deviceName&quot;;\n } &quot;Device&quot;;\n } &quot;NullFlavor&quot;;\n };\n // START DATA ENTER\n src.dataEnterer as dataEnt -&gt; bundle.entry as e6, e6.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e6.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1, e6.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1), request.url = 'PractitionerRole', tgt.author = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) then {\n dataEnt.time as time -&gt; tgt.date;\n dataEnt.assignedEntity as assignedEntity -&gt; bundle.entry as e7, e7.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e7.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {\n assignedEntity -&gt; practitioner.meta as meta then {\n assignedEntity -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n assignedEntity -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n assignedEntity -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/dataEnterer' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n assignedEntity.code as codice -&gt; practitionerRole.code as code2 then CECodeableConcept(codice, code2);\n assignedEntity.id as id -&gt; practitioner.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2, e7.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2), practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id) &quot;dataenterer&quot;;\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n assignedEntity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;2&quot;;\n assignedEntity.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;diverso&quot;;\n assignedEntity.addr -&gt; practitioner.address;\n assignedEntity.telecom -&gt; practitioner.telecom;\n assignedEntity.assignedPerson as person then {\n person.name -&gt; practitioner.name;\n person.birthTime as birthTime then {\n birthTime.value as date -&gt; practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);\n } &quot;birth&quot;;\n };\n assignedEntity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization -&gt; bundle.entry as e8, e8.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e8.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; organization.meta as meta then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n representedOrganization -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/dataEnterer/representedOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n representedOrganization.id as id -&gt; organization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3, e8.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3), practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg, referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3) &quot;dataenterer&quot;;\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n representedOrganization.name as v -&gt; organization.name = (v.other);\n representedOrganization.telecom -&gt; organization.telecom;\n representedOrganization.addr -&gt; organization.address;\n representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf -&gt; bundle.entry as e9, e9.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e9.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; organization1.meta as meta then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/dataEnterer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n OrgPartOf.id as id -&gt; organization1.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4, e9.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4), organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id) &quot;dataenterer&quot;;\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n OrgPartOf.code -&gt; organization1.type;\n OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -&gt; organization1.active = create('boolean'), organization1.active = 'true';\n OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan -&gt; bundle.entry as e10, e10.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e10.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; organization2.meta as meta then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n wholeOrgan -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/dataEnterer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n wholeOrgan.id as id -&gt; organization2.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization2.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5, e10.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5), organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id) &quot;dataenterer&quot;;\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n wholeOrgan.name as v -&gt; organization2.name = (v.other);\n wholeOrgan.telecom -&gt; organization2.telecom;\n wholeOrgan.addr -&gt; organization2.address;\n };\n };\n } &quot;RepresentedOrganization&quot;;\n } &quot;AssignedEntity&quot;;\n } &quot;DataEnter&quot;;\n } &quot;srcAuthor&quot;;\n // START INFORMANT 1\n src.informant as informant then {\n informant.assignedEntity as assignedEntity -&gt; bundle.entry as e11, e11.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e11.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1, e11.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1), request.url = 'PractitionerRole' then {\n informant -&gt; tgt.attester as attester then {\n informant -&gt; attester.mode = 'professional' &quot;mode&quot;;\n informant -&gt; attester.party = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) &quot;reference&quot;;\n assignedEntity.code -&gt; practitionerRole.code;\n assignedEntity as entity -&gt; bundle.entry as e12, e12.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e12.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {\n entity -&gt; practitioner.meta as meta then {\n entity -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n entity -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n entity -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informant' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n entity.id as id -&gt; practitioner.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2, e12.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2), practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id) &quot;dataenterer&quot;;\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n assignedEntity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;2&quot;;\n assignedEntity.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;diverso&quot;;\n entity.addr -&gt; practitioner.address;\n entity.telecom -&gt; practitioner.telecom;\n entity.assignedPerson as person then {\n person.name -&gt; practitioner.name;\n person.birthTime as birthTime then {\n birthTime.value as date -&gt; practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10);\n } &quot;birth&quot;;\n } &quot;person&quot;;\n entity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization -&gt; bundle.entry as e13, e13.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e13.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; organization.meta as meta then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n representedOrganization -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informant/representedOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n representedOrganization.id as id -&gt; organization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3, e13.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3), practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n representedOrganization.name as v -&gt; organization.name = (v.other);\n representedOrganization.telecom -&gt; organization.telecom;\n representedOrganization.addr -&gt; organization.address;\n representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf -&gt; organization.partOf as partOf then {\n representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as organizationPartOf -&gt; bundle.entry as e14, e14.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e14.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {\n organizationPartOf -&gt; organization1.meta as meta then {\n organizationPartOf -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n organizationPartOf -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n organizationPartOf -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informant/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n organizationPartOf.id as id -&gt; organization1.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n organizationPartOf -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4, e14.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4), organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n organizationPartOf.code -&gt; organization1.type;\n organizationPartOf.statusCode as status where (code = 'active') -&gt; organization1.active = create('boolean'), organization1.active = 'true';\n organizationPartOf.wholeOrganization -&gt; organization1.partOf as partOf1 then {\n organizationPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrganization -&gt; bundle.entry as e15, e15.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e15.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {\n wholeOrganization -&gt; organization2.meta as meta then {\n wholeOrganization -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n wholeOrganization -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n wholeOrganization -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informant/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n wholeOrganization.id as id -&gt; organization2.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n wholeOrganization -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization2.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5, e15.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5), organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n wholeOrganization.name as v -&gt; organization2.name = (v.other);\n wholeOrganization.telecom -&gt; organization2.telecom;\n wholeOrganization.addr -&gt; organization2.address;\n };\n } &quot;asOrganizationPartOf&quot;;\n } &quot;partOf&quot;;\n } &quot;qualification&quot;;\n } &quot;organization&quot;;\n } &quot;assignedEntity&quot;;\n } &quot;attester&quot;;\n } &quot;informant&quot;;\n } &quot;inform&quot;;\n // START INFORMANT 2\n src.informant as informant then {\n informant.relatedEntity as related -&gt; bundle.entry as e16, e16.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e16.resource = create('RelatedPerson') as relatedPerson, relatedPerson.id = uuid() as uuid1, e16.fullUrl = append('https://example/RelatedPerson/', uuid1), request.url = 'RelatedPerson' then {\n informant -&gt; tgt.attester as attester then {\n informant -&gt; attester.mode = 'professional' &quot;mode&quot;;\n informant -&gt; attester.party = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/RelatedPerson/' + %relatedPerson.id) &quot;reference&quot;;\n related.relatedPerson as Person then {\n related.code -&gt; relatedPerson.relationship;\n related.telecom -&gt; relatedPerson.telecom;\n related.addr -&gt; relatedPerson.address;\n Person.name -&gt; relatedPerson.name;\n related.birthTime as date then {\n date.value as value -&gt; relatedPerson.birthDate = truncate(value, 10) &quot;valueD&quot;;\n } &quot;birthinformant&quot;;\n related -&gt; relatedPerson.patient = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + %patientResource.id) &quot;reference&quot;;\n } &quot;relatedPerson1&quot;;\n } &quot;relatedPerson&quot;;\n } &quot;informant&quot;;\n } &quot;inform2&quot;;\n // START CUSTODIAN\n src.custodian as custodian then {\n custodian.assignedCustodian as assignedCustodian -&gt; bundle.entry as e17, e17.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e17.resource = create('Organization') as Organization then {\n assignedCustodian -&gt; Organization.meta as meta then {\n assignedCustodian -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n assignedCustodian -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n assignedCustodian -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/custodian' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n assignedCustodian.representedCustodianOrganization as representedCustodianOrganization then {\n representedCustodianOrganization.id as id -&gt; Organization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n representedCustodianOrganization -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; Organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid, e17.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n assignedCustodian -&gt; DocumentReference.custodian = create('Reference') as referenceCU, referenceCU.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %Organization.id) &quot;RefCustodian&quot;;\n representedCustodianOrganization -&gt; tgt.custodian = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %Organization.id) then CustodianOrganization(representedCustodianOrganization, Organization) &quot;custodian1&quot;;\n };\n } &quot;organization&quot;;\n };\n // START INFORMATION RECIPIENT\n src.informationRecipient as informationRecipient then {\n informationRecipient.intendedRecipient as intendedRecipient then {\n intendedRecipient.informationRecipient as informationRecipient2 then {\n informationRecipient -&gt; tgt.attester as attester then {\n informationRecipient2 -&gt; attester.mode = 'professional' &quot;mode&quot;;\n informationRecipient2 -&gt; bundle.entry as e19, e19.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e19.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {\n informationRecipient2 -&gt; practitioner.meta as meta then {\n informationRecipient2 -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n informationRecipient2 -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n informationRecipient2 -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informationRecipient' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n intendedRecipient.id as id -&gt; practitioner.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2, e19.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2), attester.party = create('Reference') as reference1, reference1.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n intendedRecipient.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;2&quot;;\n intendedRecipient.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;diverso&quot;;\n intendedRecipient.addr -&gt; practitioner.address;\n intendedRecipient.telecom -&gt; practitioner.telecom;\n informationRecipient2.name -&gt; practitioner.name;\n informationRecipient2.birthTime as bt then {\n bt.value as v -&gt; practitioner.birthDate = (v.date);\n } &quot;date&quot;;\n } &quot;PersonRecipient&quot;;\n } &quot;intendedRecipienPract&quot;;\n } &quot;attesterOrg&quot;;\n intendedRecipient.receivedOrganization as receivedOrganization then {\n informationRecipient -&gt; tgt.attester as attester then {\n receivedOrganization -&gt; attester.mode = 'official' &quot;mode&quot;;\n receivedOrganization -&gt; bundle.entry as e20, e20.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e20.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {\n receivedOrganization -&gt; organization.meta as meta then {\n receivedOrganization -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n receivedOrganization -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n receivedOrganization -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informationRecipient/receivedOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n receivedOrganization.id as id -&gt; organization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n receivedOrganization -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3, e20.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3), attester.party = create('Reference') as reference2, reference2.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n receivedOrganization.name as v -&gt; organization.name = (v.other);\n receivedOrganization.telecom -&gt; organization.telecom;\n receivedOrganization.addr -&gt; organization.address;\n receivedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as asOrganizationPartOf -&gt; bundle.entry as e21, e21.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e21.resource = create('Organization') as organization2, organization2.id = uuid() as uuid4, e21.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization', uuid4), organization.partOf = create('Reference') as referenceor, referenceor.reference = ('https://example/Organization' + %organization2.id) then {\n asOrganizationPartOf -&gt; organization2.meta as meta then {\n asOrganizationPartOf -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n asOrganizationPartOf -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n asOrganizationPartOf -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informationRecipient/receivedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n asOrganizationPartOf.id as id -&gt; organization2.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n asOrganizationPartOf -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization2.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4, e21.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4), organization.partOf = create('Reference') as referenceor, referenceor.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n asOrganizationPartOf.code -&gt; organization2.type;\n asOrganizationPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -&gt; organization2.active = create('boolean'), organization2.active = 'true';\n asOrganizationPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrganization3 -&gt; bundle.entry as e22, e22.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e22.resource = create('Organization') as organization3 then {\n wholeOrganization3 -&gt; organization3.meta as meta then {\n wholeOrganization3 -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n wholeOrganization3 -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n wholeOrganization3 -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/informationRecipient/receivedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n wholeOrganization3.id as id -&gt; organization3.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n wholeOrganization3 -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization3.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5, e22.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5), organization2.partOf = create('Reference') as referenceor, referenceor.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization3.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n wholeOrganization3.name as v -&gt; organization3.name = (v.other);\n wholeOrganization3.telecom -&gt; organization3.telecom;\n wholeOrganization3.addr -&gt; organization3.address;\n };\n };\n } &quot;receivedOrganization&quot;;\n } &quot;intendedRecipienOrg&quot;;\n } &quot;attesterOrg&quot;;\n } &quot;intendedRecipent&quot;;\n } &quot;informationRecipent&quot;;\n // START Legal Authenticator\n src.legalAuthenticator as legalAuth then {\n legalAuth -&gt; tgt.attester as attester then {\n legalAuth.assignedEntity as entity then {\n // Codice Fiscale\n entity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') -&gt; bundle.entry as e23, e23.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e23.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid, e23.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid), request.url = 'PractitionerRole' then {\n legalAuth -&gt; attester.mode = 'legal' &quot;mode&quot;;\n legalAuth.time -&gt; attester.time;\n legalAuth -&gt; attester.party = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) then {\n entity -&gt; bundle.entry as e24, e24.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e24.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {\n entity -&gt; practitioner.meta as meta then {\n entity -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n entity -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n entity -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/legalAuthenticator' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n entity.id as id -&gt; practitioner.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid1, e24.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid1), practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n entity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;2&quot;;\n entity.addr -&gt; practitioner.address;\n entity.telecom -&gt; practitioner.telecom;\n entity.assignedPerson as person then {\n person.name -&gt; practitioner.name;\n person.birthTime as birthTime then {\n birthTime.value as date -&gt; practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) &quot;birthTimelegal&quot;;\n } &quot;birth&quot;;\n } &quot;person&quot;;\n } &quot;practitioner&quot;;\n entity.code -&gt; practitionerRole.code;\n entity.representedOrganization as rapresentedOrg -&gt; bundle.entry as e25, e25.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e25.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {\n rapresentedOrg -&gt; organization.meta as meta then {\n rapresentedOrg -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n rapresentedOrg -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n rapresentedOrg -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/legalAuthenticator/representedOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n rapresentedOrg.id as id -&gt; organization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n rapresentedOrg -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2, e25.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2), practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n rapresentedOrg.name as v -&gt; organization.name = (v.other);\n rapresentedOrg.telecom -&gt; organization.telecom;\n rapresentedOrg.addr -&gt; organization.address;\n rapresentedOrg.asOrganizationPartOf as asOrgPartOf then {\n asOrgPartOf as asOrgPartOf1 -&gt; bundle.entry as e26, e26.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e26.resource = create('Organization') as asorganization then {\n asOrgPartOf1 -&gt; asorganization.meta as meta then {\n asOrgPartOf1 -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n asOrgPartOf1 -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n asOrgPartOf1 -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/legalAuthenticator/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n asOrgPartOf1.id as id -&gt; asorganization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n asOrgPartOf1 -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; asorganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2, e26.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2), organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %asorganization.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n asOrgPartOf1.code -&gt; asorganization.type;\n asOrgPartOf1.statusCode as status where (code = 'active') -&gt; asorganization.active = create('boolean'), asorganization.active = true;\n asOrgPartOf1.wholeOrganization as wholeOrg then {\n wholeOrg as wholeOrg1 -&gt; bundle.entry as e27, e27.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e27.resource = create('Organization') as wholeorganization, wholeorganization.id = uuid() as uuid4, e27.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4), asorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %wholeorganization.id) then {\n wholeOrg1 -&gt; wholeorganization.meta as meta then {\n wholeOrg1 -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n wholeOrg1 -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n wholeOrg1 -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/legalAuthenticator/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n wholeOrg1.id as id -&gt; wholeorganization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n wholeOrg1 -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; wholeorganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4, e27.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4), asorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %wholeorganization.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n wholeOrg1.name as v -&gt; wholeorganization.name = (v.other);\n wholeOrg1.telecom -&gt; wholeorganization.telecom;\n wholeOrg1.addr -&gt; wholeorganization.address;\n } &quot;wholeOrg1&quot;;\n } &quot;wholeOrg&quot;;\n } &quot;asOrgPO&quot;;\n } &quot;asOrgID&quot;;\n } &quot;LAOrganiz&quot;;\n } &quot;PractitionerLegal&quot;;\n } &quot;PractitionerROLlegal&quot;;\n // Partita IVA\n entity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') -&gt; bundle.entry as e251, e251.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e251.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {\n entity -&gt; attester.mode = 'official' &quot;mode&quot;;\n entity -&gt; organization.meta as meta then {\n entity -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n entity -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n entity -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/legalAuthenticatorPartitaIVA' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n entity.id as id -&gt; organization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n entity -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2, e251.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2), attester.party = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n } &quot;OrgPartitaIVA&quot;;\n } &quot;entity&quot;;\n } &quot;legalAuth&quot;;\n } &quot;LegalAuthenticator&quot;;\n // START Authenticator\n src.authenticator as Auth -&gt; bundle.entry as e28, e28.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e28.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1, e28.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1), request.url = 'PractitionerRole' then {\n Auth -&gt; tgt.attester as attester then {\n Auth.time -&gt; attester.time;\n Auth -&gt; attester.mode = 'professional' &quot;mode&quot;;\n Auth.assignedEntity as entity -&gt; attester.party = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) then {\n entity.code -&gt; practitionerRole.code;\n entity -&gt; bundle.entry as e29, e29.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e29.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner, practitioner.id = uuid() as uuid2, e29.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner', uuid2), practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner' + %practitioner.id) then {\n entity -&gt; practitioner.meta as meta then {\n entity -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n entity -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n entity -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/authenticator' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n entity.id as id -&gt; practitioner.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2, e29.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2), practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n entity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;2&quot;;\n entity.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;diverso&quot;;\n entity.addr -&gt; practitioner.address &quot;address&quot;;\n entity.telecom -&gt; practitioner.telecom;\n entity.assignedPerson as person then {\n person.name -&gt; practitioner.name &quot;personName&quot;;\n person.birthTime as birthTime then {\n birthTime.value as date -&gt; practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) &quot;birthTimeauth&quot;;\n } &quot;birth&quot;;\n } &quot;person&quot;;\n } &quot;practitioner&quot;;\n entity.representedOrganization as reporganization -&gt; bundle.entry as e30, e30.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e30.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {\n reporganization -&gt; organization.meta as meta then {\n reporganization -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n reporganization -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n reporganization -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/authenticator/representedOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n reporganization.id as id -&gt; organization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n reporganization -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3, e30.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3), practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n reporganization.name as v -&gt; organization.name = (v.other);\n reporganization.telecom -&gt; organization.telecom;\n reporganization.addr -&gt; organization.address;\n reporganization.asOrganizationPartOf as organizationpartof -&gt; bundle.entry as e31, e31.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e31.resource = create('Organization') as asOrganizationpartof then {\n organizationpartof -&gt; asOrganizationpartof.meta as meta then {\n organizationpartof -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n organizationpartof -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n organizationpartof -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/authenticator/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n organizationpartof.id as id -&gt; asOrganizationpartof.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n organizationpartof -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; asOrganizationpartof.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4, e31.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4), organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %asOrganizationpartof.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n organizationpartof.code -&gt; asOrganizationpartof.type;\n organizationpartof.statusCode as status where (code = 'active') -&gt; asOrganizationpartof.active = create('boolean'), asOsrganizationpartof.active = 'true';\n organizationpartof.wholeOrganization as wholeorg -&gt; bundle.entry as e32, e32.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e32.resource = create('Organization') as wholeOrganization, wholeOrganization.id = uuid() as uuid5, e32.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5), asOrganizationpartof.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %wholeOrganization.id) then {\n wholeorg -&gt; wholeOrganization.meta as meta then {\n wholeorg -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n wholeorg -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n wholeorg -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/authenticator/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n wholeorg.id as id -&gt; wholeOrganization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n wholeorg -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; wholeOrganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5, e32.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5), asOrganizationpartof.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %wholeOrganization.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n wholeorg.name as v -&gt; wholeOrganization.name = (v.other);\n wholeorg.telecom -&gt; wholeOrganization.telecom;\n wholeorg.addr -&gt; wholeOrganization.address;\n } &quot;wholeorg&quot;;\n } &quot;organizationpartof&quot;;\n } &quot;reporganization&quot;;\n } &quot;entity&quot;;\n } &quot;attester&quot;;\n } &quot;Auth&quot;;\n // PARTICIPANT\n src.participant as participant where (typeCode != 'IND') then {\n participant.associatedEntity as associetedEntity -&gt; bundle.entry as e313, e313.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e313.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1, e313.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1), request.url = 'PractitionerRole', encounter.participant = create('BackboneElement') as participant1 then {\n // participant.time as time-&gt;participant1.period as period ,period.start=(time.value);\n participant -&gt; participant1.period = create('Period') as period then {\n participant.time as time -&gt; period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(time, start);\n } &quot;period&quot;;\n participant as p -&gt; participant1.type as type then {\n p -&gt; type.coding as coding then {\n p -&gt; coding.code = (p.typeCode) &quot;codice&quot;;\n p -&gt; coding.system = 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ParticipationType' &quot;system&quot;;\n } &quot;codeType&quot;;\n } &quot;type&quot;;\n participant -&gt; participant1.individual = create('Reference') as referencepart, referencepart.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) &quot;par&quot;;\n participant.functionCode -&gt; practitionerRole.code;\n associetedEntity -&gt; bundle.entry as e33, e33.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e33.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {\n associetedEntity -&gt; practitioner.meta as meta then {\n associetedEntity -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n associetedEntity -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n associetedEntity -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n associetedEntity.id as id -&gt; practitioner.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2, e33.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2), practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n associetedEntity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;2&quot;;\n associetedEntity.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;diverso&quot;;\n associetedEntity.code -&gt; practitionerRole.code;\n associetedEntity.addr -&gt; practitioner.address;\n associetedEntity.telecom -&gt; practitioner.telecom;\n associetedEntity.associatedPerson as associatedperson then {\n associatedperson.name -&gt; practitioner.name;\n associatedperson.birthTime as birthTime then {\n birthTime.value as date -&gt; practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) &quot;birthTimelegal&quot;;\n } &quot;birth&quot;;\n } &quot;name&quot;;\n associetedEntity.scopingOrganization as scopingOrganization -&gt; bundle.entry as e34, e34.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e34.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {\n scopingOrganization -&gt; organization.meta as meta then {\n scopingOrganization -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n scopingOrganization -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n scopingOrganization -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n scopingOrganization.id as id -&gt; organization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n scopingOrganization -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3, e34.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3), practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n scopingOrganization.name as v -&gt; organization.name = (v.other);\n scopingOrganization.telecom -&gt; organization.telecom;\n scopingOrganization.addr -&gt; organization.address;\n scopingOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf -&gt; bundle.entry as e35, e35.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e35.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {\n OrgPartOf.id as id -&gt; organization1.identifier as identifier then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; organization1.meta as meta then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4, e35.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4), organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n OrgPartOf.code -&gt; organization1.type;\n OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -&gt; organization1.active = create('boolean'), organization1.active = true;\n OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan -&gt; bundle.entry as e36, e36.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e36.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; organization2.meta as meta then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n wholeOrgan -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n wholeOrgan.id as id -&gt; organization2.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5, e36.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5), organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n wholeOrgan.name as v -&gt; organization2.name = (v.other);\n wholeOrgan.telecom -&gt; organization2.telecom;\n wholeOrgan.addr -&gt; organization2.address;\n } &quot;wholeOrgan&quot;;\n } &quot;OrgPartOf&quot;;\n };\n } &quot;associetedEntity&quot;;\n } &quot;Participant1&quot;;\n };\n src.participant as participant where (typeCode = 'IND') then {\n participant.associatedEntity as associetedEntity where (classCode = 'PROV') -&gt; bundle.entry as e313, e313.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e313.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1, e313.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1), request.url = 'PractitionerRole', encounter.participant = create('BackboneElement') as participant2 then {\n // participant.time as time-&gt;participant2.period as period, period.start=(time.value);\n participant -&gt; participant2.period = create('Period') as period then {\n participant.time as time -&gt; period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(time, start);\n } &quot;period&quot;;\n participant as p -&gt; participant2.type as type then {\n p -&gt; type.coding as coding then {\n p -&gt; coding.code = (p.typeCode) &quot;codice&quot;;\n p -&gt; coding.system = 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ParticipationType' &quot;system&quot;;\n } &quot;codeType&quot;;\n } &quot;type&quot;;\n participant -&gt; participant2.individual = create('Reference') as referencepart, referencepart.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) &quot;par&quot;;\n participant.functionCode -&gt; practitionerRole.code;\n associetedEntity -&gt; bundle.entry as e33, e33.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e33.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {\n associetedEntity -&gt; practitioner.meta as meta then {\n associetedEntity -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n associetedEntity -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n associetedEntity -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n associetedEntity.id as id -&gt; practitioner.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2, e33.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2), practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n associetedEntity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;2&quot;;\n associetedEntity.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;diverso&quot;;\n associetedEntity.code -&gt; practitionerRole.code;\n associetedEntity.addr -&gt; practitioner.address;\n associetedEntity.telecom -&gt; practitioner.telecom;\n associetedEntity.associatedPerson as associatedperson then {\n associatedperson.name -&gt; practitioner.name;\n associatedperson.birthTime as birthTime then {\n birthTime.value as date -&gt; practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) &quot;birthTimelegal&quot;;\n } &quot;birth&quot;;\n } &quot;name&quot;;\n associetedEntity.scopingOrganization as scopingOrganization -&gt; bundle.entry as e34, e34.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e34.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {\n scopingOrganization -&gt; organization.meta as meta then {\n scopingOrganization -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n scopingOrganization -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n scopingOrganization -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n scopingOrganization.id as id -&gt; organization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n scopingOrganization -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3, e34.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3), practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n scopingOrganization.name as v -&gt; organization.name = (v.other);\n scopingOrganization.telecom -&gt; organization.telecom;\n scopingOrganization.addr -&gt; organization.address;\n scopingOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf -&gt; bundle.entry as e35, e35.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e35.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; organization1.meta as meta then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n OrgPartOf.id as id -&gt; organization1.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4, e35.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4), organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n OrgPartOf.code -&gt; organization1.type;\n OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -&gt; organization1.active = create('boolean'), organization1.active = true;\n OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan -&gt; bundle.entry as e36, e36.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e36.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; organization2.meta as meta then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n wholeOrgan -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n wholeOrgan.id as id -&gt; organization2.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5, e36.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5), organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n wholeOrgan.name as v -&gt; organization2.name = (v.other);\n wholeOrgan.telecom -&gt; organization2.telecom;\n wholeOrgan.addr -&gt; organization2.address;\n } &quot;wholeOrgan&quot;;\n } &quot;OrgPartOf&quot;;\n };\n } &quot;associetedEntity&quot;;\n } &quot;Participant2&quot;;\n participant.associatedEntity as associetedEntity where (classCode = 'NOK') or (classCode = 'ECON') or (classCode = 'CAREGIVER') then {\n associetedEntity -&gt; bundle.entry as e3131, e3131.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e3131.resource = create('RelatedPerson') as RelatedPerson, RelatedPerson.id = uuid() as uuid1, e3131.fullUrl = append('https://example/RelatedPerson/', uuid1), request.url = 'RelatedPerson' then {\n associetedEntity -&gt; patientResource.link as link then {\n associetedEntity -&gt; link.type = 'refer' &quot;type&quot;;\n associetedEntity -&gt; link.other = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/RelatedPerson/' + %RelatedPerson.id) &quot;reference&quot;;\n associetedEntity.id -&gt; RelatedPerson.identifier;\n associetedEntity -&gt; RelatedPerson.patient = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + %patientResource.id) &quot;reference&quot;;\n associetedEntity.code -&gt; RelatedPerson.relationship;\n associetedEntity.telecom -&gt; RelatedPerson.telecom;\n associetedEntity.associatedPerson as associatedperson then {\n associatedperson.name -&gt; RelatedPerson.name;\n };\n } &quot;link&quot;;\n } &quot;participant3&quot;;\n } &quot;WHERE&quot;;\n // START PARTICIPANT GUAR\n participant.associatedEntity as associetedentity where (classCode = 'GUAR') then {\n associetedentity.scopingOrganization as representedOrganization -&gt; bundle.entry as e37, e37.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e37.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; organization.meta as meta then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n representedOrganization -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n associetedentity.code -&gt; organization.type;\n associetedentity.scopingOrganization as scopingOrganization then {\n associetedentity.id as id -&gt; organization.identifier as identifier then {\n participant.time as time then {\n time.high as high -&gt; identifier.period as period then {\n high -&gt; period.end = (high.value) &quot;periodend&quot;;\n } &quot;period&quot;;\n };\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n associetedentity -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid1, e37.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid1), patientResource.generalPractitioner = create('Reference') as referenceOrg, referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid1);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n scopingOrganization.name as v -&gt; organization.name = (v.other);\n scopingOrganization.telecom -&gt; organization.telecom;\n scopingOrganization.addr -&gt; organization.address;\n scopingOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf -&gt; bundle.entry as e38, e38.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e38.resource = create('Organization') as organizationPOF then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; organizationPOF.meta as meta then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n OrgPartOf.id as id -&gt; organizationPOF.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organizationPOF.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2, e38.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2), organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organizationPOF.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n OrgPartOf.code -&gt; organizationPOF.type;\n OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -&gt; organizationPOF.active = create('boolean'), organizationPOF.active = 'true';\n OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan -&gt; bundle.entry as e39, e39.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e39.resource = create('Organization') as organizationW then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; organizationW.meta as meta then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n wholeOrgan -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n wholeOrgan.id as id -&gt; organizationW.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organizationW.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3, e39.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3), organizationPOF.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organizationW.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n wholeOrgan.name as v -&gt; organizationW.name = (v.other);\n wholeOrgan.telecom -&gt; organizationW.telecom;\n wholeOrgan.addr -&gt; organizationW.address;\n } &quot;wholeOrgan&quot;;\n } &quot;OrgPartOf&quot;;\n };\n } &quot;associetedEntity&quot;;\n } &quot;repOrg&quot;;\n };\n src.inFulfillmentOf as inFulfillmentOf then {\n inFulfillmentOf.order as order -&gt; bundle.entry as e40, e40.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e40.resource = create('ServiceRequest') as serviceRequest, serviceRequest.id = uuid() as uuid1, e40.fullUrl = append('https://example/ServiceRequest/', uuid1), request.url = 'ServiceRequest', encounter.basedOn = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/ServiceRequest/' + %serviceRequest.id) then {\n order.id -&gt; serviceRequest.identifier;\n order -&gt; serviceRequest.status = 'active' &quot;status&quot;;\n order -&gt; serviceRequest.intent = 'order' &quot;intent&quot;;\n order -&gt; serviceRequest.subject = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + %patientResource.id) &quot;reference&quot;;\n order -&gt; serviceRequest.encounter = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + %encounter.id) &quot;reference&quot;;\n order.code -&gt; serviceRequest.code;\n order.priorityCode as priorityCode then {\n priorityCode.code as v -&gt; serviceRequest.priority = translate(v, '#priority', 'code') &quot;priority&quot;;\n };\n };\n };\n src.documentationOf as docOf then {\n docOf.serviceEvent as serviceEvent -&gt; tgt.event as event then {\n serviceEvent.code -&gt; event.code &quot;eventCode&quot;;\n serviceEvent.effectiveTime as effectiveTime then {\n effectiveTime -&gt; event.period = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(effectiveTime, period) &quot;period&quot;;\n } &quot;eventDT&quot;;\n serviceEvent.effectiveTime as effectivetime1 -&gt; event.period = create('Period') as period then {\n effectivetime1 -&gt; period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(effectivetime1, start) &quot;val&quot;;\n } &quot;efft&quot;;\n serviceEvent.performer as performer -&gt; bundle.entry as e41, e41.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e41.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1, e41.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1), request.url = 'PractitionerRole' then {\n performer -&gt; event.detail = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) then {\n performer.assignedEntity as assignedEntity -&gt; bundle.entry as e42, e42.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e42.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {\n assignedEntity -&gt; practitioner.meta as meta then {\n assignedEntity -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n assignedEntity -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n assignedEntity -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n performer.functionCode -&gt; practitionerRole.code;\n assignedEntity.code -&gt; practitionerRole.code;\n assignedEntity.id as id -&gt; practitioner.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2, e42.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2), practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n assignedEntity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;2&quot;;\n assignedEntity.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;diverso&quot;;\n assignedEntity.addr -&gt; practitioner.address;\n assignedEntity.telecom -&gt; practitioner.telecom;\n assignedEntity.assignedPerson as person then {\n person.name -&gt; practitioner.name;\n person.birthTime as birthTime then {\n birthTime.value as date -&gt; practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) &quot;birthTimelegal&quot;;\n } &quot;birth&quot;;\n } &quot;name&quot;;\n assignedEntity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization -&gt; bundle.entry as e8, e8.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e8.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; organization.meta as meta then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n representedOrganization -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/representedOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n representedOrganization.id as id -&gt; organization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3, e8.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3), practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as referenceOrg, referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n representedOrganization.name as v -&gt; organization.name = (v.other);\n representedOrganization.telecom -&gt; organization.telecom;\n representedOrganization.addr -&gt; organization.address;\n representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf -&gt; bundle.entry as e9, e9.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e9.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; organization1.meta as meta then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n OrgPartOf.id as id -&gt; organization1.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4, e9.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4), organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n OrgPartOf.code -&gt; organization1.type;\n OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -&gt; organization1.active = create('boolean'), organization1.active = 'true';\n OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan -&gt; bundle.entry as e10, e10.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e10.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; organization2.meta as meta then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n wholeOrgan -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n wholeOrgan.id as id -&gt; organization2.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization2.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5, e10.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5), organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n wholeOrgan.name as v -&gt; organization2.name = (v.other);\n wholeOrgan.telecom -&gt; organization2.telecom;\n wholeOrgan.addr -&gt; organization2.address;\n };\n };\n } &quot;RepresentedOrganization&quot;;\n } &quot;AssignedEntity&quot;;\n } &quot;performer&quot;;\n } &quot;docOf&quot;;\n };\n };\n src where src.componentOf.exists().not() -&gt; tgt.encounter = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + %encounter.id) then ClinicalDocumentEncounter(src, bundle, encounter, patientResource) &quot;encounterExist&quot;;\n src.componentOf as comp then {\n comp where comp.encompassingEncounter.exists().not() -&gt; tgt.encounter = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + %encounter.id) then ClinicalDocumentEncounter(srcEnc, bundle, encounter, patientResource) &quot;enc&quot;;\n comp.encompassingEncounter as srcEnc -&gt; tgt.encounter = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Encounter/' + %encounter.id) then ClinicalDocumentEncounter(srcEnc, bundle, encounter, patientResource);\n } &quot;encompassingEncounter&quot;;\n}\n\ngroup ClinicalDocumentRelatesTo(source src : parentDocument, target tgt : composition) {\n src.id -&gt; tgt.identifier;\n src.code -&gt; tgt.type;\n src.setId -&gt; tgt.identifier;\n src.versionNumber as vNumber -&gt; tgt.extension as ext then ChExtEprVersionNumber(vNumber, ext) &quot;versionNumberEXT&quot;;\n}\n\ngroup EXTbirthplace(source src : AD, target ext : Extension) {\n src -&gt; ext.url = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/patient-birthPlace' &quot;url&quot;;\n src -&gt; ext.value = create('Address') as value then ADAddress(src, value) &quot;value&quot;;\n}\n\ngroup ClinicalDocumentPatientRole(source src : PatientRole, target tgt : Patient, target bundle : Bundle) {\n src.addr -&gt; tgt.address;\n src.telecom -&gt; tgt.telecom;\n src.patient as patient then {\n patient.name -&gt; tgt.name;\n patient.administrativeGenderCode as gender then {\n gender.code as v -&gt; tgt.gender = translate(v, '#cm-v3-administrative-gender', 'code') &quot;gender&quot;;\n } &quot;gender&quot;;\n patient.birthTime as birthTime then {\n birthTime.value as date -&gt; tgt.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) &quot;birthTimelegal&quot;;\n } &quot;birth&quot;;\n patient.deceasedInd as deceased where (value = 'false') -&gt; tgt.deceased = create('boolean'), tgt.deceased = false &quot;deceasedBL&quot;;\n patient.deceasedInd as deceased where (value = 'true') then {\n patient.deceasedTime as Time -&gt; tgt.deceased = create('dateTime') as deceasedTime then TSDateTime(Time, deceasedTime);\n };\n patient.deceasedTime as Timet where Timet.empty() -&gt; tgt.deceased = create('boolean'), tgt.deceased = true &quot;deceasedBL&quot;;\n patient.maritalStatusCode -&gt; tgt.maritalStatus &quot;maritalStatus&quot;;\n patient.guardian as guardian then {\n guardian.guardianPerson as person -&gt; bundle.entry as e, e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e.resource = create('RelatedPerson') as relatedPerson, relatedPerson.id = uuid() as uuid1, e.fullUrl = append('https://example/RelatedPerson/', uuid1), request.url = 'RelatedPerson' then {\n person.name -&gt; relatedPerson.name;\n person.birthTime as birthTime then {\n birthTime.value as date -&gt; relatedPerson.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) &quot;birthTimelegal&quot;;\n } &quot;birth&quot;;\n person -&gt; relatedPerson.patient = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + %tgt.id) &quot;reference&quot;;\n person -&gt; tgt.link as link then {\n person -&gt; link.type = 'refer' &quot;type&quot;;\n person -&gt; link.other = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/RelatedPerson/' + %relatedPerson.id) &quot;reference&quot;;\n guardian.addr -&gt; relatedPerson.address;\n guardian.telecom -&gt; relatedPerson.telecom;\n guardian.id -&gt; relatedPerson.identifier;\n guardian.code -&gt; relatedPerson.relationship;\n } &quot;person&quot;;\n };\n guardian.guardianOrganization as guardianorg -&gt; bundle.entry as e1, e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e1.resource = create('Organization') as organizationcontact then {\n guardianorg -&gt; organizationcontact.meta as meta then {\n guardianorg -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n guardianorg -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n guardianorg -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/guardian/guardianOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n guardianorg -&gt; tgt.contact as contact then {\n guardianorg -&gt; contact.organization = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organizationcontact.id) &quot;OrganizationContact&quot;;\n guardianorg.id as id -&gt; organizationcontact.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n guardianorg -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organizationcontact.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2, e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n guardianorg.name as v -&gt; organizationcontact.name = (v.other);\n guardianorg.telecom -&gt; organizationcontact.telecom;\n guardianorg.addr -&gt; organizationcontact.address;\n guardianorg.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf -&gt; bundle.entry as e2, e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e2.resource = create('Organization') as organizationpartOf then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; organizationpartOf.meta as meta then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/guardian/guardianOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n OrgPartOf -&gt; organizationcontact.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organizationpartOf.id) &quot;asorganization&quot;;\n OrgPartOf.id as id -&gt; organizationpartOf.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organizationpartOf.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3, e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n OrgPartOf.code -&gt; organizationpartOf.type;\n OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -&gt; organizationpartOf.active = 'true';\n OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeORG -&gt; bundle.entry as e3, e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e3.resource = create('Organization') as WholeOrganization then {\n wholeORG -&gt; WholeOrganization.meta as meta then {\n wholeORG -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n wholeORG -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n wholeORG -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/guardian/guardianOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n wholeORG -&gt; organizationpartOf.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %WholeOrganization.id) &quot;asOrganization&quot;;\n wholeORG.id as id -&gt; WholeOrganization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n wholeORG -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; WholeOrganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4, e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n wholeORG.name as v -&gt; WholeOrganization.name = (v.other);\n wholeORG.telecom -&gt; WholeOrganization.telecom;\n wholeORG.addr -&gt; WholeOrganization.address;\n } &quot;WholeOrganization&quot;;\n } &quot;OrganizationPartOf&quot;;\n } &quot;contact&quot;;\n } &quot;guardianorganization&quot;;\n };\n patient.birthplace as birthplace then {\n birthplace.place as place then {\n place.addr as address -&gt; tgt.extension as ext1 then EXTbirthplace(address, ext1) &quot;birthplace&quot;;\n };\n };\n src.providerOrganization as org -&gt; bundle.entry as e4, e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e4.resource = create('Organization') as providerorganization then {\n org -&gt; providerorganization.meta as meta then {\n org -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n org -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n org -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/providerOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n org.id as id -&gt; providerorganization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n org -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; providerorganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5, e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5), tgt.managingOrganization = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %providerorganization.id) &quot;reference&quot;;\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n org.name as v -&gt; providerorganization.name = (v.other);\n org.telecom -&gt; providerorganization.telecom;\n org.addr -&gt; providerorganization.address;\n org.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOfProvider -&gt; bundle.entry as e5, e5.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e5.resource = create('Organization') as organizationpartOfprovider then {\n OrgPartOfProvider -&gt; organizationpartOfprovider.meta as meta then {\n OrgPartOfProvider -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n OrgPartOfProvider -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n OrgPartOfProvider -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/providerOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n OrgPartOfProvider.id as id -&gt; organizationpartOfprovider.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n OrgPartOfProvider -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organizationpartOfprovider.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid6, e5.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid6), providerorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organizationpartOfprovider.id) &quot;asorganization&quot;;\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n OrgPartOfProvider.code -&gt; organizationpartOfprovider.type;\n OrgPartOfProvider.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -&gt; organizationpartOfprovider.active = 'true';\n OrgPartOfProvider.wholeOrganization as wholeORGproveder -&gt; bundle.entry as e6, e6.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e6.resource = create('Organization') as WholeOrganizationprovider then {\n wholeORGproveder -&gt; WholeOrganizationprovider.meta as meta then {\n wholeORGproveder -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n wholeORGproveder -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n wholeORGproveder -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/patient/providerOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n wholeORGproveder -&gt; organizationpartOfprovider.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %WholeOrganizationprovider.id) &quot;asOrganization&quot;;\n wholeORGproveder.id as id -&gt; WholeOrganizationprovider.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n wholeORGproveder -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; WholeOrganizationprovider.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid7, e6.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid7);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n wholeORGproveder.name as v -&gt; WholeOrganizationprovider.name = (v.other);\n wholeORGproveder.telecom -&gt; WholeOrganizationprovider.telecom;\n wholeORGproveder.addr -&gt; WholeOrganizationprovider.address;\n } &quot;wholeOrganizationprovider&quot;;\n } &quot;OrganizationPartOfprovider&quot;;\n } &quot;organization&quot;;\n };\n}\n\ngroup CustodianOrganization(source src : CustodianOrganization, target tgt : Organization) {\n src.name as v -&gt; tgt.name = (v.other);\n src.telecom -&gt; tgt.telecom;\n src.addr -&gt; tgt.address;\n}\n\ngroup ClinicalDocumentEncounter(source src : EncompassingEncounter, target bundle : Bundle, target encounter : Encounter, target patient : Patient) {\n src.id -&gt; encounter.identifier;\n src.code as code1 -&gt; encounter.class = create('Coding') as coding then {\n code1.code as code -&gt; coding.code = cast(code, 'string');\n code1.codeSystem as system -&gt; coding.system = translate(system, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri');\n code1.displayName as display -&gt; coding.display = cast(display, 'string');\n } &quot;class&quot;;\n src where src.code.exists().not() -&gt; encounter.class = create('Coding') as coding then {\n src -&gt; coding.code = 'AMB' &quot;code&quot;;\n src -&gt; coding.system = 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActCode' &quot;codeS&quot;;\n src -&gt; coding.display = 'ambulatory' &quot;display&quot;;\n } &quot;NonCodeclass&quot;;\n src -&gt; encounter.subject = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Patient/' + %patient.id) &quot;reference&quot;;\n src -&gt; encounter.status = 'finished' &quot;status&quot;;\n // effectiveTime=period\n src where effectiveTime.low.exists() or effectiveTime.high.exists() then {\n src.effectiveTime as eff -&gt; encounter.period = create('Period') as period then IVLTSPeriod(eff, period);\n } &quot;where&quot;;\n // effectiveTime = time-stamp\n src where effectiveTime.low.exists().not() or effectiveTime.high.exists().not() then {\n src.effectiveTime as effectivetime1 -&gt; encounter.period = create('Period') as period then {\n effectivetime1 -&gt; period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(effectivetime1, start) &quot;val&quot;;\n } &quot;efft&quot;;\n } &quot;where&quot;;\n // src.effectiveTime as effectivetime1 -&gt; encounter.period as period, period.start=(effectivetime1.value);\n src.dischargeDispositionCode as dischargeDispositionCode then {\n dischargeDispositionCode -&gt; encounter.hospitalization as hospitalization then {\n dischargeDispositionCode -&gt; hospitalization.dischargeDisposition &quot;disDisp&quot;;\n } &quot;disposition&quot;;\n } &quot;discharge&quot;;\n src.responsibleParty as responsibleParty -&gt; encounter.participant as participant then {\n responsibleParty.assignedEntity as entity -&gt; bundle.entry as e, e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1, e.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1), request.url = 'PractitionerRole', participant.individual = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) then {\n entity.code -&gt; practitionerRole.code;\n entity -&gt; bundle.entry as e1, e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e1.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {\n entity -&gt; practitioner.meta as meta then {\n entity -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n entity -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n entity -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/responsibleParty' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n entity.id as id -&gt; practitioner.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2, e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2), practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n entity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;2&quot;;\n entity.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;diverso&quot;;\n entity.addr -&gt; practitioner.address;\n entity.telecom -&gt; practitioner.telecom;\n entity.assignedPerson as person then {\n person.name -&gt; practitioner.name;\n person.birthTime as birthTime then {\n birthTime.value as date -&gt; practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) &quot;birthTimeENC&quot;;\n } &quot;birth&quot;;\n } &quot;name&quot;;\n } &quot;practitioner&quot;;\n entity.representedOrganization as raporg -&gt; bundle.entry as e2, e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e2.resource = create('Organization') as rapresentedorganization then {\n raporg -&gt; rapresentedorganization.meta as meta then {\n raporg -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n raporg -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n raporg -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/responsibleParty/representedOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n // raporg.id -&gt; rapresentedorganization.identifier;\n raporg.id as id -&gt; rapresentedorganization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n raporg -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; rapresentedorganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3, e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3), practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %rapresentedorganization.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n raporg.name as v -&gt; rapresentedorganization.name = (v.other);\n raporg.telecom -&gt; rapresentedorganization.telecom;\n raporg.addr -&gt; rapresentedorganization.address;\n raporg.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf -&gt; bundle.entry as e3, e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e3.resource = create('Organization') as organization1, organization1.id = uuid() as uuid4, e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4), rapresentedorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id) then {\n // OrgPartOf.id -&gt; organization1.identifier;\n OrgPartOf -&gt; organization1.meta as meta then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/responsibleParty/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n OrgPartOf.id as id -&gt; organization1.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4, e3.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4), rapresentedorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n OrgPartOf.code -&gt; organization1.type;\n OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -&gt; organization1.active = create('boolean'), organization1.active = true;\n OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan -&gt; bundle.entry as e4, e4.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e4.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {\n // wholeOrgan.id -&gt; organization2.identifier;\n wholeOrgan -&gt; organization2.meta as meta then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n wholeOrgan -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/responsibleParty/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n wholeOrgan.id as id -&gt; organization2.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization2.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5, e4.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5), organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n wholeOrgan.name as v -&gt; organization2.name = (v.other);\n wholeOrgan.telecom -&gt; organization2.telecom;\n wholeOrgan.addr -&gt; organization2.address;\n } &quot;wholeOrgan&quot;;\n } &quot;OrgPartOf&quot;;\n } &quot;organization&quot;;\n } &quot;entity&quot;;\n } &quot;particpant&quot;;\n src.encounterParticipant as participant then {\n participant.assignedEntity as assignedEntity -&gt; bundle.entry as e313, e313.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'POST', e313.resource = create('PractitionerRole') as practitionerRole, practitionerRole.id = uuid() as uuid1, e313.fullUrl = append('https://example/PractitionerRole/', uuid1), request.url = 'PractitionerRole', encounter.participant = create('BackboneElement') as participant1 then {\n // participant.time as time-&gt;participant1.period as period ,period.start=(time.value);\n participant -&gt; participant1.period = create('Period') as period then {\n participant.time as time -&gt; period.start = create('dateTime') as start then TSDateTime(time, start);\n } &quot;period&quot;;\n participant as p -&gt; participant1.type as type then {\n p -&gt; type.coding as coding then {\n p -&gt; coding.code = (p.typeCode) &quot;codice&quot;;\n p -&gt; coding.system = 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ParticipationType' &quot;system&quot;;\n } &quot;codeType&quot;;\n } &quot;type&quot;;\n participant -&gt; participant1.individual = create('Reference') as referencepart, referencepart.reference = ('https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id) &quot;par&quot;;\n participant.functionCode -&gt; practitionerRole.code;\n assignedEntity -&gt; bundle.entry as e33, e33.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e33.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner then {\n assignedEntity -&gt; practitioner.meta as meta then {\n assignedEntity -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n assignedEntity -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n assignedEntity -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/encounterParticipant' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n assignedEntity.id as id -&gt; practitioner.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; practitioner.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2, e33.fullUrl = append('https://example/Practitioner/', uuid2), practitionerRole.practitioner = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n assignedEntity.id as id where (root = '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;2&quot;;\n assignedEntity.id as id where (root != '2.16.840.1.113883.') then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; request.url = append('Practitioner?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;diverso&quot;;\n assignedEntity.code -&gt; practitionerRole.code;\n assignedEntity.addr -&gt; practitioner.address;\n assignedEntity.telecom -&gt; practitioner.telecom;\n assignedEntity.associatedPerson as assignedPerson then {\n assignedPerson.name -&gt; practitioner.name;\n assignedPerson.birthTime as birthTime then {\n birthTime.value as date -&gt; practitioner.birthDate = truncate(date, 10) &quot;birthTimelegal&quot;;\n } &quot;birth&quot;;\n } &quot;name&quot;;\n assignedEntity.representedOrganization as representedOrganization -&gt; bundle.entry as e34, e34.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e34.resource = create('Organization') as organization then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; organization.meta as meta then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n representedOrganization -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/encounterParticipant/scopingOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n representedOrganization.id as id -&gt; organization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n representedOrganization -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid3, e34.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid3), practitionerRole.organization = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n representedOrganization.name as v -&gt; organization.name = (v.other);\n representedOrganization.telecom -&gt; organization.telecom;\n representedOrganization.addr -&gt; organization.address;\n representedOrganization.asOrganizationPartOf as OrgPartOf -&gt; bundle.entry as e35, e35.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e35.resource = create('Organization') as organization1 then {\n OrgPartOf.id as id -&gt; organization1.identifier as identifier then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; organization1.meta as meta then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n OrgPartOf -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/encounterParticipant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n OrgPartOf -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid4, e35.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid4), organization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n OrgPartOf.code -&gt; organization1.type;\n OrgPartOf.statusCode as status where (value = 'active') -&gt; organization1.active = create('boolean'), organization1.active = true;\n OrgPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrgan -&gt; bundle.entry as e36, e36.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e36.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; organization2.meta as meta then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n wholeOrgan -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/encounterParticipant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n wholeOrgan.id as id -&gt; organization2.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n wholeOrgan -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization1.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid5, e36.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid5), organization1.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n wholeOrgan.name as v -&gt; organization2.name = (v.other);\n wholeOrgan.telecom -&gt; organization2.telecom;\n wholeOrgan.addr -&gt; organization2.address;\n } &quot;wholeOrgan&quot;;\n } &quot;OrgPartOf&quot;;\n };\n } &quot;assignedEntity&quot;;\n } &quot;Participant&quot;;\n };\n src.location as Location then {\n Location.healthCareFacility as HCF -&gt; bundle.entry as e5, e5.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e5.resource = create('Location') as loc then {\n HCF -&gt; loc.meta as meta then {\n HCF -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n HCF -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n HCF -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/location/healthCareFacility' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n HCF -&gt; encounter.location as locations then {\n HCF.id as id -&gt; loc.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n HCF -&gt; request.url = append('Location?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; loc.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid6, e5.fullUrl = append('https://example/Location/', uuid6), locations.location = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Location/' + %loc.id) &quot;locc&quot;;\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n HCF.code -&gt; loc.type;\n HCF.location as srcLocation then {\n srcLocation.name as v -&gt; loc.name = (v.other);\n srcLocation.addr -&gt; loc.address;\n } &quot;location2&quot;;\n HCF.serviceProviderOrganization as servProvOrg -&gt; bundle.entry as e, e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e.resource = create('Organization') as serviceProviderOrganization then {\n servProvOrg -&gt; serviceProviderOrganization.meta as meta then {\n servProvOrg -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n servProvOrg -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n servProvOrg -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/location/healthCareFacility/serviceProviderOrganization' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n servProvOrg.id as id -&gt; serviceProviderOrganization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n servProvOrg -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; serviceProviderOrganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid, e.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid), loc.managingOrganization = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %serviceProviderOrganization.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n servProvOrg.name as v -&gt; serviceProviderOrganization.name = (v.other);\n servProvOrg.telecom -&gt; serviceProviderOrganization.telecom;\n servProvOrg.addr -&gt; serviceProviderOrganization.address;\n servProvOrg.asOrganizationPartOf as asOrgPartOf then {\n asOrgPartOf as asOrgPartOf1 -&gt; bundle.entry as e1, e1.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e1.resource = create('Organization') as asorganization then {\n asOrgPartOf1 -&gt; asorganization.meta as meta then {\n asOrgPartOf1 -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n asOrgPartOf1 -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n asOrgPartOf1 -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/location/healthCareFacility/serviceProviderOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n asOrgPartOf1.id as id -&gt; asorganization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n asOrgPartOf1 -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; asorganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid1, e1.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid1), serviceProviderOrganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %asorganization.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n asOrgPartOf1.code -&gt; asorganization.type;\n asOrgPartOf1.statusCode as status where (code = 'active') -&gt; asorganization.active = create('boolean'), asorganization.active = 'true';\n asOrgPartOf1.wholeOrganization as wholeOrg then {\n wholeOrg as wholeOrg1 -&gt; bundle.entry as e2, e2.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e2.resource = create('Organization') as wholeorganization then {\n wholeOrg1 -&gt; wholeorganization.meta as meta then {\n wholeOrg1 -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n wholeOrg1 -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n wholeOrg1 -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/location/healthCareFacility/serviceProviderOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n wholeOrg1.id as id -&gt; asorganization.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n wholeOrg1 -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; wholeorganization.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid2, e2.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid2), asorganization.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %wholeorganization.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n wholeOrg1.name as v -&gt; wholeorganization.name = (v.other);\n wholeOrg1.telecom -&gt; wholeorganization.telecom;\n wholeOrg1.addr -&gt; wholeorganization.address;\n } &quot;wholeOrg1&quot;;\n } &quot;wholeOrg&quot;;\n } &quot;OrganizationPartOfprovider&quot;;\n } &quot;asOrg1&quot;;\n } &quot;SPO&quot;;\n } &quot;hcf&quot;;\n } &quot;location1&quot;;\n };\n}\n\ngroup ClinicalDocumentationOf(source src : representedOrganization, target tgt : organization, target bundle : Bundle) {\n src.name -&gt; tgt.name;\n src.telecom -&gt; tgt.telecom;\n src.addr -&gt; tgt.address;\n src.asOrganizationPartOf as asOrganizationPartOf then {\n asOrganizationPartOf -&gt; bundle.entry as e, e.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e.resource = create('Organization') as organization2 then {\n asOrganizationPartOf -&gt; organization2.meta as meta then {\n asOrganizationPartOf -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n asOrganizationPartOf -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n asOrganizationPartOf -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n asOrganizationPartOf.id as id -&gt; organization2.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n asOrganizationPartOf -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization2.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid, e.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid), tgt.partOf = create('Reference') as reference, reference.reference = ('https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n asOrganizationPartOf.code -&gt; organization2.type;\n asOrganizationPartOf.statusCode where (value = 'active') -&gt; organization2.active = 'true';\n asOrganizationPartOf.wholeOrganization as wholeOrganization -&gt; bundle.entry as e3, e3.request = create('BackboneElement') as request, request.method = 'PUT', e3.resource = create('Organization') as organization3 then {\n wholeOrganization -&gt; organization3.meta as meta then {\n wholeOrganization -&gt; meta.tag = create('Coding') as coding then {\n wholeOrganization -&gt; coding.system = 'http://algoritmodiscoring' &quot;system&quot;;\n wholeOrganization -&gt; coding.code = 'ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf' &quot;code&quot;;\n } &quot;coding&quot;;\n } &quot;meta&quot;;\n wholeOrganization.id as id -&gt; organization3.identifier as identifier then {\n id.root as r -&gt; identifier.system = translate(r, 'http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri', 'uri') &quot;root1&quot;;\n id.extension as ext -&gt; identifier.value = ext then {\n wholeOrganization -&gt; request.url = append('Organization?identifier=', ext) &quot;UUID&quot;;\n } &quot;ext&quot;;\n id.assigningAuthorityName as s -&gt; identifier.assigner as a, a.display = s;\n id.root as r then {\n id.extension as ext -&gt; organization3.id = (r + '-' + ext) as uuid1, e.fullUrl = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid1), organization2.partOf = create('Reference') as referenceOrg, referenceOrg.reference = append('https://example/Organization/', uuid1);\n } &quot;r&quot;;\n } &quot;identifier&quot;;\n wholeOrganization.id -&gt; organization3.identifier;\n wholeOrganization.name -&gt; organization3.name;\n wholeOrganization.telecom -&gt; organization3.telecom;\n wholeOrganization.addr -&gt; organization3.address;\n };\n } &quot;organizationPartOf&quot;;\n } &quot;creation&quot;;\n}\n\ngroup ChExtEprVersionNumber(source src : INT, target ext : Extension) {\n src -&gt; ext.url = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/composition-clinicaldocument-versionNumber' &quot;url&quot;;\n src.value as v -&gt; ext.value = cast(v, 'string');\n}\n\ngroup ClinicalDocumentOrganization(source src : CustodianOrganization, target tgt : Organization) {\n src.id -&gt; tgt.identifier;\n src.name as v -&gt; tgt.name = (v.other);\n src.telecom -&gt; tgt.telecom;\n src.addr -&gt; tgt.address;\n}\n\n</pre>\n </div>"
  "url" : "http://hl7.it/fhir/cda2fhir/StructureMap/cda2fhirHeader",
  "version" : "0.1.0",
  "name" : "cda2fhirHeader",
  "status" : "draft",
  "date" : "2024-09-15T08:16:12+00:00",
  "publisher" : "HL7 Italy",
  "contact" : [
      "name" : "HL7 Italy",
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "url",
          "value" : "http://hl7.it"
  "jurisdiction" : [
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          "display" : "Italy"
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      "mode" : "source",
      "alias" : "ClinicalDocument"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/AssignedAuthor",
      "mode" : "queried",
      "alias" : "AssignedAuthor"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/AssignedEntity",
      "mode" : "queried",
      "alias" : "AssignedEntity"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/AssociatedEntity",
      "mode" : "queried",
      "alias" : "AssociatedEntity"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/CustodianOrganization",
      "mode" : "queried",
      "alias" : "CustodianOrganization"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/Section",
      "mode" : "queried",
      "alias" : "Section"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/PatientRole",
      "mode" : "queried",
      "alias" : "PatientRole"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle",
      "mode" : "target",
      "alias" : "Bundle"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Composition",
      "mode" : "produced",
      "alias" : "Composition"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient",
      "mode" : "produced",
      "alias" : "Patient"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Encounter",
      "mode" : "produced",
      "alias" : "Encounter"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Person",
      "mode" : "produced",
      "alias" : "Patient"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Practitioner",
      "mode" : "produced",
      "alias" : "Practitioner"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Specimen",
      "mode" : "produced",
      "alias" : "Specimen"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Organization",
      "mode" : "produced",
      "alias" : "Organization"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/cda/StructureDefinition/HealthCareFacility",
      "mode" : "queried",
      "alias" : "HealthCareFacility"
  "import" : [
  "group" : [
      "name" : "CdaToBundle",
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      "rule" : [
          "name" : "ClinicalDocumentToBody",
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              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "resource",
              "variable" : "DocumentReference",
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              "parameter" : [
                  "valueString" : "DocumentReference"
          "rule" : [
              "name" : "cdatobundle",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "cda"
              "dependent" : [
                  "name" : "ClinicalDocumentToBundle",
                  "variable" : [
              "name" : "patient",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "cda",
                  "element" : "recordTarget",
                  "variable" : "recordTarget"
              "rule" : [
                  "name" : "recPat",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "recordTarget",
                      "element" : "patientRole",
                      "variable" : "patient"
                  "rule" : [
                      "name" : "record",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "patient",
                          "element" : "id",
                          "variable" : "id"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "patient",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "identifier",
                          "variable" : "identifier"
                      "rule" : [
                          "name" : "root1",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "root",
                              "variable" : "r"
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                              "context" : "identifier",
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                              "element" : "system",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "r"
                                  "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                  "valueString" : "uri"
                          "name" : "value",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "extension",
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                              "transform" : "copy",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "ext"
                          "name" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                              "variable" : "s"
                          "target" : [
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                              "variable" : "a"
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "s"
                          "documentation" : "r -> requestPAT.url = append('Patient?identifier=',ext) \"UUID\";"
      "name" : "ClinicalDocumentToBundle",
      "typeMode" : "none",
      "input" : [
          "name" : "cda",
          "type" : "ClinicalDocument",
          "mode" : "source"
          "name" : "patient",
          "type" : "Patient",
          "mode" : "target"
  & },
                          "context" : "e1",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "resource",
                          "variable" : "practitionerRole",
                          "transform" : "create",
                          "parameter" : [
                              "valueString" : "PractitionerRole"
                          "context" : "practitionerRole",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "id",
                          "variable" : "uuid1",
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                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "fullUrl",
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                          "parameter" : [
                              "valueString" : "https://example/PractitionerRole/"
                              "valueId" : "uuid1"
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                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "url",
                          "transform" : "copy",
                          "parameter" : [
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                          "parameter" : [
                              "valueString" : "'https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id"
                      "rule" : [
                          "name" : "ASSAUth",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "Practitioner"
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                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "srcAuthor",
                                  "element" : "functionCode",
                                  "variable" : "vvv"
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                                  "transform" : "create"
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                                  "context" : "assignedAuthor"
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                                  "element" : "meta",
                                  "variable" : "meta"
                              "rule" : [
                                  "name" : "coding",
                                  "source" : [
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                                      "context" : "meta",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "tag",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "Coding"
                                  "rule" : [
                                      "name" : "system",
                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "assignedAuthor"
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                                          "context" : "coding",
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                      "name" : "code",
                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "assignedAuthor"
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                                          "context" : "coding",
                                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                  "context" : "assignedAuthor",
                                  "element" : "code",
                                  "variable" : "vvv"
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                                  "context" : "practitionerRole",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "code",
                                  "variable" : "vvv",
                                  "transform" : "create"
                              "name" : "identifier",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "assignedAuthor",
                                  "element" : "id",
                                  "variable" : "id"
                              "target" : [
                                  "context" : "practitioner",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "identifier",
                                  "variable" : "identifier"
                              "rule" : [
                                  "name" : "root1",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "id",
                                      "element" : "root",
                                      "variable" : "r"
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                                      "context" : "identifier",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueId" : "r"
                                          "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                          "valueString" : "uri"
                                  "name" : "extension",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "id",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueId" : "ext"
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                                  "source" : [
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                                      "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
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                                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                                      "variable" : "a"
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueId" : "s"
                                  "documentation" : "then {"
                                  "name" : "r",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "id",
                                      "element" : "root",
                                      "variable" : "r"
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                                      "name" : "aut",
                                      "source" : [
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                                          "element" : "id",
                                          "variable" : "uuid2",
                                          "transform" : "evaluate",
                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "r + '-' + ext"
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "https://example/Practitioner/"
                                              "valueId" : "uuid2"
                                          "context" : "practitionerRole",
                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "practitioner",
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "reference",
                                          "transform" : "evaluate",
                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "'https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id"
                              "name" : "2.16.840.1.113883.",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "assignedAuthor",
                                  "element" : "id",
                                  "variable" : "id",
                                  "condition" : "(root = '2.16.840.1.113883.')"
                              "rule" : [
                                  "name" : "UUID",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "id",
                                      "element" : "extension",
                                      "variable" : "ext"
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                                      "element" : "url",
                                      "transform" : "append",
                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "Practitioner?identifier="
                                          "valueId" : "ext"
                              "name" : "diverso",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "assignedAuthor",
                                  "element" : "id",
                                  "variable" : "id",
                                  "condition" : "(root != '2.16.840.1.113883.')"
                              "rule" : [
                                  "name" : "UUID",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "id",
                                      "element" : "extension",
                                      "variable" : "ext"
                                  "target" : [
                                      "context" : "request",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "url",
                                      "transform" : "append",
                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "Practitioner?identifier="
                                          "valueId" : "ext"
                              "name" : "addr",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "assignedAuthor",
                                  "element" : "addr",
                                  "variable" : "vvv"
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                                  "context" : "practitioner",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "address",
                                  "variable" : "vvv",
                                  "transform" : "create"
                              "name" : "telecom",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "assignedAuthor",
                                  "element" : "telecom",
                                  "variable" : "vvv"
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                                  "context" : "practitioner",
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                                  "variable" : "vvv",
                                  "transform" : "create"
                              "name" : "name",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "assignedAuthor",
                                  "element" : "assignedPerson",
                                  "variable" : "person"
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                                  "name" : "name",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "person",
                                      "element" : "name",
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                                      "context" : "practitioner",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "person",
                                      "element" : "birthTime",
                                      "variable" : "birthTime"
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                                      "name" : "value",
                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "birthTime",
                                          "element" : "value",
                                          "variable" : "date"
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "birthDate",
                                          "transform" : "truncate",
                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueId" : "date"
                                              "valueInteger" : 10
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                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "assignedAuthor"
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "author",
                                  "variable" : "referenceAuth",
                                  "transform" : "create",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "Reference"
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "reference",
                                  "transform" : "evaluate",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "'https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id"
                          "documentation" : "assignedAuthor.code as codice -> practitionerRole.code as code2 then CECodeableConcept(codice,code2);"
                          "name" : "representedOrganization",
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                              "parameter" : [
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                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "id",
                                      "element" : "root",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueId" : "r"
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                                          "valueString" : "uri"
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                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "id",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueId" : "ext"
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                                      "name" : "UUID",
                                      "source" : [
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                  "source" : [
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                                      "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                          "valueString" : "Coding"
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                                      "name" : "system",
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                      "name" : "code",
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                              "name" : "name",
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "v.other"
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                                  "transform" : "create"
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                                          "element" : "telecom",
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       &nbs            }
                              "name" : "code",
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                                  "context" : "assignedEntity"
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                                  "parameter" : [
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                      "name" : "code",
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                          "context" : "assignedEntity",
                          "element" : "code",
                          "variable" : "codice"
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                          "context" : "practitionerRole",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                          "variable" : "code2"
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                          "name" : "CECodeableConcept",
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                      "source" : [
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                          "element" : "id",
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                              "context" : "id",
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                              "parameter" : [
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                                  "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                  "valueString" : "uri"
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                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
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                                  "context" : "id",
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                                  "variable" : "uuid2",
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                                  "parameter" : [
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "'https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id"
                      "name" : "2.16.840.1.113883.",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "assignedEntity",
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                          "condition" : "(root = '2.16.840.1.113883.')"
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "Practitioner?identifier="
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                      "name" : "diverso",
                      "source" : [
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                          "element" : "id",
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                          "condition" : "(root != '2.16.840.1.113883.')"
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                              "parameter" : [
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                      "source" : [
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                          "element" : "addr",
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                          "variable" : "vvv",
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                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                      "source" : [
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
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                              "variable" : "vvv",
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                          "source" : [
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                              "variable" : "birthTime"
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                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "birthTime",
                                  "element" : "value",
                                  "variable" : "date"
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                                  "context" : "practitioner",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "birthDate",
                                  "transform" : "truncate",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueId" : "date"
                                      "valueInteger" : 10
                      "name" : "RepresentedOrganization",
                      "source" : [
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                          "variable" : "e8"
                          "context" : "e8",
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                          "parameter" : [
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                              "variable" : "meta"
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                                  "parameter" : [
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                                  "name" : "system",
                                  "source" : [
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                                  "target" : [
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              "documentation" : "START DATA ENTER"
          "documentation" : "START AUTHOR"
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueId" : "r"
                                      "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                      "valueString" : "uri"
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                                      "valueId" : "s"
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                                  "name" : "dataenterer",
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                                      "variable" : "uuid2",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "r + '-' + ext"
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "'https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id"
                          "name" : "2.16.840.1.113883.",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "assignedEntity",
                              "element" : "id",
                              "variable" : "id",
                              "condition" : "(root = '2.16.840.1.113883.')"
                          "rule" : [
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                                  "context" : "id",
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "Practitioner?identifier="
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                          "name" : "diverso",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "assignedEntity",
                              "element" : "id",
                              "variable" : "id",
                              "condition" : "(root != '2.16.840.1.113883.')"
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "Practitioner?identifier="
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                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "entity",
                              "element" : "addr",
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                          "source" : [
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                                  "context" : "person",
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                                  "context" : "practitioner",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "name",
                                  "variable" : "vvv",
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                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "person",
                                  "element" : "birthTime",
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                                  "name" : "value",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "birthTime",
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                                      "context" : "practitioner",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                                      "transform" : "truncate",
                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueId" : "date"
                                          "valueInteger" : 10
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                                          "valueString" : "uri"
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id"
                              "name" : "name",
                              "source" : [
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                                  "element" : "name",
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "v.other"
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "telecom",
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                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "representedOrganization",
                                  "element" : "addr",
                                  "variable" : "vvv"
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "address",
                                  "variable" : "vvv",
                                  "transform" : "create"
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                              "source" : [
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                                  "source" : [
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                                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                                      "variable" : "e14"
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                                              "source" : [
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                                              "source" : [
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                                                  "parameter" : [
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                                      "name" : "identifier",
                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "organizationPartOf",
                                          "element" : "id",
                                          "variable" : "id"
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                                          "context" : "organization1",
                                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                                          "variable" : "identifier"
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                                          "name" : "root1",
                                          "source" : [
                                              "context" : "id",
                                              "element" : "root",
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                                              "context" : "identifier",
                                              "contextType" : "variable",
                                              "element" : "system",
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                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueId" : "r"
                                                  "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                                  "valueString" : "uri"
                                          "name" : "ext",
                                          "source" : [
                                              "context" : "id",
                                              "element" : "extension",
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                                              "context" : "identifier",
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                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueId" : "ext"
                                          "rule" : [
                                              "name" : "UUID",
                                              "source" : [
                                                  "context" : "organizationPartOf"
                                              "target" : [
                                                  "context" : "request",
                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                                  "element" : "url",
                                                  "transform" : "append",
                                                  "parameter" : [
                                                      "valueString" : "Organization?identifier="
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                                          "name" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                                          "source" : [
                                              "context" : "id",
                                              "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                                              "variable" : "s"
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                                              "context" : "identifier",
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                                              "element" : "assigner",
                                              "variable" : "a"
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                                              "contextType" : "variable",
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                                                  "valueId" : "s"
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                                              "context" : "id",
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                                                  "element" : "extension",
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                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                                  "element" : "id",
                                                  "variable" : "uuid4",
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                                                      "valueString" : "r + '-' + ext"
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                                                  "parameter" : [
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                                                  "parameter" : [
                                                      "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id"
                                      "name" : "code",
                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "organizationPartOf",
                                          "element" : "code",
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "type",
                                          "variable" : "vvv",
                                          "transform" : "create"
                                      "name" : "statusCode",
                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "organizationPartOf",
                                          "element" : "statusCode",
                                          "variable" : "status",
                                          "condition" : "(code = 'active')"
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                                          "context" : "organization1",
                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "active",
                                          "transform" : "create",
                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "boolean"
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "active",
                                          "transform" : "copy",
                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "true"
                                      "name" : "asOrganizationPartOf",
                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "organizationPartOf",
                                          "element" : "wholeOrganization"
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                                          "variable" : "partOf1"
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                                              "element" : "wholeOrganization",
                                              "variable" : "wholeOrganization"
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                                              "contextType" : "variable",
                                              "element" : "entry",
                                              "variable" : "e15"
                                              "context" : "e15",
                                              "contextType" : "variable",
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                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueString" : "Organization"
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                                              "name" : "meta",
                                              "source" : [
                                                  "context" : "wholeOrganization"
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                                                  "variable" : "meta"
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                                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                                      "element" : "tag",
                                                      "variable" : "coding",
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                                                      "parameter" : [
                                                          "valueString" : "Coding"
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                                                      "name" : "system",
                                                      "source" : [
                                                          "context" : "wholeOrganization"
                                                      "target" : [
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                                                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                                                          "parameter" : [
                                                              "valueString" : "http://algoritmodiscoring"
                                                      "name" : "code",
                                                      "source" : [
                                                          "context" : "wholeOrganization"
                                                      "target" : [
                                                          "context" : "coding",
                                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                                          "element" : "code",
                                                          "transform" : "copy",
                                                          "parameter" : [
                                                              "valueString" : "ClinicalDocument/informant/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization"
                                              "name" : "identifier",
                                              "source" : [
                                                  "context" : "wholeOrganization",
                                                  "element" : "id",
                                                  "variable" : "id"
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                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                                                  "variable" : "identifier"
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                                                  "name" : "root1",
                                                  "source" : [
                                                      "context" : "id",
                                                      "element" : "root",
                                                      "variable" : "r"
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                                                      "context" : "identifier",
                                                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                                                      "parameter" : [
                                                          "valueId" : "r"
                                                          "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                                          "valueString" : "uri"
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                                                  "source" : [
                                                      "context" : "id",
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                                                      "parameter" : [
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                                                      "name" : "UUID",
                                                      "source" : [
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                                                          "transform" : "append",
                                                          "parameter" : [
                                                              "valueString" : "Organization?identifier="
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                                                  "source" : [
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                                                      "variable" : "a"
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                                                          "valueId" : "s"
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                                                      "context" : "id",
                                                      "element" : "root",
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                                                      "source" : [
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                                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                                          "element" : "id",
                                                          "variable" : "uuid5",
                                                          "transform" : "evaluate",
                                                          "parameter" : [
                                                              "valueString" : "r + '-' + ext"
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                                                          "parameter" : [
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                                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                                          "element" : "partOf",
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                                                          "parameter" : [
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                                                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                                                          "parameter" : [
                                                              "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id"
                                              "name" : "name",
                                              "source" : [
                                                  "context" : "wholeOrganization",
                                                  "element" : "name",
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                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                                                  "parameter" : [
                                                      "valueString" : "v.other"
                                              "name" : "telecom",
                                              "source" : [
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                                                  "element" : "telecom",
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                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                                                  "transform" : "create"
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                                              "source" : [
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                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                                                  "transform" : "create"
          "documentation" : "START INFORMANT 1"
          "name" : "inform2",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
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              "name" : "informant",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "informant",
                  "element" : "relatedEntity",
                  "variable" : "related"
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                  "context" : "bundle",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "entry",
                  "variable" : "e16"
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                  "parameter" : [
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                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "resource",
                  "variable" : "relatedPerson",
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                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "RelatedPerson"
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                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "id",
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                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                  "parameter" : [
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                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "url",
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                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "RelatedPerson"
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                  "name" : "relatedPerson",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "informant"
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                      "context" : "tgt",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "attester",
                      "variable" : "attester"
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                      "name" : "mode",
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                          "context" : "informant"
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                          "element" : "mode",
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                          "parameter" : [
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                          "parameter" : [
                              "valueString" : "'https://example/RelatedPerson/' + %relatedPerson.id"
                      "name" : "relatedPerson1",
                      "source" : [
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                              "transform" : "create"
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                          "source" : [
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                          "source" : [
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                              "element" : "birthTime",
                              "variable" : "date"
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                              "name" : "valueD",
                              "source" : [
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "birthDate",
                                  "transform" : "truncate",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueId" : "value"
                                      "valueInteger" : 10
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "'https://example/Patient/' + %patientResource.id"
          "documentation" : "START INFORMANT 2"
          "name" : "custodian",
          "source" : [
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              "source" : [
                  "context" : "custodian",
                  "element" : "assignedCustodian",
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                  "variable" : "Organization",
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                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "Organization"
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                  "source" : [
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                      "variable" : "meta"
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                          "element" : "tag",
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                          "parameter" : [
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                          "source" : [
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                                  "valueString" : "http://algoritmodiscoring"
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                          "parameter" : [
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                      "source" : [
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                                  "source" : [
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                  "source" : [
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                                              "valueString" : "uri"
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                                          "name" : "UUID",
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                  "name" : "code",
                                  "source" : [
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                                  "name" : "statusCode",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "asOrganizationPartOf",
                                      "element" : "statusCode",
                                      "variable" : "status",
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                                                  "valueString" : "uri"
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                                                  "valueId" : "s"
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                                                  "context" : "id",
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                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                                                  "variable" : "uuid5",
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                                                  "parameter" : [
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                                                  "parameter" : [
                                                      "valueString" : "https://example/Organization/"
                                                      "valueId" : "uuid5"
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                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                                  "element" : "partOf",
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                                                  "parameter" : [
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                                      "name" : "name",
                                      "source" : [
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                                          "element" : "name",
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "v.other"
                                      "name" : "telecom",
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                                          "context" : "wholeOrganization3",
                                          "element" : "telecom",
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "telecom",
                                          "variable" : "vvv",
                                          "transform" : "create"
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                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "wholeOrganization3",
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                                          "variable" : "vvv"
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                                          "variable" : "vvv",
                                          "transform" : "create"
          "documentation" : "START INFORMATION RECIPIENT"
          "name" : "LegalAuthenticator",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "legalAuthenticator",
              "variable" : "legalAuth"
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              "name" : "legalAuth",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "legalAuth"
              "target" : [
                  "context" : "tgt",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "attester",
                  "variable" : "attester"
              "rule" : [
                  "name" : "entity",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "legalAuth",
                      "element" : "assignedEntity",
                      "variable" : "entity"
                  "rule" : [
                      "name" : "PractitionerROLlegal",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "entity",
                          "element" : "id",
                          "variable" : "id",
                          "condition" : "(root = '2.16.840.1.113883.')"
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                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                          "variable" : "e23"
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                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                          "parameter" : [
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                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "id",
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                          "parameter" : [
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                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "url",
                          "transform" : "copy",
                          "parameter" : [
                              "valueString" : "PractitionerRole"
                      "rule" : [
                          "name" : "mode",
                          "source" : [
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                          "target" : [
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "mode",
                              "transform" : "copy",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "legal"
                          "name" : "time",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "legalAuth",
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                              "context" : "legalAuth"
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "'https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id"
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                              "name" : "practitioner",
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                              "valueString" : "uri"
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                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "id",
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                                              "variable" : "uuid1",
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueString" : "'https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id"
                                  "name" : "2.16.840.1.113883.",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "entity",
                                      "element" : "id",
                                      "variable" : "id",
                                      "condition" : "(root = '2.16.840.1.113883.')"
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                                          "element" : "url",
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                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "Practitioner?identifier="
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                                      "context" : "entity",
                                      "element" : "addr",
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                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "telecom",
                                      "variable" : "vvv",
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                                  "name" : "person",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "entity",
                                      "element" : "assignedPerson",
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                                      "name" : "name",
                                      "source" : [
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                                          "variable" : "vvv",
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                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "person",
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                                          "variable" : "birthTime"
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                                          "name" : "birthTimelegal",
                                          "source" : [
                                              "context" : "birthTime",
                                              "element" : "value",
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                                              "context" : "practitioner",
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                                                  "valueId" : "date"
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                                  "parameter" : [
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                                              "valueString" : "Coding"
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                                          "name" : "system",
                                          "source" : [
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                                          "source" : [
                                              "context" : "rapresentedOrg"
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                  "name" : "identifier",
                                  "source" : [
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                                              "valueString" : "uri"
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                  "name" : "name",
                                  "source" : [
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                                      "element" : "name",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "v.other"
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                                  "source" : [
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                                  "source" : [
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                                      "element" : "addr",
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                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "address",
                                      "variable" : "vvv",
                                      "transform" : "create"
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                                  "source" : [
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                                      "variable" : "asOrgPartOf"
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                                      "name" : "asOrgPO",
                                      "source" : [
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                                          "variable" : "asOrgPartOf1"
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "entry",
                                          "variable" : "e26"
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                                                  "source" : [
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                                                      "parameter" : [
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                                                      "parameter" : [
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                                          "source" : [
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                                                      "valueString" : "uri"
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                                                  "name" : "UUID",
                                                  "source" : [
                                                      "context" : "asOrgPartOf1"
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                                                          "valueString" : "Organization?identifier="
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                                                      "variable" : "uuid2",
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                                                      "parameter" : [
                                                          "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %asorganization.id"
                                          "name" : "code",
                                          "source" : [
                                              "context" : "asOrgPartOf1",
                                              "element" : "code",
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                                              "variable" : "vvv",
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                                          "source" : [
                                              "context" : "asOrgPartOf1",
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                                              "condition" : "(code = 'active')"
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                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueBoolean" : true
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                                          "source" : [
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                                              "name" : "wholeOrg1",
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                                                              "valueString" : "Coding"
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                                                          "name" : "system",
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                                                              "parameter" : [
                                                                  "valueString" : "ClinicalDocument/legalAuthenticator/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization"
                                                  "name" : "identifier",
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                                                      "context" : "wholeOrg1",
                                                      "element" : "id",
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                                                      "variable" : "identifier"
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                                                      "name" : "root1",
                                                      "source" : [
                                                          "context" : "id",
                                                          "element" : "root",
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                                                          "parameter" : [
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                                                              "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                                              "valueString" : "uri"
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                                                      "source" : [
                                                          "context" : "id",
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                                                          "name" : "UUID",
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                                                              "context" : "wholeOrg1"
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                                                                  "valueString" : "Organization?identifier="
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                                                      "source" : [
                                                          "context" : "id",
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                                                              "valueId" : "s"
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                                                          "context" : "id",
                                                          "element" : "root",
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                                                              "context" : "id",
                                                              "element" : "extension",
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                                                              "contextType" : "variable",
                                                              "element" : "id",
                                                              "variable" : "uuid4",
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                                                              "parameter" : [
                                                                  "valueString" : "r + '-' + ext"
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                                                              "parameter" : [
                                                                  "valueString" : "https://example/Organization/"
                                                                  "valueId" : "uuid4"
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                                                              "parameter" : [
                                                                  "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %wholeorganization.id"
                                                  "name" : "name",
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                                                      "element" : "name",
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                                                      "parameter" : [
                                                          "valueString" : "v.other"
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                                                  "source" : [
                                                      "context" : "wholeOrg1",
                                                      "element" : "telecom",
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                                                      "context" : "wholeorganization",
                                                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                                                      "variable" : "vvv",
                                                      "transform" : "create"
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                                                      "context" : "wholeOrg1",
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                                                      "variable" : "vvv"
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                                                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                                                      "variable" : "vvv",
                                                      "transform" : "create"
                      "documentation" : "Codice Fiscale"
                      "name" : "OrgPartitaIVA",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "entity",
                          "element" : "id",
                          "variable" : "id",
                          "condition" : "(root = '2.16.840.1.113883.')"
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                              "context" : "entity"
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                                      "context" : "coding",
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                                  "context" : "id",
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                                      "valueString" : "uri"
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id"
                      "documentation" : "Partita IVA"
          "documentation" : "START Legal Authenticator"
          "name" : "Auth",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
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              "element" : "entry",
              "variable" : "e28"
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              "parameter" : [
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              "parameter" : [
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              "parameter" : [
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              "parameter" : [
                  "valueString" : "PractitionerRole"
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              "source" : [
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                  "context" : "tgt",
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                  "variable" : "attester"
              "rule" : [
                  "name" : "time",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "Auth",
                      "element" : "time",
                      "variable" : "vvv"
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                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "Auth"
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                      "context" : "attester",
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                      "parameter" : [
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                  "name" : "entity",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "Auth",
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                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "'https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id"
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                                  "source" : [
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                                  "name" : "code",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "ClinicalDocument/authenticator"
                          "name" : "identifier",
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                              "variable" : "identifier"
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                              "name" : "root1",
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                                  "context" : "id",
                                  "element" : "root",
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueId" : "r"
                                      "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                      "valueString" : "uri"
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                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "id",
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueId" : "ext"
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                                  "context" : "id",
                                  "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
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                                      "valueId" : "s"
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                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "id",
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                                      "variable" : "uuid2",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "r + '-' + ext"
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                                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "https://example/Practitioner/"
                                          "valueId" : "uuid2"
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "'https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id"
                          "name" : "2.16.840.1.113883.",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "entity",
                              "element" : "id",
                              "variable" : "id",
                              "condition" : "(root = '2.16.840.1.113883.')"
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                                  "context" : "id",
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "url",
                                  "transform" : "append",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "Practitioner?identifier="
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                          "name" : "diverso",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "entity",
                              "element" : "id",
                              "variable" : "id",
                              "condition" : "(root != '2.16.840.1.113883.')"
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                              "name" : "UUID",
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                                  "context" : "id",
                                  "element" : "extension",
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "Practitioner?identifier="
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                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "entity",
                              "element" : "addr",
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                              "variable" : "vvv",
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                              "variable" : "vvv",
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                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "entity",
                              "element" : "assignedPerson",
                              "variable" : "person"
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                              "name" : "personName",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "person",
                                  "element" : "name",
                                  "variable" : "vvv"
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                                  "context" : "practitioner",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "name",
                                  "variable" : "vvv",
                                  "transform" : "create"
                              "name" : "birth",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "person",
                                  "element" : "birthTime",
                                  "variable" : "birthTime"
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                                  "name" : "birthTimeauth",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "birthTime",
                                      "element" : "value",
                                      "variable" : "date"
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                                      "context" : "practitioner",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "birthDate",
                                      "transform" : "truncate",
                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueId" : "date"
                                          "valueInteger" : 10
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                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                          "parameter" : [
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                                  "source" : [
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                          "source" : [
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                                  "context" : "id",
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueId" : "r"
                                      "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                      "valueString" : "uri"
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                                  "parameter" : [
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                                  "source" : [
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                                  "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
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                                      "valueId" : "s"
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                                      "element" : "id",
                                      "variable" : "uuid3",
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "https://example/Organization/"
                                          "valueId" : "uuid3"
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                                      "element" : "reference",
                                      "transform" : "evaluate",
                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id"
                          "name" : "name",
                          "source" : [
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                              "element" : "name",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "v.other"
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                          "source" : [
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
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                              "transform" : "create"
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                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "reporganization",
                              "element" : "addr",
                              "variable" : "vvv"
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
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                              "variable" : "vvv",
                              "transform" : "create"
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                          "source" : [
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "entry",
                              "variable" : "e31"
                              "context" : "e31",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
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                              "element" : "resource",
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                              "parameter" : [
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                              "source" : [
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                                  "variable" : "meta"
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                                  "source" : [
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                                      "source" : [
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                      "source" : [
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                                              "valueString" : "ClinicalDocument/authenticator/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf"
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                                  "context" : "organizationpartof",
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                                  "variable" : "identifier"
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                                  "name" : "root1",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "id",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueId" : "r"
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                                          "valueString" : "uri"
                                  "name" : "ext",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "id",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueId" : "ext"
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                                      "name" : "UUID",
                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "organizationpartof"
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "url",
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                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "Organization?identifier="
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                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "id",
                                      "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
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                                          "variable" : "uuid4",
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                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %asOrganizationpartof.id"
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                                  "variable" : "vvv",
                                  "transform" : "create"
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                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "organizationpartof",
                                  "element" : "statusCode",
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                                  "parameter" : [
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "true"
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                                  "context" : "organizationpartof",
                                  "element" : "wholeOrganization",
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                                  "parameter" : [
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %wholeOrganization.id"
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                                  "name" : "meta",
                                  "source" : [
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                                      "variable" : "meta"
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                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "Coding"
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                                          "source" : [
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                          "source" : [
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                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueString" : "ClinicalDocument/authenticator/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization"
                                  "name" : "identifier",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "wholeorg",
                                      "element" : "id",
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                                      "variable" : "identifier"
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                                      "name" : "root1",
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                                          "context" : "id",
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                              "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                              "valueString" : "uri"
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                                          "name" : "UUID",
                                          "source" : [
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                                              "transform" : "append",
                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueString" : "Organization?identifier="
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                                          "context" : "id",
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                                          "source" : [
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                                              "contextType" : "variable",
                                              "element" : "id",
                                              "variable" : "uuid5",
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                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueString" : "r + '-' + ext"
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                                              "contextType" : "variable",
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                                  "valueId" : "uuid5"
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                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %wholeOrganization.id"
                                  "name" : "name",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "wholeorg",
                                      "element" : "name",
                                      "variable" : "v"
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                                      "context" : "wholeOrganization",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "name",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "v.other"
                                  "name" : "telecom",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "wholeorg",
                                      "element" : "telecom",
                                      "variable" : "vvv"
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                                      "context" : "wholeOrganization",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "telecom",
                                      "variable" : "vvv",
                                      "transform" : "create"
                                  "name" : "addr",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "wholeorg",
                                      "element" : "addr",
                                      "variable" : "vvv"
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                                      "context" : "wholeOrganization",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "address",
                                      "variable" : "vvv",
                                      "transform" : "create"
          "documentation" : "START Authenticator"
          "name" : "participant",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "participant",
              "variable" : "participant",
              "condition" : "(typeCode != 'IND')"
          "rule" : [
              "name" : "Participant1",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "participant",
                  "element" : "associatedEntity",
                  "variable" : "associetedEntity"
              "target" : [
                  "context" : "bundle",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "entry",
                  "variable" : "e313"
                  "context" : "e313",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "request",
                  "variable" : "request",
                  "transform" : "create",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "BackboneElement"
                  "context" : "request",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "method",
                  "transform" : "copy",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "POST"
                  "context" : "e313",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "resource",
                  "variable" : "practitionerRole",
                  "transform" : "create",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "PractitionerRole"
                  "context" : "practitionerRole",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "id",
                  "variable" : "uuid1",
                  "transform" : "uuid"
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                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "fullUrl",
                  "transform" : "append",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "https://example/PractitionerRole/"
                      "valueId" : "uuid1"
                  "context" : "request",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "url",
                  "transform" : "copy",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "PractitionerRole"
                  "context" : "encounter",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "participant",
                  "variable" : "participant1",
                  "transform" : "create",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "BackboneElement"
              "rule" : [
                  "name" : "period",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "participant"
                  "target" : [
                      "context" : "participant1",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "period",
                      "variable" : "period",
                      "transform" : "create",
                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "Period"
                  "rule" : [
                      "name" : "time",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "participant",
                          "element" : "time",
                          "variable" : "time"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "period",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "start",
                          "variable" : "start",
                          "transform" : "create",
                          "parameter" : [
                              "valueString" : "dateTime"
                      "dependent" : [
                          "name" : "TSDateTime",
                          "variable" : [
                  "documentation" : "participant.time as time->participant1.period as period ,period.start=(time.value);"
                  "name" : "type",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "participant",
                      "variable" : "p"
                  "target" : [
                      "context" : "participant1",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "type",
                      "variable" : "type"
                  "rule" : [
                      "name" : "codeType",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "p"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "type",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "coding",
                          "variable" : "coding"
                      "rule" : [
                          "name" : "codice",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "p"
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                              "element" : "code",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "p.typeCode"
                          "name" : "system",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "p"
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ParticipationType"
                  "name" : "par",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "participant"
                  "target" : [
                      "context" : "participant1",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "individual",
                      "variable" : "referencepart",
                      "transform" : "create",
                      "parameter" : [
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                      "element" : "reference",
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                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "'https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id"
                  "name" : "functionCode",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "participant",
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                  "source" : [
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                  "target" : [
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                      "variable" : "e33"
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                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "Practitioner"
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                      "name" : "meta",
                      "source" : [
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                          "variable" : "meta"
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                          "source" : [
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                          "target" : [
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "tag",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "Coding"
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                              "source" : [
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "http://algoritmodiscoring"
                              "name" : "code",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "associetedEntity"
                              "target" : [
                                  "context" : "coding",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "ClinicalDocument/participant"
                      "name" : "identifier",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "associetedEntity",
                          "element" : "id",
                          "variable" : "id"
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                          "name" : "root1",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "root",
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                              "context" : "identifier",
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                                  "valueId" : "r"
                                  "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                  "valueString" : "uri"
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                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "extension",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "ext"
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                              "variable" : "a"
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                                  "valueId" : "s"
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                                  "element" : "id",
                                  "variable" : "uuid2",
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                                  "parameter" : [
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "https://example/Practitioner/"
                                      "valueId" : "uuid2"
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                                  "element" : "practitioner",
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "'https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id"
                      "name" : "2.16.840.1.113883.",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "associetedEntity",
                          "element" : "id",
                          "variable" : "id",
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                              "parameter" : [
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                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "associetedEntity",
                          "element" : "id",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "Practitioner?identifier="
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                          "context" : "associetedEntity",
                          "element" : "addr",
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                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                      "source" : [
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                          "variable" : "associatedperson"
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                          "name" : "name",
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                              "variable" : "vvv",
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                          "source" : [
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                              "element" : "birthTime",
                              "variable" : "birthTime"
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                              "name" : "birthTimelegal",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "birthTime",
                                  "element" : "value",
                                  "variable" : "date"
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                                  "context" : "practitioner",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "birthDate",
                                  "transform" : "truncate",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueId" : "date"
                                      "valueInteger" : 10
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                                  "context" : "scopingOrganization"
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                                      "valueString" : "Coding"
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                                  "name" : "system",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "scopingOrganization"
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                                  "name" : "code",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "scopingOrganization"
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                                      "context" : "coding",
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueId" : "r"
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                                      "valueString" : "uri"
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueId" : "ext"
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                                  "name" : "UUID",
                                  "source" : [
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                                  "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
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                                      "variable" : "uuid3",
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                                          "valueId" : "uuid3"
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                                      "element" : "reference",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id"
                          "name" : "name",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "scopingOrganization",
                              "element" : "name",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "v.other"
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                          "source" : [
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
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                          "source" : [
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                              "element" : "addr",
                              "variable" : "vvv"
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
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                              "transform" : "create"
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                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "scopingOrganization",
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "entry",
                              "variable" : "e35"
                              "context" : "e35",
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                                  "variable" : "identifier"
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                                  "source" : [
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                                          "source" : [
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                          "source" : [
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                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueString" : "ClinicalDocument/participant/scopingOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf"
                                  "name" : "root1",
                                  "source" : [
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                                          "valueString" : "uri"
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                                  "source" : [
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                                      "source" : [
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                  "source" : [
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                                  "source" : [
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                                      "source" : [
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "id",
                                          "variable" : "uuid4",
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                          "element" : "partOf",
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                                          "element" : "reference",
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                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id"
                              "name" : "code",
                              "source" : [
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "type",
                                  "variable" : "vvv",
                                  "transform" : "create"
                              "name" : "statusCode",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "OrgPartOf",
                                  "element" : "statusCode",
                                  "variable" : "status",
                                  "condition" : "(value = 'active')"
                              "target" : [
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "active",
                                  "transform" : "create",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "boolean"
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                                      "valueBoolean" : true
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                                  "context" : "OrgPartOf",
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                                      "valueString" : "Organization"
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                  "name" : "identifier",
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                                          "name" : "UUID",
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                                              "variable" : "uuid5",
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                                              "element" : "partOf",
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                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id"
                                  "name" : "name",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "wholeOrgan",
                                      "element" : "name",
                                      "variable" : "v"
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "v.other"
                                  "name" : "telecom",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "wholeOrgan",
                                      "element" : "telecom",
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                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "telecom",
                                      "variable" : "vvv",
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                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "wholeOrgan",
                                      "element" : "addr",
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                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "address",
                                      "variable" : "vvv",
                                      "transform" : "create"
          "documentation" : "PARTICIPANT"
          "name" : "participant",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "participant",
              "variable" : "participant",
              "condition" : "(typeCode = 'IND')"
          "rule" : [
              "name" : "Participant2",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "participant",
                  "element" : "associatedEntity",
                  "variable" : "associetedEntity",
                  "condition" : "(classCode = 'PROV')"
              "target" : [
                  "context" : "bundle",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "entry",
                  "variable" : "e313"
                  "context" : "e313",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "request",
                  "variable" : "request",
                  "transform" : "create",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "BackboneElement"
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                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                  "transform" : "copy",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "POST"
                  "context" : "e313",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "resource",
                  "variable" : "practitionerRole",
                  "transform" : "create",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "PractitionerRole"
                  "context" : "practitionerRole",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "id",
                  "variable" : "uuid1",
                  "transform" : "uuid"
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                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "fullUrl",
                  "transform" : "append",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "https://example/PractitionerRole/"
                      "valueId" : "uuid1"
                  "context" : "request",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "url",
                  "transform" : "copy",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "PractitionerRole"
                  "context" : "encounter",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "participant",
                  "variable" : "participant2",
                  "transform" : "create",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "BackboneElement"
              "rule" : [
                  "name" : "period",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "participant"
                  "target" : [
                      "context" : "participant2",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "period",
                      "variable" : "period",
                      "transform" : "create",
                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "Period"
                  "rule" : [
                      "name" : "time",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "participant",
                          "element" : "time",
                          "variable" : "time"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "period",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "start",
                          "variable" : "start",
                          "transform" : "create",
                          "parameter" : [
                              "valueString" : "dateTime"
                      "dependent" : [
                          "name" : "TSDateTime",
                          "variable" : [
                  "documentation" : "participant.time as time->participant2.period as period, period.start=(time.value);"
                  "name" : "type",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "participant",
                      "variable" : "p"
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                      "context" : "participant2",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "type",
                      "variable" : "type"
                  "rule" : [
                      "name" : "codeType",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "p"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "type",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "coding",
                          "variable" : "coding"
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                          "name" : "codice",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "p.typeCode"
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                              "context" : "p"
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ParticipationType"
                  "name" : "par",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "participant"
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                      "context" : "participant2",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                      "parameter" : [
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                  "name" : "functionCode",
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                      "element" : "functionCode",
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                      "context" : "associetedEntity"
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                                  "parameter" : [
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                                  "context" : "associetedEntity"
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                                  "context" : "coding",
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "ClinicalDocument/participant"
                      "name" : "identifier",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "associetedEntity",
                          "element" : "id",
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                          "variable" : "identifier"
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                          "name" : "root1",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "root",
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                              "context" : "identifier",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "r"
                                  "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                  "valueString" : "uri"
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                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "extension",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "ext"
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                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                              "variable" : "s"
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                              "context" : "identifier",
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                              "variable" : "a"
                              "context" : "a",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "s"
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                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
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                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "id",
                                  "element" : "extension",
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "id",
                                  "variable" : "uuid2",
                                  "transform" : "evaluate",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "r + '-' + ext"
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "fullUrl",
                                  "transform" : "append",
                                  "parameter" : [
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                                      "valueId" : "uuid2"
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                                  "element" : "practitioner",
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "reference",
                                  "transform" : "evaluate",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "'https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id"
                      "name" : "2.16.840.1.113883.",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "associetedEntity",
                          "element" : "id",
                          "variable" : "id",
                          "condition" : "(root = '2.16.840.1.113883.')"
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                          "source" : [
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                              "element" : "extension",
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "url",
                              "transform" : "append",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "Practitioner?identifier="
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                      "name" : "diverso",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "associetedEntity",
                          "element" : "id",
                          "variable" : "id",
                          "condition" : "(root != '2.16.840.1.113883.')"
                      "rule" : [
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                          "source" : [
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "Practitioner?identifier="
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                      "source" : [
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                          "element" : "addr",
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                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "associetedEntity",
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                              "name" : "birthTimelegal",
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                                          "valueId" : "uuid3"
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %organization.id"
                          "name" : "name",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "v.other"
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
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                              "transform" : "create"
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                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id"
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                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "OrgPartOf",
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                                  "condition" : "(value = 'active')"
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                                  "parameter" : [
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                  "name" : "identifier",
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                                              "element" : "fullUrl",
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                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueString" : "https://example/Organization/"
                                                  "valueId" : "uuid5"
                                              "context" : "organization1",
                                              "contextType" : "variable",
                                              "element" : "partOf",
                                              "variable" : "reference",
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                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueString" : "Reference"
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                                              "contextType" : "variable",
                                              "element" : "reference",
                                              "transform" : "evaluate",
                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id"
                                  "name" : "name",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "wholeOrgan",
                                      "element" : "name",
                                      "variable" : "v"
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                                      "context" : "organization2",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "name",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "v.other"
                                  "name" : "telecom",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "wholeOrgan",
                                      "element" : "telecom",
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                                      "context" : "organization2",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "telecom",
                                      "variable" : "vvv",
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                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "wholeOrgan",
                                      "element" : "addr",
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                                      "context" : "organization2",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "address",
                                      "variable" : "vvv",
                                      "transform" : "create"
              "name" : "WHERE",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "participant",
                  "element" : "associatedEntity",
                  "variable" : "associetedEntity",
                  "condition" : "(classCode = 'NOK') or (classCode = 'ECON') or (classCode = 'CAREGIVER')"
              "rule" : [
                  "name" : "participant3",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "associetedEntity"
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                      "context" : "bundle",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "entry",
                      "variable" : "e3131"
                      "context" : "e3131",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                      "element" : "resource",
                      "variable" : "RelatedPerson",
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                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "RelatedPerson"
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                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "https://example/RelatedPerson/"
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                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "url",
                      "transform" : "copy",
                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "RelatedPerson"
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                      "name" : "link",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "associetedEntity"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "patientResource",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "link",
                          "variable" : "link"
                      "rule" : [
                          "name" : "type",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "associetedEntity"
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                              "element" : "type",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "refer"
                          "name" : "reference",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "associetedEntity"
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                              "context" : "link",
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "reference",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "'https://example/RelatedPerson/' + %RelatedPerson.id"
                          "name" : "id",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "associetedEntity",
                              "element" : "id",
                              "variable" : "vvv"
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                              "context" : "RelatedPerson",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "identifier",
                              "variable" : "vvv",
                              "transform" : "create"
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                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "associetedEntity"
                          "target" : [
                              "context" : "RelatedPerson",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "patient",
                              "variable" : "reference",
                              "transform" : "create",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "Reference"
                              "context" : "reference",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "reference",
                              "transform" : "evaluate",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "'https://example/Patient/' + %patientResource.id"
                          "name" : "code",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "associetedEntity",
                              "element" : "code",
                              "variable" : "vvv"
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "relationship",
                              "variable" : "vvv",
                              "transform" : "create"
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                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "associetedEntity",
                              "element" : "telecom",
                              "variable" : "vvv"
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                              "context" : "RelatedPerson",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "telecom",
                              "variable" : "vvv",
                              "transform" : "create"
                          "name" : "associatedPerson",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "associetedEntity",
                              "element" : "associatedPerson",
                              "variable" : "associatedperson"
                          "rule" : [
                              "name" : "name",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "associatedperson",
                                  "element" : "name",
                                  "variable" : "vvv"
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                                  "context" : "RelatedPerson",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "name",
                                  "variable" : "vvv",
                                  "transform" : "create"
              "name" : "repOrg",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "participant",
                  "element" : "associatedEntity",
                  "variable" : "associetedentity",
                  "condition" : "(classCode = 'GUAR')"
              "rule" : [
                  "name" : "associetedEntity",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "associetedentity",
                      "element" : "scopingOrganization",
                      "variable" : "representedOrganization"
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                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "entry",
                      "variable" : "e37"
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                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                      "element" : "resource",
                      "variable" : "organization",
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                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "Organization"
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                      "name" : "meta",
                      "source" : [
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                          "variable" : "meta"
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                              "element" : "tag",
                              "variable" : "coding",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "Coding"
                          "rule" : [
                              "name" : "system",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "representedOrganization"
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                                  "element" : "system",
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "http://algoritmodiscoring"
                              "name" : "code",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "representedOrganization"
                                  "name" : "name",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "representedOrganization",
                                      "element" : "name",
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                                      "context" : "organization",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "name",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "v.other"
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                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "representedOrganization",
                                      "element" : "telecom",
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                                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "representedOrganization",
                                      "element" : "addr",
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                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "address",
                                      "variable" : "vvv",
                                      "transform" : "create"
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                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "representedOrganization",
                                      "element" : "asOrganizationPartOf",
                                      "variable" : "OrgPartOf"
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                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "entry",
                                      "variable" : "e9"
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                                      "variable" : "organization1",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "Organization"
                                  "rule" : [
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                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "OrgPartOf"
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                                          "variable" : "meta"
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                                          "source" : [
                                              "context" : "OrgPartOf"
                                          "target" : [
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                                              "contextType" : "variable",
                                              "element" : "tag",
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                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueString" : "Coding"
                                          "rule" : [
                                              "name" : "system",
                                              "source" : [
                                                  "context" : "OrgPartOf"
                                              "target" : [
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                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                                  "element" : "system",
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                                                  "parameter" : [
                                                      "valueString" : "http://algoritmodiscoring"
                                              "name" : "code",
                                              "source" : [
                                                  "context" : "OrgPartOf"
                                              "target" : [
                                                  "context" : "coding",
                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                                  "element" : "code",
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                                                  "parameter" : [
                                                      "valueString" : "ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf"
                                      "name" : "identifier",
                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "OrgPartOf",
                                          "element" : "id",
                                          "variable" : "id"
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "identifier",
                                          "variable" : "identifier"
                                      "rule" : [
                                          "name" : "root1",
                                          "source" : [
                                              "context" : "id",
                                              "element" : "root",
                                              "variable" : "r"
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                                              "context" : "identifier",
                                              "contextType" : "variable",
                                              "element" : "system",
                                              "transform" : "translate",
                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueId" : "r"
                                                  "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                                  "valueString" : "uri"
                                          "name" : "ext",
                                          "source" : [
                                              "context" : "id",
                                              "element" : "extension",
                                              "variable" : "ext"
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                                              "context" : "identifier",
                                              "contextType" : "variable",
                                              "element" : "value",
                                              "transform" : "copy",
                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueId" : "ext"
                                          "rule" : [
                                              "name" : "UUID",
                                              "source" : [
                                                  "context" : "OrgPartOf"
                                              "target" : [
                                                  "context" : "request",
                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                                  "element" : "url",
                                                  "transform" : "append",
                                                  "parameter" : [
                                                      "valueString" : "Organization?identifier="
                                                      "valueId" : "ext"
                                          "name" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                                          "source" : [
                                              "context" : "id",
                                              "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                                              "variable" : "s"
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                                              "context" : "identifier",
                                              "contextType" : "variable",
                                              "element" : "assigner",
                                              "variable" : "a"
                                              "context" : "a",
                                              "contextType" : "variable",
                                              "element" : "display",
                                              "transform" : "copy",
                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueId" : "s"
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                                          "source" : [
                                              "context" : "id",
                                              "element" : "root",
                                              "variable" : "r"
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                                              "name" : "extension",
                                              "source" : [
                                                  "context" : "id",
                                                  "element" : "extension",
                                                  "variable" : "ext"
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                                                  "context" : "organization1",
                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                                  "element" : "id",
                                                  "variable" : "uuid4",
                                                  "transform" : "evaluate",
                                                  "parameter" : [
                                                      "valueString" : "r + '-' + ext"
                                                  "context" : "e9",
                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                                  "element" : "fullUrl",
                                                  "transform" : "append",
                                                  "parameter" : [
                                                      "valueString" : "https://example/Organization/"
                                                      "valueId" : "uuid4"
                                                  "context" : "organization",
                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                                  "element" : "partOf",
                                                  "variable" : "reference",
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                                                  "parameter" : [
                                                      "valueString" : "Reference"
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                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                                  "element" : "reference",
                                                  "transform" : "evaluate",
                                                  "parameter" : [
                                                      "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id"
                                      "name" : "code",
                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "OrgPartOf",
                                          "element" : "code",
                                          "variable" : "vvv"
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                                          "context" : "organization1",
                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "type",
                                          "variable" : "vvv",
                                          "transform" : "create"
                                      "name" : "statusCode",
                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "OrgPartOf",
                                          "element" : "statusCode",
                                          "variable" : "status",
                                          "condition" : "(value = 'active')"
                                      "target" : [
                                          "context" : "organization1",
                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "active",
                                          "transform" : "create",
                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "boolean"
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "active",
                                          "transform" : "copy",
                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "true"
                                      "name" : "wholeOrganization",
                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "OrgPartOf",
                                          "element" : "wholeOrganization",
                                          "variable" : "wholeOrgan"
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                                          "context" : "bundle",
                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "entry",
                                          "variable" : "e10"
                                          "context" : "e10",
                                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                          "source" : [
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                                              "variable" : "meta"
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                                              "source" : [
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                                              "target" : [
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                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                                  "element" : "tag",
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                                                  "parameter" : [
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                                              "rule" : [
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                                                  "source" : [
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                                                  "target" : [
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                                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                                      "element" : "system",
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                                                      "parameter" : [
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                                                  "name" : "code",
                                                  "source" : [
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                                                  "target" : [
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                                                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                                                      "parameter" : [
                                                          "valueString" : "ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization"
                                          "name" : "identifier",
                                          "source" : [
                                              "context" : "wholeOrgan",
                                              "element" : "id",
                                              "variable" : "id"
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                                              "context" : "organization2",
                                              "contextType" : "variable",
                                              "element" : "identifier",
                                              "variable" : "identifier"
                                          "rule" : [
                                              "name" : "root1",
                                              "source" : [
                                                  "context" : "id",
                                                  "element" : "root",
                                                  "variable" : "r"
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                                                  "context" : "identifier",
                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                                  "element" : "system",
                                                  "transform" : "translate",
                                                  "parameter" : [
                                                      "valueId" : "r"
                                                      "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                                      "valueString" : "uri"
                                              "name" : "ext",
                                              "source" : [
                                                  "context" : "id",
                                                  "element" : "extension",
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                                                  "context" : "identifier",
                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                                  "element" : "value",
                                                  "transform" : "copy",
                                                  "parameter" : [
                                                      "valueId" : "ext"
                                              "rule" : [
                                                  "name" : "UUID",
                                                  "source" : [
                                                      "context" : "wholeOrgan"
                                                  "target" : [
                                                      "context" : "request",
                                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                                      "element" : "url",
                                                      "transform" : "append",
                                                      "parameter" : [
                                                          "valueString" : "Organization?identifier="
                                                          "valueId" : "ext"
                                              "name" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                                              "source" : [
                                                  "context" : "id",
                                                  "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                                                  "variable" : "s"
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                                                  "context" : "identifier",
                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                                  "element" : "assigner",
                                                  "variable" : "a"
                                                  "context" : "a",
                                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                                  "element" : "display",
                                                  "transform" : "copy",
                                                  "parameter" : [
                                                      "valueId" : "s"
                                              "name" : "r",
                                              "source" : [
                                                  "context" : "id",
                                                  "element" : "root",
                                                  "variable" : "r"
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                                                  "name" : "extension",
                                                  "source" : [
                                                      "context" : "id",
                                                      "element" : "extension",
                                                      "variable" : "ext"
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                                                      "context" : "organization2",
                                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                                      "element" : "id",
                                                      "variable" : "uuid5",
                                                      "transform" : "evaluate",
                                                      "parameter" : [
                                                          "valueString" : "r + '-' + ext"
                                                      "context" : "e10",
                                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                                      "element" : "fullUrl",
                                                      "transform" : "append",
                                                      "parameter" : [
                                                          "valueString" : "https://example/Organization/"
                                                          "valueId" : "uuid5"
                                                      "context" : "organization1",
                                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                                      "element" : "partOf",
                                                      "variable" : "reference",
                                                      "transform" : "create",
                                                      "parameter" : [
                                                          "valueString" : "Reference"
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                                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                                      "element" : "reference",
                                                      "transform" : "evaluate",
                                                      "parameter" : [
                                                          "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id"
                                          "name" : "name",
                                          "source" : [
                                              "context" : "wholeOrgan",
                                              "element" : "name",
                                              "variable" : "v"
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                                              "context" : "organization2",
                                              "contextType" : "variable",
                                              "element" : "name",
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                                              "parameter" : [
                                                  "valueString" : "v.other"
                                          "name" : "telecom",
                                          "source" : [
                                              "context" : "wholeOrgan",
                                              "element" : "telecom",
                                              "variable" : "vvv"
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                                              "context" : "organization2",
                                              "contextType" : "variable",
                                              "element" : "telecom",
                                              "variable" : "vvv",
                                              "transform" : "create"
                                          "name" : "addr",
                                          "source" : [
                                              "context" : "wholeOrgan",
                                              "element" : "addr",
                                              "variable" : "vvv"
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                                              "context" : "organization2",
                                              "contextType" : "variable",
                                              "element" : "address",
                                              "variable" : "vvv",
                                              "transform" : "create"
          "name" : "encounterExist",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "condition" : "src.componentOf.exists().not()"
          "target" : [
              "context" : "tgt",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "encounter",
              "variable" : "reference",
              "transform" : "create",
              "parameter" : [
                  "valueString" : "Reference"
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              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "reference",
              "transform" : "evaluate",
              "parameter" : [
                  "valueString" : "'https://example/Encounter/' + %encounter.id"
          "dependent" : [
              "name" : "ClinicalDocumentEncounter",
              "variable" : [
          "name" : "encompassingEncounter",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "componentOf",
              "variable" : "comp"
          "rule" : [
              "name" : "enc",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "comp",
                  "condition" : "comp.encompassingEncounter.exists().not()"
              "target" : [
                  "context" : "tgt",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "encounter",
                  "variable" : "reference",
                  "transform" : "create",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "Reference"
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                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "reference",
                  "transform" : "evaluate",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "'https://example/Encounter/' + %encounter.id"
              "dependent" : [
                  "name" : "ClinicalDocumentEncounter",
                  "variable" : [
              "name" : "encompassingEncounter",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "comp",
                  "element" : "encompassingEncounter",
                  "variable" : "srcEnc"
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                  "context" : "tgt",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "encounter",
                  "variable" : "reference",
                  "transform" : "create",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "Reference"
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                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "reference",
                  "transform" : "evaluate",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "'https://example/Encounter/' + %encounter.id"
              "dependent" : [
                  "name" : "ClinicalDocumentEncounter",
                  "variable" : [
      "name" : "ClinicalDocumentRelatesTo",
      "typeMode" : "none",
      "input" : [
          "name" : "src",
          "type" : "parentDocument",
          "mode" : "source"
          "name" : "tgt",
          "type" : "composition",
          "mode" : "target"
      "rule" : [
          "name" : "id",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "id",
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              "context" : "tgt",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "identifier",
              "variable" : "vvv",
              "transform" : "create"
          "name" : "code",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "code",
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              "context" : "tgt",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "type",
              "variable" : "vvv",
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              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "setId",
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              "context" : "tgt",
              "contextType" : "variable",
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              "variable" : "vvv",
              "transform" : "create"
          "name" : "versionNumberEXT",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
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          "dependent" : [
              "name" : "ChExtEprVersionNumber",
              "variable" : [
      "name" : "EXTbirthplace",
      "typeMode" : "none",
      "input" : [
          "name" : "src",
          "type" : "AD",
          "mode" : "source"
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          "type" : "Extension",
          "mode" : "target"
      "rule" : [
          "name" : "url",
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              "element" : "url",
              "transform" : "copy",
              "parameter" : [
                  "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/patient-birthPlace"
          "name" : "value",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src"
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              "name" : "ADAddress",
              "variable" : [
      "name" : "ClinicalDocumentPatientRole",
      "typeMode" : "none",
      "input" : [
          "name" : "src",
          "type" : "PatientRole",
          "mode" : "source"
          "name" : "tgt",
          "type" : "Patient",
          "mode" : "target"
          "name" : "bundle",
          "type" : "Bundle",
          "mode" : "target"
      "rule" : [
          "name" : "addr",
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          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
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                  "contextType" : "variable",
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              "name" : "gender",
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                  "context" : "patient",
                  "element" : "administrativeGenderCode",
                  "variable" : "gender"
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                  "name" : "gender",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "gender",
                      "element" : "code",
                      "variable" : "v"
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                      "context" : "tgt",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "gender",
                      "transform" : "translate",
                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueId" : "v"
                          "valueString" : "#cm-v3-administrative-gender"
                          "valueString" : "code"
              "name" : "birth",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "patient",
                  "element" : "birthTime",
                  "variable" : "birthTime"
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                  "name" : "birthTimelegal",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "birthTime",
                      "element" : "value",
                      "variable" : "date"
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                      "context" : "tgt",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "birthDate",
                      "transform" : "truncate",
                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueId" : "date"
                          "valueInteger" : 10
              "name" : "deceasedBL",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "patient",
                  "element" : "deceasedInd",
                  "variable" : "deceased",
                  "condition" : "(value = 'false')"
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                  "context" : "tgt",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "deceased",
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                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "boolean"
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                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "deceased",
                  "transform" : "copy",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueBoolean" : false
              "name" : "deceasedInd",
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                  "context" : "patient",
                  "element" : "deceasedInd",
                  "variable" : "deceased",
                  "condition" : "(value = 'true')"
              "rule" : [
                  "name" : "deceasedTime",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "patient",
                      "element" : "deceasedTime",
                      "variable" : "Time"
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                      "context" : "tgt",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "deceased",
                      "variable" : "deceasedTime",
                      "transform" : "create",
                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "dateTime"
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                      "name" : "TSDateTime",
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              "name" : "deceasedBL",
              "source" : [
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                  "element" : "deceasedTime",
                  "variable" : "Timet",
                  "condition" : "Timet.empty()"
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                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueBoolean" : true
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                  "context" : "patient",
                  "element" : "maritalStatusCode",
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                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "maritalStatus",
                  "variable" : "vvv",
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                      "element" : "entry",
                      "variable" : "e"
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                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                      "parameter" : [
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                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                      "parameter" : [
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                      "element" : "resource",
                      "variable" : "relatedPerson",
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                      "parameter" : [
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                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                      "variable" : "uuid1",
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                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "https://example/RelatedPerson/"
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                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "RelatedPerson"
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                          "source" : [
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "date"
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                          "parameter" : [
                              "valueString" : "'https://example/Patient/' + %tgt.id"
                      "name" : "person",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "person"
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                          "variable" : "link"
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                          "name" : "type",
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                              "context" : "link",
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                              "element" : "type",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "refer"
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                              "context" : "link",
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                              "element" : "other",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "'https://example/RelatedPerson/' + %relatedPerson.id"
                          "name" : "addr",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "guardian",
                              "element" : "addr",
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
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                              "transform" : "create"
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                          "source" : [
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "telecom",
                              "variable" : "vvv",
                              "transform" : "create"
                          "name" : "id",
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                              "context" : "guardian",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "v.other"
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                                  "parameter" : [
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                  "element" : "type",
                                  "variable" : "vvv",
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                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "OrgPartOf",
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                                  "variable" : "status",
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "true"
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                  "name" : "asOrganization",
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                                  "source" : [
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                              "parameter" : [
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                                  "parameter" : [
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                                  "valueString" : "uri"
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                                  "parameter" : [
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                          "source" : [
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                              "parameter" : [
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                          "source" : [
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                                      "valueString" : "uri"
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueId" : "ext"
                              "rule" : [
                                  "name" : "UUID",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "wholeORGproveder"
                                  "target" : [
                                      "context" : "request",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "url",
                                      "transform" : "append",
                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "Organization?identifier="
                                          "valueId" : "ext"
                              "name" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "id",
                                  "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                                  "variable" : "s"
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                                  "context" : "identifier",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "assigner",
                                  "variable" : "a"
                                  "context" : "a",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "display",
                                  "transform" : "copy",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueId" : "s"
                              "name" : "r",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "id",
                                  "element" : "root",
                                  "variable" : "r"
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                                  "name" : "extension",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "id",
                                      "element" : "extension",
                                      "variable" : "ext"
                                  "target" : [
                                      "context" : "WholeOrganizationprovider",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "id",
                                      "variable" : "uuid7",
                                      "transform" : "evaluate",
                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "r + '-' + ext"
                                      "context" : "e6",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "fullUrl",
                                      "transform" : "append",
                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "https://example/Organization/"
                                          "valueId" : "uuid7"
                          "name" : "name",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "wholeORGproveder",
                              "element" : "name",
                              "variable" : "v"
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                              "context" : "WholeOrganizationprovider",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "name",
                              "transform" : "evaluate",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "v.other"
                          "name" : "telecom",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "wholeORGproveder",
                              "element" : "telecom",
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                              "context" : "WholeOrganizationprovider",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "telecom",
                              "variable" : "vvv",
                              "transform" : "create"
                          "name" : "addr",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "wholeORGproveder",
                              "element" : "addr",
                              "variable" : "vvv"
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                              "context" : "WholeOrganizationprovider",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "address",
                              "variable" : "vvv",
                              "transform" : "create"
      "name" : "CustodianOrganization",
      "typeMode" : "none",
      "input" : [
          "name" : "src",
          "type" : "CustodianOrganization",
          "mode" : "source"
          "name" : "tgt",
          "type" : "Organization",
          "mode" : "target"
      "rule" : [
          "name" : "name",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "name",
              "variable" : "v"
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              "context" : "tgt",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "name",
              "transform" : "evaluate",
              "parameter" : [
                  "valueString" : "v.other"
          "name" : "telecom",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "telecom",
              "variable" : "vvv"
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              "context" : "tgt",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "telecom",
              "variable" : "vvv",
              "transform" : "create"
          "name" : "addr",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "addr",
              "variable" : "vvv"
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              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "address",
              "variable" : "vvv",
              "transform" : "create"
      "name" : "ClinicalDocumentEncounter",
      "typeMode" : "none",
      "input" : [
          "name" : "src",
          "type" : "EncompassingEncounter",
          "mode" : "source"
          "name" : "bundle",
          "type" : "Bundle",
          "mode" : "target"
          "name" : "encounter",
          "type" : "Encounter",
          "mode" : "target"
          "name" : "patient",
          "type" : "Patient",
          "mode" : "target"
      "rule" : [
          "name" : "id",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "id",
              "variable" : "vvv"
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              "context" : "encounter",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "identifier",
              "variable" : "vvv",
              "transform" : "create"
          "name" : "class",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "code",
              "variable" : "code1"
          "target" : [
              "context" : "encounter",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "class",
              "variable" : "coding",
              "transform" : "create",
              "parameter" : [
                  "valueString" : "Coding"
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              "name" : "code",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "code1",
                  "element" : "code",
                  "variable" : "code"
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                  "context" : "coding",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "code",
                  "transform" : "cast",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueId" : "code"
                      "valueString" : "string"
              "name" : "codeSystem",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "code1",
                  "element" : "codeSystem",
                  "variable" : "system"
              "target" : [
                  "context" : "coding",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "system",
                  "transform" : "translate",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueId" : "system"
                      "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                      "valueString" : "uri"
              "name" : "displayName",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "code1",
                  "element" : "displayName",
                  "variable" : "display"
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                  "context" : "coding",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "display",
                  "transform" : "cast",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueId" : "display"
                      "valueString" : "string"
          "name" : "NonCodeclass",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "condition" : "src.code.exists().not()"
          "target" : [
              "context" : "encounter",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "class",
              "variable" : "coding",
              "transform" : "create",
              "parameter" : [
                  "valueString" : "Coding"
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              "name" : "code",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "src"
              "target" : [
                  "context" : "coding",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "code",
                  "transform" : "copy",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "AMB"
              "name" : "codeS",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "src"
              "target" : [
                  "context" : "coding",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "system",
                  "transform" : "copy",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActCode"
              "name" : "display",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "src"
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                  "context" : "coding",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "display",
                  "transform" : "copy",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "ambulatory"
          "name" : "reference",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src"
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              "context" : "encounter",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "subject",
              "variable" : "reference",
              "transform" : "create",
              "parameter" : [
                  "valueString" : "Reference"
              "context" : "reference",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "reference",
              "transform" : "evaluate",
              "parameter" : [
                  "valueString" : "'https://example/Patient/' + %patient.id"
          "name" : "status",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src"
          "target" : [
              "context" : "encounter",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "status",
              "transform" : "copy",
              "parameter" : [
                  "valueString" : "finished"
          "name" : "where",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "condition" : "effectiveTime.low.exists() or effectiveTime.high.exists()"
          "rule" : [
              "name" : "effectiveTime",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "src",
                  "element" : "effectiveTime",
                  "variable" : "eff"
              "target" : [
                  "context" : "encounter",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "period",
                  "variable" : "period",
                  "transform" : "create",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "Period"
              "dependent" : [
                  "name" : "IVLTSPeriod",
                  "variable" : [
          "documentation" : "effectiveTime=period"
          "name" : "where",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "condition" : "effectiveTime.low.exists().not() or effectiveTime.high.exists().not()"
          "rule" : [
              "name" : "efft",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "src",
                  "element" : "effectiveTime",
                  "variable" : "effectivetime1"
              "target" : [
                  "context" : "encounter",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "period",
                  "variable" : "period",
                  "transform" : "create",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "Period"
              "rule" : [
                  "name" : "val",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "effectivetime1"
                  "target" : [
                      "context" : "period",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "start",
                      "variable" : "start",
                      "transform" : "create",
                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "dateTime"
                  "dependent" : [
                      "name" : "TSDateTime",
                      "variable" : [
          "documentation" : "effectiveTime = time-stamp"
          "name" : "discharge",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "dischargeDispositionCode",
              "variable" : "dischargeDispositionCode"
          "rule" : [
              "name" : "disposition",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "dischargeDispositionCode"
              "target" : [
                  "context" : "encounter",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "hospitalization",
                  "variable" : "hospitalization"
              "rule" : [
                  "name" : "disDisp",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "dischargeDispositionCode"
                  "target" : [
                      "context" : "hospitalization",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "dischargeDisposition"
          "documentation" : "src.effectiveTime as effectivetime1 -> encounter.period as period, period.start=(effectivetime1.value);"
          "name" : "particpant",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "responsibleParty",
              "variable" : "responsibleParty"
          "target" : [
              "context" : "encounter",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "participant",
              "variable" : "participant"
          "rule" : [
              "name" : "entity",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "responsibleParty",
                  "element" : "assignedEntity",
                  "variable" : "entity"
              "target" : [
                  "context" : "bundle",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "entry",
                  "variable" : "e"
                  "context" : "e",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "request",
                  "variable" : "request",
                  "transform" : "create",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "BackboneElement"
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                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "method",
                  "transform" : "copy",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "POST"
                  "context" : "e",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "resource",
                  "variable" : "practitionerRole",
                  "transform" : "create",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "PractitionerRole"
                  "context" : "practitionerRole",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "id",
                  "variable" : "uuid1",
                  "transform" : "uuid"
                  "context" : "e",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "fullUrl",
                  "transform" : "append",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "https://example/PractitionerRole/"
                      "valueId" : "uuid1"
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                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "url",
                  "transform" : "copy",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "PractitionerRole"
                  "context" : "participant",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "individual",
                  "variable" : "reference",
                  "transform" : "create",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "Reference"
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                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "reference",
                  "transform" : "evaluate",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "'https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id"
              "rule" : [
                  "name" : "code",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "entity",
                      "element" : "code",
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                      "context" : "practitionerRole",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "code",
                      "variable" : "vvv",
                      "transform" : "create"
                  "name" : "practitioner",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "entity"
                  "target" : [
                      "context" : "bundle",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "entry",
                      "variable" : "e1"
                      "context" : "e1",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "request",
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                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "BackboneElement"
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                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "method",
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                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "PUT"
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                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "resource",
                      "variable" : "practitioner",
                      "transform" : "create",
                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "Practitioner"
                  "rule" : [
                      "name" : "meta",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "entity"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "practitioner",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "meta",
                          "variable" : "meta"
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                          "name" : "coding",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "entity"
                          "target" : [
                              "context" : "meta",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "tag",
                              "variable" : "coding",
                              "transform" : "create",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "Coding"
                          "rule" : [
                              "name" : "system",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "entity"
                              "target" : [
                                  "context" : "coding",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "system",
                                  "transform" : "copy",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "http://algoritmodiscoring"
                              "name" : "code",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "entity"
                              "target" : [
                                  "context" : "coding",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "code",
                                  "transform" : "copy",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/responsibleParty"
                      "name" : "identifier",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "entity",
                          "element" : "id",
                          "variable" : "id"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "practitioner",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "identifier",
                          "variable" : "identifier"
                      "rule" : [
                          "name" : "root1",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "root",
                              "variable" : "r"
                          "target" : [
                              "context" : "identifier",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "system",
                              "transform" : "translate",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "r"
                                  "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                  "valueString" : "uri"
                          "name" : "extension",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "extension",
                              "variable" : "ext"
                          "target" : [
                              "context" : "identifier",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "value",
                              "transform" : "copy",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "ext"
                          "name" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                              "variable" : "s"
                          "target" : [
                              "context" : "identifier",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "assigner",
                              "variable" : "a"
                              "context" : "a",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "display",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "s"
                          "name" : "r",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "root",
                              "variable" : "r"
                          "rule" : [
                              "name" : "extension",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "id",
                                  "element" : "extension",
                                  "variable" : "ext"
                              "target" : [
                                  "context" : "practitioner",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "id",
                                  "variable" : "uuid2",
                                  "transform" : "evaluate",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "r + '-' + ext"
                                  "context" : "e1",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "fullUrl",
                                  "transform" : "append",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "https://example/Practitioner/"
                                      "valueId" : "uuid2"
                                  "context" : "practitionerRole",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "practitioner",
                                  "variable" : "reference",
                                  "transform" : "create",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "Reference"
                                  "context" : "reference",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "reference",
                                  "transform" : "evaluate",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "'https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id"
                      "name" : "2.16.840.1.113883.",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "entity",
                          "element" : "id",
                          "variable" : "id",
                          "condition" : "(root = '2.16.840.1.113883.')"
                      "rule" : [
                          "name" : "UUID",
                          "source" : [
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "Practitioner?identifier="
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                      "name" : "diverso",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "entity",
                          "element" : "id",
                          "variable" : "id",
                          "condition" : "(root != '2.16.840.1.113883.')"
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                          "name" : "UUID",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "Practitioner?identifier="
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                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "entity",
                          "element" : "addr",
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                          "context" : "entity",
                          "element" : "telecom",
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                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                          "variable" : "vvv",
                          "transform" : "create"
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                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "entity",
                          "element" : "assignedPerson",
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                          "name" : "name",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "person",
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                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "person",
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                              "variable" : "birthTime"
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                              "name" : "birthTimeENC",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "birthTime",
                                  "element" : "value",
                                  "variable" : "date"
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                                  "context" : "practitioner",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "birthDate",
                                  "transform" : "truncate",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueId" : "date"
                                      "valueInteger" : 10
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                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "entity",
                      "element" : "representedOrganization",
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                          "valueString" : "Organization"
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "Coding"
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                              "name" : "system",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "raporg"
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                                  "parameter" : [
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                                  "context" : "raporg"
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                                  "context" : "coding",
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                                  "transform" : "copy",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/responsibleParty/representedOrganization"
                      "name" : "identifier",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "raporg",
                          "element" : "id",
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                          "variable" : "identifier"
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                          "name" : "root1",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "root",
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                              "context" : "identifier",
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                              "transform" : "translate",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "r"
                                  "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                  "valueString" : "uri"
                          "name" : "ext",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "ext"
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                              "name" : "UUID",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "raporg"
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "url",
                                  "transform" : "append",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "Organization?identifier="
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                          "name" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
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                              "context" : "identifier",
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                              "element" : "assigner",
                              "variable" : "a"
                              "context" : "a",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "s"
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                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "root",
                              "variable" : "r"
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                              "name" : "extension",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "id",
                                  "element" : "extension",
                                  "variable" : "ext"
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                                  "context" : "rapresentedorganization",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "id",
                                  "variable" : "uuid3",
                                  "transform" : "evaluate",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "r + '-' + ext"
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "fullUrl",
                                  "transform" : "append",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "https://example/Organization/"
                                      "valueId" : "uuid3"
                                  "context" : "practitionerRole",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "organization",
                                  "variable" : "reference",
                                  "transform" : "create",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "Reference"
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "reference",
                                  "transform" : "evaluate",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %rapresentedorganization.id"
                      "documentation" : "raporg.id -> rapresentedorganization.identifier;"
                      "name" : "name",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "raporg",
                          "element" : "name",
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                          "context" : "rapresentedorganization",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "name",
                          "transform" : "evaluate",
                          "parameter" : [
                              "valueString" : "v.other"
                      "name" : "telecom",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "raporg",
                          "element" : "telecom",
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                          "context" : "rapresentedorganization",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "telecom",
                          "variable" : "vvv",
                          "transform" : "create"
                      "name" : "addr",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "raporg",
                          "element" : "addr",
                          "variable" : "vvv"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "rapresentedorganization",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "address",
                          "variable" : "vvv",
                          "transform" : "create"
                      "name" : "OrgPartOf",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "raporg",
                          "element" : "asOrganizationPartOf",
                          "variable" : "OrgPartOf"
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                          "context" : "bundle",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "entry",
                          "variable" : "e3"
                          "context" : "e3",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "resource",
                          "variable" : "organization1",
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                          "parameter" : [
                              "valueString" : "Organization"
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                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "id",
                          "variable" : "uuid4",
                          "transform" : "uuid"
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                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "fullUrl",
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                          "parameter" : [
                              "valueString" : "https://example/Organization/"
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                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "partOf",
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                          "parameter" : [
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                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "reference",
                          "transform" : "evaluate",
                          "parameter" : [
                              "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id"
                      "rule" : [
                          "name" : "meta",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "OrgPartOf"
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "meta",
                              "variable" : "meta"
                          "rule" : [
                              "name" : "coding",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "OrgPartOf"
                              "target" : [
                                  "context" : "meta",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "tag",
                                  "variable" : "coding",
                                  "transform" : "create",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "Coding"
                              "rule" : [
                                  "name" : "system",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "OrgPartOf"
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                                      "context" : "coding",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "system",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "http://algoritmodiscoring"
                                  "name" : "code",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "OrgPartOf"
                                  "target" : [
                                      "context" : "coding",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "code",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/responsibleParty/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf"
                          "documentation" : "OrgPartOf.id -> organization1.identifier;"
                          "name" : "identifier",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "OrgPartOf",
                              "element" : "id",
                              "variable" : "id"
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "identifier",
                              "variable" : "identifier"
                          "rule" : [
                              "name" : "root1",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "id",
                                  "element" : "root",
                                  "variable" : "r"
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                                  "context" : "identifier",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "system",
                                  "transform" : "translate",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueId" : "r"
                                      "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                      "valueString" : "uri"
                              "name" : "ext",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "id",
                                  "element" : "extension",
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueId" : "ext"
                              "rule" : [
                                  "name" : "UUID",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "OrgPartOf"
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                                      "context" : "request",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "url",
                                      "transform" : "append",
                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "Organization?identifier="
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                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "id",
                                  "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "assigner",
                                  "variable" : "a"
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                                      "valueId" : "s"
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                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "id",
                                  "element" : "root",
                                  "variable" : "r"
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                                  "name" : "extension",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "id",
                                      "element" : "extension",
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                                      "context" : "organization1",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "id",
                                      "variable" : "uuid4",
                                      "transform" : "evaluate",
                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "r + '-' + ext"
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                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "fullUrl",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "https://example/Organization/"
                                          "valueId" : "uuid4"
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                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "partOf",
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                                      "contextType" : "variable",
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                                      "transform" : "evaluate",
                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %organization1.id"
                          "name" : "code",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "OrgPartOf",
                              "element" : "code",
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "type",
                              "variable" : "vvv",
                              "transform" : "create"
                          "name" : "statusCode",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "OrgPartOf",
                              "element" : "statusCode",
                              "variable" : "status",
                              "condition" : "(value = 'active')"
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "active",
                              "transform" : "create",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "boolean"
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "active",
                              "transform" : "copy",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueBoolean" : true
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                          "source" : [
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                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "entry",
                              "variable" : "e4"
                              "context" : "e4",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "BackboneElement"
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                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "Organization"
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                              "source" : [
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                                  "contextType" : "variable",
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                                  "variable" : "meta"
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                                  "source" : [
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                                      "context" : "meta",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueString" : "Coding"
                                  "rule" : [
                                      "name" : "system",
                                      "source" : [
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                                      "target" : [
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                                          "element" : "system",
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                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "http://algoritmodiscoring"
                                      "name" : "code",
                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "wholeOrgan"
                                      "target" : [
                                          "context" : "coding",
                                          "contextType" : "variable",
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                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "ClinicalDocument/componentOf/EncompassingEncounter/responsibleParty/representedOrganization/asOrganizationPartOf/wholeOrganization"
                              "documentation" : "wholeOrgan.id -> organization2.identifier;"
                              "name" : "identifier",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "wholeOrgan",
                                  "element" : "id",
                                  "variable" : "id"
                              "target" : [
                                  "context" : "organization2",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "identifier",
                                  "variable" : "identifier"
                              "rule" : [
                                  "name" : "root1",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "id",
                                      "element" : "root",
                                      "variable" : "r"
                                  "target" : [
                                      "context" : "identifier",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "system",
                                      "transform" : "translate",
                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueId" : "r"
                                          "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                          "valueString" : "uri"
                                  "name" : "ext",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "id",
                                      "element" : "extension",
                                      "variable" : "ext"
                                  "target" : [
                                      "context" : "identifier",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "value",
                                      "transform" : "copy",
                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueId" : "ext"
                                  "rule" : [
                                      "name" : "UUID",
                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "wholeOrgan"
                                      "target" : [
                                          "context" : "request",
                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "url",
                                          "transform" : "append",
                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "Organization?identifier="
                                              "valueId" : "ext"
                                  "name" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "id",
                                      "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                                      "variable" : "s"
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                                      "context" : "identifier",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "assigner",
                                      "variable" : "a"
                                      "context" : "a",
                                      "contextType" : "variable",
                                      "element" : "display",
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                                      "parameter" : [
                                          "valueId" : "s"
                                  "name" : "r",
                                  "source" : [
                                      "context" : "id",
                                      "element" : "root",
                                      "variable" : "r"
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                                      "name" : "extension",
                                      "source" : [
                                          "context" : "id",
                                          "element" : "extension",
                                          "variable" : "ext"
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                                          "context" : "organization2",
                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "id",
                                          "variable" : "uuid5",
                                          "transform" : "evaluate",
                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "r + '-' + ext"
                                          "context" : "e4",
                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "fullUrl",
                                          "transform" : "append",
                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "https://example/Organization/"
                                              "valueId" : "uuid5"
                                          "context" : "organization1",
                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "partOf",
                                          "variable" : "reference",
                                          "transform" : "create",
                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "Reference"
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                                          "contextType" : "variable",
                                          "element" : "reference",
                                          "transform" : "evaluate",
                                          "parameter" : [
                                              "valueString" : "'https://example/Organization/' + %organization2.id"
                              "name" : "name",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "wholeOrgan",
                                  "element" : "name",
                                  "variable" : "v"
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                                  "context" : "organization2",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "name",
                                  "transform" : "evaluate",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "v.other"
                              "name" : "telecom",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "wholeOrgan",
                                  "element" : "telecom",
                                  "variable" : "vvv"
                              "target" : [
                                  "context" : "organization2",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "telecom",
                                  "variable" : "vvv",
                                  "transform" : "create"
                              "name" : "addr",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "wholeOrgan",
                                  "element" : "addr",
                                  "variable" : "vvv"
                              "target" : [
                                  "context" : "organization2",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "address",
                                  "variable" : "vvv",
                                  "transform" : "create"
          "name" : "encounterParticipant",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "encounterParticipant",
              "variable" : "participant"
          "rule" : [
              "name" : "Participant",
              "source" : [
                  "context" : "participant",
                  "element" : "assignedEntity",
                  "variable" : "assignedEntity"
              "target" : [
                  "context" : "bundle",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "entry",
                  "variable" : "e313"
                  "context" : "e313",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "request",
                  "variable" : "request",
                  "transform" : "create",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "BackboneElement"
                  "context" : "request",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "method",
                  "transform" : "copy",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "POST"
                  "context" : "e313",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "resource",
                  "variable" : "practitionerRole",
                  "transform" : "create",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "PractitionerRole"
                  "context" : "practitionerRole",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "id",
                  "variable" : "uuid1",
                  "transform" : "uuid"
                  "context" : "e313",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "fullUrl",
                  "transform" : "append",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "https://example/PractitionerRole/"
                      "valueId" : "uuid1"
                  "context" : "request",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "url",
                  "transform" : "copy",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "PractitionerRole"
                  "context" : "encounter",
                  "contextType" : "variable",
                  "element" : "participant",
                  "variable" : "participant1",
                  "transform" : "create",
                  "parameter" : [
                      "valueString" : "BackboneElement"
              "rule" : [
                  "name" : "period",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "participant"
                  "target" : [
                      "context" : "participant1",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "period",
                      "variable" : "period",
                      "transform" : "create",
                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "Period"
                  "rule" : [
                      "name" : "time",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "participant",
                          "element" : "time",
                          "variable" : "time"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "period",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "start",
                          "variable" : "start",
                          "transform" : "create",
                          "parameter" : [
                              "valueString" : "dateTime"
                      "dependent" : [
                          "name" : "TSDateTime",
                          "variable" : [
                  "documentation" : "participant.time as time->participant1.period as period ,period.start=(time.value);"
                  "name" : "type",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "participant",
                      "variable" : "p"
                  "target" : [
                      "context" : "participant1",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "type",
                      "variable" : "type"
                  "rule" : [
                      "name" : "codeType",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "p"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "type",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "coding",
                          "variable" : "coding"
                      "rule" : [
                          "name" : "codice",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "p"
                          "target" : [
                              "context" : "coding",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "code",
                              "transform" : "evaluate",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "p.typeCode"
                          "name" : "system",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "p"
                          "target" : [
                              "context" : "coding",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "system",
                              "transform" : "copy",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ParticipationType"
                  "name" : "par",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "participant"
                  "target" : [
                      "context" : "participant1",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "individual",
                      "variable" : "referencepart",
                      "transform" : "create",
                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "Reference"
                      "context" : "referencepart",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "reference",
                      "transform" : "evaluate",
                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "'https://example/PractitionerRole/' + %practitionerRole.id"
                  "name" : "functionCode",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "participant",
                      "element" : "functionCode",
                      "variable" : "vvv"
                  "target" : [
                      "context" : "practitionerRole",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "code",
                      "variable" : "vvv",
                      "transform" : "create"
                  "name" : "assignedEntity",
                  "source" : [
                      "context" : "assignedEntity"
                  "target" : [
                      "context" : "bundle",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "entry",
                      "variable" : "e33"
                      "context" : "e33",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "request",
                      "variable" : "request",
                      "transform" : "create",
                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "BackboneElement"
                      "context" : "request",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "method",
                      "transform" : "copy",
                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "PUT"
                      "context" : "e33",
                      "contextType" : "variable",
                      "element" : "resource",
                      "variable" : "practitioner",
                      "transform" : "create",
                      "parameter" : [
                          "valueString" : "Practitioner"
                  "rule" : [
                      "name" : "meta",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "assignedEntity"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "practitioner",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "meta",
                          "variable" : "meta"
                      "rule" : [
                          "name" : "coding",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "assignedEntity"
                          "target" : [
                              "context" : "meta",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "tag",
                              "variable" : "coding",
                              "transform" : "create",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "Coding"
                          "rule" : [
                              "name" : "system",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "assignedEntity"
                              "target" : [
                                  "context" : "coding",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "system",
                                  "transform" : "copy",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "http://algoritmodiscoring"
                              "name" : "code",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "assignedEntity"
                              "target" : [
                                  "context" : "coding",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "code",
                                  "transform" : "copy",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "ClinicalDocument/encounterParticipant"
                      "name" : "identifier",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "assignedEntity",
                          "element" : "id",
                          "variable" : "id"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "practitioner",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "identifier",
                          "variable" : "identifier"
                      "rule" : [
                          "name" : "root1",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "root",
                              "variable" : "r"
                          "target" : [
                              "context" : "identifier",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "system",
                              "transform" : "translate",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "r"
                                  "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/special-oid2uri"
                                  "valueString" : "uri"
                          "name" : "extension",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "extension",
                              "variable" : "ext"
                          "target" : [
                              "context" : "identifier",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "value",
                              "transform" : "copy",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "ext"
                          "name" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                              "variable" : "s"
                          "target" : [
                              "context" : "identifier",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "assigner",
                              "variable" : "a"
                              "context" : "a",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "display",
                              "transform" : "copy",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "s"
                          "name" : "r",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "root",
                              "variable" : "r"
                          "rule" : [
                              "name" : "extension",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "id",
                                  "element" : "extension",
                                  "variable" : "ext"
                              "target" : [
                                  "context" : "practitioner",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "id",
                                  "variable" : "uuid2",
                                  "transform" : "evaluate",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "r + '-' + ext"
                                  "context" : "e33",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "fullUrl",
                                  "transform" : "append",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "https://example/Practitioner/"
                                      "valueId" : "uuid2"
                                  "context" : "practitionerRole",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "practitioner",
                                  "variable" : "reference",
                                  "transform" : "create",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "Reference"
                                  "context" : "reference",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "reference",
                                  "transform" : "evaluate",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "'https://example/Practitioner/' + %practitioner.id"
                      "name" : "2.16.840.1.113883.",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "assignedEntity",
                          "element" : "id",
                          "variable" : "id",
                          "condition" : "(root = '2.16.840.1.113883.')"
                      "rule" : [
                          "name" : "UUID",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "extension",
                              "variable" : "ext"
                          "target" : [
                              "context" : "request",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "url",
                              "transform" : "append",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "Practitioner?identifier="
                                  "valueId" : "ext"
                      "name" : "diverso",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "assignedEntity",
                          "element" : "id",
                          "variable" : "id",
                          "condition" : "(root != '2.16.840.1.113883.')"
                      "rule" : [
                          "name" : "UUID",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "extension",
                              "variable" : "ext"
                          "target" : [
                              "context" : "request",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "url",
                              "transform" : "append",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueString" : "Practitioner?identifier="
                                  "valueId" : "ext"
                      "name" : "code",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "assignedEntity",
                          "element" : "code",
                          "variable" : "vvv"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "practitionerRole",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "code",
                          "variable" : "vvv",
                          "transform" : "create"
                      "name" : "addr",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "assignedEntity",
                          "element" : "addr",
                          "variable" : "vvv"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "practitioner",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "address",
                          "variable" : "vvv",
                          "transform" : "create"
                      "name" : "telecom",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "assignedEntity",
                          "element" : "telecom",
                          "variable" : "vvv"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "practitioner",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "telecom",
                          "variable" : "vvv",
                          "transform" : "create"
                      "name" : "name",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "assignedEntity",
                          "element" : "associatedPerson",
                          "variable" : "assignedPerson"
                      "rule" : [
                          "name" : "name",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "assignedPerson",
                              "element" : "name",
                              "variable" : "vvv"
                          "target" : [
                              "context" : "practitioner",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "name",
                              "variable" : "vvv",
                              "transform" : "create"
                          "name" : "birth",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "assignedPerson",
                              "element" : "birthTime",
                              "variable" : "birthTime"
                          "rule" : [
                              "name" : "birthTimelegal",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "birthTime",
                                  "element" : "value",
                                  "variable" : "date"
                              "target" : [
                                  "context" : "practitioner",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "birthDate",
                                  "transform" : "truncate",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueId" : "date"
                                      "valueInteger" : 10
                      "name" : "representedOrganization",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "assignedEntity",
                          "element" : "representedOrganization",
                          "variable" : "representedOrganization"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "bundle",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "entry",
                          "variable" : "e34"
                          "context" : "e34",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "request",
                          "variable" : "request",
                          "transform" : "create",
                          "parameter" : [
                              "valueString" : "BackboneElement"
                          "context" : "request",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "method",
                          "transform" : "copy",
                          "parameter" : [
                              "valueString" : "PUT"
                          "context" : "e34",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "resource",
                          "variable" : "organization",
                          "transform" : "create",
                          "parameter" : [
                              "valueString" : "Organization"
                      "rule" : [
                          "name" : "meta",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "representedOrganization"
                          "target" : [
                              "context" : "organization",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
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                                  "name" : "system",
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                                  "source" : [
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                          "name" : "name",
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                                          "source" : [
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                          "parameter" : [
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                                  "context" : "OrgPartOf",
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                                  "condition" : "(value = 'active')"
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                                  "parameter" : [
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                  "name" : "name",
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                                      "parameter" : [
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          "source" : [
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              "source" : [
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                                  "valueString" : "uri"
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                                  "parameter" : [
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "'https://example/Location/' + %loc.id"
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                                  "valueString" : "v.other"
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                                      "parameter" : [
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                                  "source" : [
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                                              "parameter" : [
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                                  "name" : "code",
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                                                      "parameter" : [
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                                          "name" : "name",
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                                              "transform" : "create"
      "name" : "ClinicalDocumentationOf",
      "typeMode" : "none",
      "input" : [
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                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "Organization?identifier="
                                      "valueId" : "ext"
                          "name" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "assigningAuthorityName",
                              "variable" : "s"
                          "target" : [
                              "context" : "identifier",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "assigner",
                              "variable" : "a"
                              "context" : "a",
                              "contextType" : "variable",
                              "element" : "display",
                              "transform" : "copy",
                              "parameter" : [
                                  "valueId" : "s"
                          "name" : "r",
                          "source" : [
                              "context" : "id",
                              "element" : "root",
                              "variable" : "r"
                          "rule" : [
                              "name" : "extension",
                              "source" : [
                                  "context" : "id",
                                  "element" : "extension",
                                  "variable" : "ext"
                              "target" : [
                                  "context" : "organization3",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "id",
                                  "variable" : "uuid1",
                                  "transform" : "evaluate",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "r + '-' + ext"
                                  "context" : "e",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "fullUrl",
                                  "transform" : "append",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "https://example/Organization/"
                                      "valueId" : "uuid1"
                                  "context" : "organization2",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "partOf",
                                  "variable" : "referenceOrg",
                                  "transform" : "create",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "Reference"
                                  "context" : "referenceOrg",
                                  "contextType" : "variable",
                                  "element" : "reference",
                                  "transform" : "append",
                                  "parameter" : [
                                      "valueString" : "https://example/Organization/"
                                      "valueId" : "uuid1"
                      "name" : "id",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "wholeOrganization",
                          "element" : "id",
                          "variable" : "vvv"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "organization3",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "identifier",
                          "variable" : "vvv",
                          "transform" : "create"
                      "name" : "name",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "wholeOrganization",
                          "element" : "name",
                          "variable" : "vvv"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "organization3",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "name",
                          "variable" : "vvv",
                          "transform" : "create"
                      "name" : "telecom",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "wholeOrganization",
                          "element" : "telecom",
                          "variable" : "vvv"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "organization3",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "telecom",
                          "variable" : "vvv",
                          "transform" : "create"
                      "name" : "addr",
                      "source" : [
                          "context" : "wholeOrganization",
                          "element" : "addr",
                          "variable" : "vvv"
                      "target" : [
                          "context" : "organization3",
                          "contextType" : "variable",
                          "element" : "address",
                          "variable" : "vvv",
                          "transform" : "create"
      "name" : "ChExtEprVersionNumber",
      "typeMode" : "none",
      "input" : [
          "name" : "src",
          "type" : "INT",
          "mode" : "source"
          "name" : "ext",
          "type" : "Extension",
          "mode" : "target"
      "rule" : [
          "name" : "url",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src"
          "target" : [
              "context" : "ext",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "url",
              "transform" : "copy",
              "parameter" : [
                  "valueString" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/composition-clinicaldocument-versionNumber"
          "name" : "value",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "value",
              "variable" : "v"
          "target" : [
              "context" : "ext",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "value",
              "transform" : "cast",
              "parameter" : [
                  "valueId" : "v"
                  "valueString" : "string"
      "name" : "ClinicalDocumentOrganization",
      "typeMode" : "none",
      "input" : [
          "name" : "src",
          "type" : "CustodianOrganization",
          "mode" : "source"
          "name" : "tgt",
          "type" : "Organization",
          "mode" : "target"
      "rule" : [
          "name" : "id",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "id",
              "variable" : "vvv"
          "target" : [
              "context" : "tgt",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "identifier",
              "variable" : "vvv",
              "transform" : "create"
          "name" : "name",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "name",
              "variable" : "v"
          "target" : [
              "context" : "tgt",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "name",
              "transform" : "evaluate",
              "parameter" : [
                  "valueString" : "v.other"
          "name" : "telecom",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "telecom",
              "variable" : "vvv"
          "target" : [
              "context" : "tgt",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "telecom",
              "variable" : "vvv",
              "transform" : "create"
          "name" : "addr",
          "source" : [
              "context" : "src",
              "element" : "addr",
              "variable" : "vvv"
          "target" : [
              "context" : "tgt",
              "contextType" : "variable",
              "element" : "address",
              "variable" : "vvv",
              "transform" : "create"

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.